Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 238: Point Kusano Barbarism!

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Chapter 238: Point the Grass Barbaric Sect!

Yang Xu didn't know that because of his low profile, he almost passed by a great opportunity.

Fortunately, what happened afterwards.

He was not missed.

This is something that I will not mention for the time being.

Let's say that everyone came to the inn.

I saw a bunch of repairmen in front of the counter waiting for a reservation.


Yang Xu used four or two pounds of effort.

All the people standing in front of him suddenly turned upside down, all staring at Chaoyang Xu in glare.

Yang Xu sneered:

"What stare? Stare and dig out your eyes!"

"Are you **** dead, are you? I... bang!"

This person was kicked off by Yang Xu.

Not only the whole inn was dumbfounded.

Even Yang Xu’s brothers and sisters had an incredible look:

"Brother Yang Xu just said that it should be low-key, can't it cause trouble? How can I just..."

"This moment and moment!"

Xiong Feng explained:

"I didn't cause trouble before, because the other party didn't know the foundation. Yang Xu worried that we would be involved, so he was forbearing."

"Ah, I said, Yang Xu was so strong that he didn't clean up the other party. It turned out that he was afraid of harming us."

The teachers and brothers moved for a while.

Xiong Feng smiled and said:

"But it's different now. Don't you forget that the accommodation conditions of different levels of Zongmen are different. Those who booked the same restaurant as us are all third-class Zongmen, and they are enemies. ?"

With that said, Xiong Feng's tall body also rushed forward:

"Don't want to die, don't block your way! We want all the houses!"


Yang Xu took the real silver ticket on the counter.

A few were dissatisfied and just wanted to provoke.

Hao Jian, who had been unable to restrain himself for a long time, crackled and cleared up.

Everyone is honest.

Yang Xu glanced at Hao Jian:

"Don't patronize the fight. Go collect intelligence!"

Hao Jian's eyes lit up:

"Okay! Wrap it in my "bag asking"!"

When I'm about to eat dinner.

Hao Jianxing rushed back:

"It's all clear to you! There are four popular gates in this championship, Huoyun Palace, Haiyun Peak, Moyun Cliff, and Love Valley. Among them, Love Valley is a female disciple, and all are said to be beautiful."

"Oh? After a while I said hello."

Everyone, Chaoyang Xu cast a disdainful look:

"You all have a lotus girl, and you want to get rid of flowers?"

"Did I say I want to go to Love Flower Valley? I'm going to say hello to the seniors of Moyunya, and my sister worships under the gate of Moyunya."

"Moyunya? Let me go! Your sister Yang Xu is a great genius. It is said that Moyunya dare to break the wrist with the sacred moon sacred place. It is inconspicuous on the surface, but the strength in secret is far more than the second largest ancestral palace! Those who can join the Moyun Cliff are definitely talented wizards!"

Super-class martial arts such as Funeral Moon Shrine and Misty Palace have a transcendental status and do not need to participate in so-called grading competitions.

But every year they will send disciples to help out in the given level.

"By the way, I also found the ancestral door of Wentai, called Xianzonglin."

"What a garbage name, like a restaurant that cooks food."

Everyone scorned for a while.

Yang Xu asked:

"What are their goals this time, did you inquire clearly?"

"The goal is to preserve the name of the second-rate sect."

"Oh, rubbish. It seems that I was worried before."

Yang Xu smiled:

"Take them up next time I see them."

"Okay! I will take the lead by then!"

Hao Jian patted his chest.

"There is also news that this time our third-class sect, in addition to us, there is a special sect called the barbaric sect. It is said that the disciples of the barbaric sect are all arrogant and powerful at the same time."

"The most annoying thing is that they have already spoken out and actually want to deal with us Ling Yunzong."

Yang Xu's eyes couldn't help but light up:

"Proactively provoke us? There is such a good thing!"

"This is a good thing?"

The teachers and brothers were speechless for a while.

Yang Xu smiled and said:

"Of course it's a good thing. This is a good opportunity for our Ling Yunzong to be famous. To become a first-class sect, you must not only have strength, but also have a reputation. Otherwise, even if you become a first-class, it is useless to disobey you!"

"Go, check where the barbarians live?"

The gleam in Yang Xu's eyes flashed.

"No need to check," Hao Jian grinned:

"Just staying with us in the same inn, I heard that we robbed all the upstairs, they only named to deal with us."


"Where did everyone die, hurry and serve!"

There was a loud drink downstairs.

Hao Jian glanced down, his eyes suddenly brightened:

"Look, they are barbarians!"

I saw a group of tall, sturdy men with naked upper body downstairs.

Their chests, all depicting dragons and tigers, are all fierce and fierce.

"Huh? Is that a tattoo or a rune on their chest?"

An old voice sounded in Yang Xu's mind:

"That's not a rune, but a long-lost inscription."


"Well, the inscriptions are generally imprinted on the precious funerary items of the royal family, which can draw the strength of the world and protect the funerary items from the harm of grave robbers."

"These stubborn men are tall and imprinted with orc inscriptions on their bodies, which can greatly improve their physical strength. The origin of these people is not simple."

Zhen Lao's voice was dignified.

"It's not easy, just touch it."

The voice did not fall.

Yang Xu jumped down from the second floor, just in front of the barbarians:

"Sorry a few, I have all the food here."


He took out a million or two silver tickets, and stuffed it with the second:

"It's a million or two! Anyone who orders food here counts me. I don't have enough money to find me again. But there is one thing: these barbaric sect's goods can't be given to them by a single hair!"

Everyone in the inn was stunned.

Then brush it.

All eyes gathered to Yangxu:

"I'm going, which prodigal protagonist of the ancestors, took out one million two!

"This is the face of the barbarians!"

"This way of hitting the face is too Nima!"

The whole inn was caught in controversy.

At that time, the people of the barbarians faced blue:

"Brother, what do you mean by targeting us like that? Which sect do you belong to?"

Yang Xu raised a brow and finally asked the key question.

"I am Ling Yunzong! That is the Zongmen you named to clean up!"

Yang Xu's tone rose suddenly.


Ling Yunzong?

This martial art is so magnificent, it is a million dollars!

People all looked at Xiang Yangxu with admiration:

"Ling Yunzong, this little brother, is really domineering!"

"Huh, those people deserve it, it's okay to provoke Ling Yunzong, no wonder people want to beat him!"

In an instant, everyone stood on the side of Ling Yunzong.

The group of brothers and sisters Ling Yunzong, listening to the surrounding discussion, were all excited:

"Brother Yang Xu is so amazing! A silver ticket will let everyone remember!"

Xiong Feng and Hao Jian looked at each other:

"This is god? You haven't seen Yang Xu by other means."

They looked sympathetically at the barbarians:

"Alas, Yang Xu is staring at you, you guys are going to be unlucky..."

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