Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 242: Yang Xu's revenge

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Chapter 242 Yang Xu's Revenge

This remark came out.

Everyone on the second floor couldn't change their face:

This is the rhythm to fight again!

Some people who recognized Yang Xulai could not help but cast anxious eyes on him:

Those who were eating were luxuriously dressed and extraordinary.

At first glance it is not ordinary people.

Will Yang Xu get in trouble?

It seems to be deliberately testing Yang Xu.

The gold-clad man and the masked woman looked at each other and didn't speak.

Yang Xu lifted his eyelids and swept his seat:

"There's no place here? Exactly, I'm not here to find some of your rice bins. Get out and make room for me!"

Saying he waved:

"Primary two has a pot of good wine."

With a step, Yang Xu came to the white silk man.

White silk man, a faint smile:

"I just let you go, didn't you hear?"

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

A few noble sons, all Chaoyang Xu cast a joke on the eyes.

The men in gold and the masked women also looked at Yang Xu.

Yang Xu didn't even change his face:

"I just let you go just now, didn't you hear?"

"Huh? Give shameless things!"

The white silk man's voice was suddenly cold:

"I belong to three people, don't roll, I'll be at your own risk! One, two... bang!

The man directly broke the railing and flew out.


It fell from the second floor and hit the street heavily.

"I'm too lazy to listen to you count."

Yang Xu sat down in the silk man's position.

The whole field fell into the silence of death.

Lian Xingchong came to the second wine, and dare not get up.

Another noble son, glared at Yang Xu.

"Look what, you just let me get out, right? Get out!"

Yang Xu said to the man sitting beside him.

"Why not? You...Boom!"

The person also crashed the railing and flew out.

The dumbfounded Xiao Er next to Yang Xuchao beckoned:

"Bring the wine."

Little WWII tremblingly brought the wine and ran away.

The gold-clad man and the masked woman watched Yang Xu pour a glass of wine with a straight face, and sipped it out.

The two couldn't help but raise their brows:

"Do you know that the two you just flew, one is the youngest son of General Zhenyuan, and the other is the uncle of the prime minister."

The gold-clad man smiled.

The masked woman stared closely at Yang Xu's expression.

But she was quickly disappointed.

On Yang Xu's face, even the slightest change in expression.

What general is the prime minister, in Yang Xu's view, if I don't bird you, you are a hairy!

You know, Yang Xu's soul comes from the modern society of the earth.

He didn't have any idea of ​​feudal royal class.

not to mention.

He also has the "unlimited upgrade system" this big killer.

As long as time is given, even God can kill you.

What a Hou Ye general king, all farts!

The gold-clad man did not know what Yang Xu thought, and asked curiously:

"Aren't you afraid at all?"

Yang Xu smiled:

"In this prosperous area of ​​Flying Eagle City, the wine is pretty good, but it is a pity that it is a little bit worse."

As he flipped his hand, a jade pot appeared.

It is the finest jade in the whole body of green, but it is completely integrated without any trace of carving.

The eyes of the golden man couldn't help blinking:

"Where did you get this thing?"

"Of course it was exchanged from the system space, but can I tell you?"

"Taste my wine, you will love it."

Yang Xu poured him a glass.

Two consecutive questions were ignored by the other party.

Rao is a gold-clad man who prides himself on raising Qi, and he can't help but feel a little angry.

But after looking at the masked woman next to him, he resisted his anger.

Take a drink and drink it:


The golden man's eyes widened:

"Good wine!"

The masked woman's eyes widened in surprise.

This is the first time she has seen such a man in a gold suit.

Yang Xu seemed to have expected it, and poured a glass of wine to the masked woman with a smile.

The masked woman's slim and delicate jade finger points to white, gently lifts the white porcelain wine glass, and the tip of the bright red tongue touches.

Suddenly flashed in the eyes;

"Sure enough wine! Could it be immortal?"

Before the words fell, she frowned again:

"No! This wine does not have the slightest aura, but it has such a mellow and charming taste. I don't know how to make it?"

Yang Xu was speechless and glanced at the two of them:

"Don't you think that you have too many problems? I was seeing the extraordinary temperament of the two, and I wanted to have two drinks with you. I don't want you to be fooled one by one, and you haven't gotten away with interest, alas.

Yang Xu said, throwing the jade pot on the table.

The face of the gold-clad son and the masked woman changed.


Yang Xu stood up, shaped like a Dapeng, and went away.

The man in Jinyi quickly lifted the jade pot, and said secretly that it was dangerous, but fortunately such wine did not spill out.

He poured himself a drink, sipping it out beautifully, and closed his eyes comfortably, his face reminiscent.

"Just a pot of fine wine, so intoxicated."

The masked woman said quietly.

As soon as Yang Xu left, her heart suddenly felt annoyed.

She regretted her gaffe.

It was even more embarrassing to think of my own performance that I had never seen before.

If she hadn't been veiled, she might be able to see all of them on the scene. The master who had always been cold and combed was sometimes embarrassed.

"What the **** is this guy? The body style he just left seems like the body style of the Tianpeng family?"

The masked woman burst into doubts.

Seeing her Emei tightly locked, the golden man's indifferent voice came:

"Still thinking? Don't think about it, this kid is here to make us ugly."


The masked woman was shocked and immediately understood:

"You mean, he's avenging us for watching him lively?"

"I'm afraid that's the case. This kid's 80% thought we thought of him as a monkey play, so we came to tease us and let us be ugly."

The man in Jinyi pours himself a glass of wine left by Yang Xu, drinking intoxicated:

"This is probably the boy's warning to us."

"What the **** is Yang Xu! Come on, come and check him!"

The masked woman said coldly.

There is no figure in the void, but there is a rumbling voice:


The masked woman turned around and saw the gold-clad man looking at herself with a smile:

"Sovereign, don't you say that this kind of genius hates others to check them, respect them."

The masked master snorted:

"That's someone else! This guy Yang Xu dared to offend me! Huh, I won't give up if I don't check him out!"

"Haha, this is cool!"

On the way back to the restaurant, Yang Xu's face was almost laughing.

Pretending is not a skill.

But in front of people who often pretend to force, pretend to succeed.

That's interesting.

This is the same as playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong and killing Er Er Guan by knife.

Yang Xu's move has another purpose.

That is temptation.

He had long discovered the prying eyes of men in gold clothes and masked women.

I just don't know if the other party is an enemy or a friend.

This time Yang Xu was determined, the other party should be no malicious.

"Huh? Is anyone following?"

Yang Xu raised a brow.

Zhen Lao You Zai's voice came:

"It's been a long time since I discovered you. Do you want to tease him?"

"Forget it, it must have been sent by the hooded girl. The origin of this girl is not simple. Playing dogs also depends on the owner. Give him a warning..."

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