Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 235: Blocked in the room

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Chapter 235

Wanwan galloped his horses, but returned to the original place but couldn't help but stunned:

Seeing Sister Yao Xueyi, she was talking and laughing with Yang Xu.

She was dressed in black, with long hair and a waist. She looked heroic and gentle, with a touch of tenderness.

Wan Wandun felt jealous:

"Wow, Yangxu! I still want to help you, you actually got up with my sister Qingqing!"


She flashed in front of Yao Xueyi:

"Sister, you say! You are so beautiful, why don't you have a man, why do you want to grab a man with me?"

Yao Xueyi's pretty face stunned slightly:

"Robbing a man with you? I knew Yang Xu first. If you don't have me, you don't know Yang Xu at all."

"I don't believe it! My memory was sealed by Master. It must have been Yang Xu that I met first. Sister, you have such a cold and arrogant personality. Any man is not in the eyes, how can he follow Yang Xu..."

Yao Xueyi smiled immediately.

She looked at Xiang Yangxu like water, and she seemed to be blooming flowers in her beautiful eyes.

"I used to worry that Master didn't agree with me and Yang Xu, so I kept suppressing my feelings. But then I couldn't help but gave myself to him. You know the matter later, Master agreed with us thing."

Yao Xueyi looked at Yang Xu happily.

It seems that he is waiting for a response.

Yang Xu's sweat.


After hiding for thousands of years, Shurachang still appeared.

With his heart crossed, Yang Xu looked at Wanwan and said:

"Xueyi is true, our confirmation is before you. I know you because of Xueyi."

"This is impossible!"

Wan Wan's eyes were filled with tears immediately.

"I'm going to ask Master for a clear answer... No! I want Master to unlock the seal for me!"

Wanwan drove away.

Yao Xueyi stared at Yang Xu fiercely:

"You can't think of a gentler way, just look at the stimulus."

Yang Xu rolled his eyes:

"So what else do you say?"

What Yao Xueyi wanted to say.


Yang Xu hugged her around.

Smell her familiar and strange charming fragrance.

Yang Xu is confused:

"Chick, I'm here to collect debts from you."

Yao Xueyi's pretty face blushed:

"What debt? I don't owe you."

"Hey, don't admit it if you eat dry and wipe clean! You can't run this time!"


Yang Xu embraced Yao Xueyi.

Yao Xueyi, dressed in black, still has the usual cold and glamorous look, and made a whisper, but his head was buried in Yang Xu's arms.

Yang Xu flew away.

Go to the top of Wushan together.

After the clouds are closed and rain breaks.

Yao Xueyi was covered with a quilt, and his skin was like snow, with wet hair falling on Yang Xu's chest, itchy.

"You are...too much tossing..."

Yao Xueyi also gasped slightly.

The result was a smile from Yang Xu:

"Can't you blame me? Who kept asking for it just now?"

"Oh, you hate to die! No wonder Shimei likes you so much!"

Yang Xu's face changed:

"I'm wrong! Nothing happened between me and Wanwan!"

"Huh, how dare you! If you dare to do anything to Master Sister, Master and I can never spare you!"

Yang Xu raised a brow:

"What's the matter with your Master?"

"It's not her business. If she hadn't sealed the memory of her sister for her own man, it wouldn't cause so much trouble for us. By the way, after she returned, she told me that you had a relationship with another woman. ,real or fake?"

"Of course it's fake! I showed it to her on purpose, angry that she came back!"

Yang Xu is a real man.

Of course, it has the basic qualities of open eyes and nonsense.

Yao Xueyi raised her eyebrows, and her beautiful eyes were tender like water. She stared deeply at Yang Xu:

"Yang Xu, in fact, as long as you treat me well, I don't care about the rest. No matter how many women you have, as long as you love me, it's enough... so if you really happen to other women, don't hide me. ? I will forgive you..."

With that, she lay softly in Yang Xu's arms.

In Yang Xu's heart, it was a touch:


Finally, there is a card that follows the routine!

The heroes who open the harem need such a woman!

Yang Xugang wanted to be frank and frank.

A sudden shock:

Not right!

This routine is not in line with the character of Xueyi.

Won't she lie to me?

Are you fighting with me?

"Xueyi, you really don't mind that I have other women? I do what they did with you just now, don't you mind?"

"Think beautiful!"

Yao Xueyi couldn't perform anymore, and the tigress stared at Yang Xu like this:

"You better not have another woman! If I know you have an affair with other women, hum, you are in danger, this little guy is also in danger!"

She grabbed Yang Xu's "handle".


Yang Xu felt cold:

Nima, it was deceiving!

He wanted to be honest with all his thoughts and immediately suffocated him.

Sorry for the snow clothes, I will tell you everything if I have a chance!

Boom Boom.

The door knocked.

Yang Xu frowned:

"Who is this?"

He got up to open the door.

Yao Xueyi's snow-white lotus arm embraced his neck:

"Don't go, I don't want you to leave me, it won't work for a while."

Her beautiful face was flushed with red, let alone tempting.

At this time Yang Xu went to open the door again, and that was a fool.

As soon as the quilt was lifted, the two started a fierce melee.


Was turned red waves.

Yun Yu tumbling.

a long time.

The two battles rested again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The door was knocked again.

And the sound is louder than last time!

"Who is this? Is it Xiong Feng that they are in a hurry to find me?"

Yang Xu secretly said.


The door opened.

Yao Xueyi's face suddenly changed:

"Master! Sister!"

Yang Xu smiled bitterly.


This time was blocked by the teacher and apprentice.

She didn't even put on her pants.

Seeing the sun and moon smelling Ying Ying's face, she entered the room with her blushing Wan Wan.

The redness of Yao Xueyi's complexion:

"When did you come?"

"I knocked on the door just now"

Riyue Wenying's face was cold, her beautiful eyes stared at Yang Xu fiercely:

"You have enough patience to deceive me into bed so quickly!"

Yang Xu said secretly in his heart:

"What's the matter, I didn't deceive you into bed for the first time."

"Give me everything to wear! Immediately!"

She took Wanwan to another room.


Yang Xu and Yao Xue's clothes were well-dressed and appeared in front of them.

Riyue Wenying looked at Yao Xueyi and then Wanwan.

Wan Wan's cheeks could not help but was red again, bowing his head and daring to look at Yang Xu.

next to.

Yang Xu looked at the three girls quietly.

The three apprentices didn't feel much when they met alone.

Standing together at the moment is a completely different style.

The apprentice Yao Xueyi has a cold personality and often dresses up in black.

It feels heroic and arrogant.

The young apprentice Wanwan, with a veil masked, covered her body with a red dress.

The only pair of eyes exposed outside, but as charming as talking.

And it is the easiest to indulge in and to marvel at.

Also count Master Sun Moon and Sakura.

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