Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 237: Five-body cast? you are too polite

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Chapter 237 you are too polite


Sun and Moon smelled the glory of Sakura's fingertips.

Runes flew to Wanwan, and enveloped her all over.

"Master, you have unfastened the seal of your sister!"

Riyue Wenying glared at Yao Xueyi fiercely:

"What if you don't untie it? Do you still want her to misunderstand so much?"

Wait until Wan Wan wakes up and turns around.

All memories are restored.

She understood everything.


I don't know what I saw in my memory, Wan Wan was blushing:

"Brother Yang Xu... I'm sorry... I misunderstood before, you are not mine... mine..."

She didn't dare to look at Yang Xu.

"Everyone, I have to leave."

Yang Xu didn't want to stay here again.

"Yang Xu, seeing your Master telling him to let him come to the Misty Palace, I want to introduce someone to him."

Sun and Moon smelled Ying Ying's face reluctantly, glanced at Wan Wan.

Wan Wan was surprised.

Yao Xueyi looked surprised.

Yang Xu looked speechless:

The world of women is completely incomprehensible!

Flying Eagle City.

"Wow, it's worthy of being one of the four famous cities, and it really is prosperous."

Hao Jian and Xiong Ruolan were amazed when they looked at the rich and prosperous Flying Eagle City.

Yang Xu couldn't help laughing:

"The zongmen grading is about to begin soon. The already prosperous flying eagle city, which gathers the men and women of each zongmen, will of course be more lively."

The teachers and brothers were all interested in looking around.

Yang Xu saw Tie Ao, a faint look.

"Almost forgot. You Tiejiabao is also one of the four famous cities. It should be more prosperous than Flying Eagle City."

Tieao nodded.

"Humph buns, bragging!"

There was a sneering voice next to him, and a pair of ironic eyes stared at Yang Xu.


He deliberately provoked Xiangyang Xu to come over.


Yang Xu didn't move.

This person was rebounded suddenly.


He took three big steps back, which stabilized his body:

"Which line are you from?"

"Hahaha, Brother Wen, you're careless, almost fell to the ground by this earthy bun, and lost more."

A man wearing the same brown brace supported this man.

The playful eyes swept over Yang Xu's shoulders.

Look at the "three" character on Qingyangxu's shoulder:

"Cut, it's just a third-rate school for a long time."

He flicked the dust that did not exist on his shoulder.

A little "two" character embroidery caught everyone's eyes.

"Second Class Sect!"

The disciples of Ling Yunzong were shocked.

A few people in Xiong Feng showed a hint of war in their eyes.

"Okay, we are here to improve our rankings, don't make trouble."

Yang Xudao.

On a restaurant by the road.

A few men and women in luxurious clothes sat by the window and swept over to Yangxu.

It was originally a look waiting for a good show.

But when they heard Yang Xu's "confessions", they couldn't help but stunned:

"Another dare not to do anything."

"Sanliuzongmen is really rubbish."

Only two people looked at Yang Xu curiously.

"This person is not very young, is actually the leader of this group of disciples?"

A young man in gold clothes stared at Yang Xu, curious.

A light-veiled woman beside him:

"This person is not only the leader, but also has a high prestige. He only said a word and quieted the restless people."

The masked woman's curious gaze locked Yang Xu.

Several other people could not help looking at Yang Yangxu:

"This kid looks mediocre, and there is nothing outstanding."

Yang Xu stopped everyone and turned to leave.

"Huh, without even saying anything harsh, will you run away with your tail?"

The disciple of the surname Wen stared provocatively at Yang Xu.

He felt that he had been hit by Yang Xu, lost face, and wanted to find a chance to fight back.

Yang Xu saw through his thoughts at a glance.

He was too lazy to turn around and turned to leave.

"Want to run? I have to get Wentailai's consent to make a head-reduced turtle!"


A fierce punch, slammed into Yang Xu's heart.

A few people who have been paying attention to the restaurant suddenly blinked:


They all looked excited:

"Very good, you can watch the excitement!"

Brush brush!

The eyes of a bunch of people around him all focused on Yang Xu.

"Yang Xu be careful."

Hao Jian has been guarding against sneak attacks from the other side, reminding him first.


Yang Xu is like having eyes behind his back.


His figure flashed.

That Wentai came fistlessly, and felt a sense of loss of gravity.

Two feet staggering, thump!

A dog fell down to eat shit, just in front of Yang Xu.

"Yeah, Brother Wen, we will meet again. You don't need to pay such a big gift to me, all of your bodies are thrown into the ground. I can't stand it."

Yang Xu finished with a grin, and he said:

"There will be everyone in the future."

"What's the point! You are dead!"

Wentai came to fight when she got up.


His leader snorted:

"Don't lose this person if you're in trouble! Get back!"

Seeing Yang Xu concede continuously, no shots were made.

And he is often ugly here.

Wentai came to a halt.

Suddenly, the surroundings cast a contemptuous glance at them.

Wentai came to this group and reluctantly pushed the crowd away.

But in my heart, they all sturdyly hated Yang Xu's group.

"Brother Xu, why don't you beat them up? These bunnies of second-rate martial arts are really owed!"

Hao Jian said angrily.

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"Anyway, it is also a second-class sect. We don't know his details, so don't act rashly for now."

Yang Xu is certainly not afraid of tidying them up.

But he worried that the brothers around him would be implicated.

Turning his head, Yang Xu looked up at the restaurant.

Smiled and turned away.

"He found us?"

On the second floor of the restaurant, these men and women dressed in luxurious clothes were stunned.

The young man in gold sighed:

"I'm afraid he found us long ago."

"Cut, what did you find? A coward, someone bullied him, he didn't dare to let go of it."

Some people disdain.

The light-veiled masked woman has a little more contempt:

"How do you know that he didn't shoot? Do you really think that Wentailai was really unsteady and stumbled?"

Everyone's face could not help changing:

"Is it..."

Everyone understood at once that Yang Xu didn't seem to have shot.

In fact, Wentai has quietly made a big ugly.

"This person is good at forbearance, and he is thoughtful and has a decent shot. He didn't make a big shot, he should be worried about the safety of the fellow teachers and brothers around him."

A light-veiled woman is only a few photos.

He even inferred Yang Xu's thoughts.

The young man in gold next to him couldn't help smiling slightly:

"Sovereign, I think this person is a personal talent, and it is worth drawing in. Should I investigate the details?"

"Mr. laughed. But all talents always think of the proud people. One of the most annoying things is to investigate him without permission."

The gauze woman's eyes flashed slightly:

"What's more, although this person has the ingenuity and means, but it is not excellent. He is probably not qualified to participate in that matter. There is no need to waste time on him. Look for someone else."

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