Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 239: Playing with fire in front of me?

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Chapter 239 Playing with fire in front of me?

A sneer came.

The barbarians were so popular:

"You are Ling Yunzong? It's because you didn't go to the house!"

"Brother, I'll clean up the trash!"

A tall bald head.


He punched Chaoyang Xu with a punch.


He hit the afterimage of Yang Xu.

"There is a species, don't run!"

The bald head shouted in anger.

"Some kind of call me grandpa!"

Yang Xu flashed at the door and smiled.


The crowd laughed suddenly.

Lian Yangxu's brothers and sisters could not help laughing out loud:

"Yang Xu's mouth can be angry."

Yang Xu appeared on the street.

Hook your finger towards the bald head:

"Don't break other people's things in the store. Come out."

The tense shop owner, Chaoyang Xu suddenly cast his gratitude.

"Hey, this little brother Ling Yunzong is very bright."

"In the shop, the inn and the customers suffered the losses."

People have a good impression of Ling Yunzong.

"Pretend! When I make you a dead dog, how can you pretend!"

The bald man made a big stride and rushed to the street.

"Let's fight!"

"Brother, come on! Take away the dead bald head!"

People in the whole inn are almost cheering Yang Xu.

Originally because of the comparison of the sects, the sects gathered, and fights often occurred.

The passers-by have seen it for a long time.

Ke Yangxu got a response from the whole inn.

Even with the restaurant opposite, some people began to pay attention.

"I'm going, why are so many people paying attention? I also have a look!"

"Brother, why is there such a big battle ahead, and which two sect gates are pinched?"

"It is Ling Yunzong! A younger brother of Ling Yunzong is packing up an obscure garbage school."


The passers-by who surrounded them all knew the name of Ling Yunzong.

Everyone in Ling Yunzong showed his joy:

"Brother Yang Xu's plan is really effective."

The crowd was right in the middle.

Yang Xu and the bald big man stood opposite each other.

"Silly man, I have never bullied Ling Yunzong, you have some skills, it is best to use it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will have no chance to use it when I get it."

Yang Xu smiled.

He looked calm and uncomfortable.

The bald big man sneered:

"What effort does it take to deal with you, my two fists are enough!"

He waved two huge fists, a confident look.

"Yes! Brother bald, beat the little chicken! Let him pose!"

The savage sect brothers and sisters stared at Yang Xu with a sneer.

Yang Xu glanced at them, blinking:

"To beat me? Then don't blame me for being polite."


The figure of Yang Xu suddenly disappeared.


The bald-headed man was shocked, his whole body rippling with a violent breath.

"Oh! It turned out to be Soul Spirit Realm!"

"Second Spirit Realm, no wonder this group of people is so arrogant, it turns out that they are so high!"

"I heard that they still intend to compete for the second-class sect."

"Ling Yunzong, like them, is a third-rate school?"

When people are talking.


A loud bang made everyone's eardrums almost crack.

I saw the big bald man, like a human shell.

All of a sudden flew out.


Slammed heavily next to the inn, a person was tied to the horse stone.


The bald man spouted blood without saying a word.

Fainted directly.

Everyone was shocked:

"I'm going! I hit the second-level soul with one punch!"

Almost everyone's eyes are focused on Yang Xu:

"This young man, his strength is so strong?"

Everyone in the barbaric sect also widened their eyes.

Their faces are incredible;

"How is this possible! With the strength of the bald brother, he was even beaten with a punch?"

The crowd was right in the middle.

Yang Xu frankly accepted everyone's surprised gaze and raised his eyebrows with a smile:

"Look, as I said earlier, there are some tricks to use as soon as possible. Once I shoot, you will have no chance."

"Don't bully people too much!"


A strong man in the barbarian sect, with red hair like fire, even his eyes are crimson, blinking in front of Yang Xu.

"I'm here for you this time? Or that sentence, what cards will be used as soon as possible."

Yang Xu smiled.


The red-haired strong man's whole body also broke into the second-level spirit.

The crowd suddenly exclaimed again.

But it is significantly weaker than before.

Yang Xu laughed jokingly.

The red-haired strong man blushed and buzzed!

On his open muscles, inscriptions flashed a dark red brilliance.

I saw the red-haired man with red hair and let it go.

It burned like a flame.


The power of the flames enveloped the red-haired strong man.

Above his double fists, there was a red flame.

"Um, are you playing with fire in front of me?"

Yang Xu looked strange.

This guy, when his own sun fruit does not exist?

Xiong Feng, they all looked at the red-haired man with sympathy:

"Playing fire in front of Yang Xu is just like looking for death."

"Die to me!"

A red flame burst at the feet of the strong red-haired man.

He seemed to pop the boring gun, and rushed to Yang Xu at an alarming speed.

"It's fast!"

"This guy is not at the same level as the previous one!"

"Ling Yunzong's little brother is in danger!"

Everyone exclaimed.

"Dare to provoke my barbarism, I want you to die in the most painful way!"

On the red-haired strong man, the scarlet inscription flashed wildly.

The power of the flames gathered towards his fist.


The red-haired strong man's double fists rolled around the flames, and actually penetrated Yang Xu's body directly.


All the onlookers were shocked:

"It killed people!"

"The barbaric sect is barbaric, and he has pierced his chest!"

"No! Brother Ling Yunzong is not dead yet!"

I saw Yang Xu, who was punched in the chest by a red-haired strong man, and there were clusters of red flames burning in his chest.


In the imagination of the red-haired man, Yang Xu was on fire, but the scene of painful misery did not appear.

He stood there with a straight face, even smiling:

"Is this your trick?"


There was an uproar at the scene:

"Is he all right?"

"How is this possible? His chest was pierced!"

People's faces are full of surprises.

The red-haired brave man was even more shocked:

"This is impossible, my flame..."


The flame inscription on him flashed wildly.

The hot flame gathered his fist.

And just at this time.

He saw Yang Xu faintly smile:

"I thought you were so powerful, I was too disappointed."

Next second.

The red-haired man's eyes suddenly widened:

His flame energy is being absorbed by Yang Xu at a strange speed.

In a blink of an eye, the fist that lingered around the red flame became bare.

Half of the flames are gone.

His red hair, burning like flames, also died in an instant.

In the stunned eyes of everyone.

Yang Xu's mouth corner:

"Tried your flame, then you should try my flame."

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