Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 243: Qualifying start

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Chapter 243

"Yang Xu is dead! Dare to offend me, I want to smash him to pieces!"

"Not only is he dying, his entire family must die! Zhu Jiuzu!"

The two noble sons who were beaten were all twisted and full of anger.

The man in gold and the masked woman looked at each other and couldn't help laughing:

"I advise you to dismiss this idea. The price of moving Yang Xu is probably beyond your imagination."

"What's the price! What's so great about the trash!"

The two men scolded and received two pieces of paper handed to them by the men in gold clothes.

When you see the content above.

Both faces changed:

"Full of people! The strength of the Yang family is so strong?"

"Really? The mysterious man is too terrifying! Even the Minghou Mansion was destroyed by him in one day!"

The faces of the two noble sons, their faces full of anger, turned into fears:

"We provoke him, he will not treat us..."

"Yang Xu is not so bold?"

The gold-clad man's face is solemn

"Isn't Yang Xu so bold? I don't know. But his mysterious master, but a lunatic! Just because the assassinated the Yang family, he even destroyed the entire underworld! And after that, he patted his **** and left. Nothing..."


The lucky feelings of the two sons and daughters were gone, and their faces were scared:

"Two of us, let's first... take a step! Come here! Protect us from leaving!"

The two looked around in fright, and fled in embarrassment.

A smile appeared on the corner of the masked woman's mouth:

"Look you scared them like this."

The Jinyi man sneered:

"It's just two wastes. Follow us all the way. They didn't dismiss them earlier. They've already counted on Chaotang's face."


A third sheet of paper appeared in his hand.

Looking at the content recorded above, his eyes closed:

"The matter of the Ming Family was brought down by General Long, did he also have a friendship with this Yang Xu?"

"It should be. Yang Xu helped Qingzhuo's army to defend the city, and settled the orc chaos, and made a lot of credit."

The masked woman said lightly.


The golden man sighed:

"I can't think of Yang Xu, who has so much friendship, and even General Long knows him. Let's lose to him once, and it would be normal."

The masked woman said quietly:

"I am more worried that General Long will not intend to let him participate in that matter?"

This remark came out.

The face of the man in gold suddenly changed:

"What! If that's true..."

He hesitated for a long time, and sighed again:

"Yang Xu has too many cards and it's completely unintelligible. If he participates, the variables will be big! By the way, why didn't the person you sent to track Yang Xu return?"

The masked woman froze for a moment:

"Yeah, why don't you come back?"



The door opened.

A man with a disgraceful face walked in.

He casually glanced at the two of them:

"People are lost, sorry for the two sons, I will take a step first."

He turned to leave.

"Dare to offend us! Stop!"

The masked woman was about to get furious. The man in gold stopped her and sighed:

"Let him go."

Seeing his men stagger away.

The masked woman was still angry:

"Brothers, these dark guards are so ridiculous. When I saw you, I not only did not salute, but even...

"That's because he was in illusion. Haven't you heard him call us "two sons"?"

The man in golden clothes showed a bitter smile:

"This Yang Xu is totally out of control. If you really let him in, the pot of water would be completely muddy."

The masked woman blinked:

"No! I must see him again and try his details!"

in the room.

Lingshizong's brothers and sisters are drinking.

No one noticed that in Yang Xu's eyes, the blue runes flashed faintly.

But it dissipated in an instant.

【Ding! ! 】

[Illusion inscription failed branding! 】

"It seems that it is not so simple to integrate that illusion inscription into the eyes."

Yang Xu sighed.

But I was full of confidence in an instant:

"It's not urgent anyway, as long as there is a chance, there must be a day of success!"

He picked up a glass of wine and drank it:

"Xiaolan, Ming'er is the qualifier, are you confident?"

"Of course! I will definitely pass!"

Xiong Ruolan's face was full of confidence.

Yang Xu laughed dumbly:

"Of course I know you will pass. I am asking you, can you astonish them as we discussed?"

Xiong Ruolan's pretty face is still bright and confident, and a clean shot has been quite uplifted:

"Rest assured! Brother Xu will never be disappointed!"

The morning sun rises.

The moment the sun came out, the Flying Eagle City became noisy.

Because today is the first day of the official start of the qualifier.

Qualifying arena.

On the huge square, there are dots all over the place.

The scale is extremely grand.

The crowd was crowded and the voice was full.

When Yang Xu came to Lingyunzong's qualifying competition.

I was surprised to find that this ring of onlookers was more than four times the number of other rings.

Yang Xu asked someone to ask.

The other party looked at him in surprise:

"You are Yang Xu! Haha, I finally saw alive! You don't even know why there are so many people here? Not all come to see you!"

"Look at me?"

Yang Xu raised a brow:

"But I am not going to play. It is my sister who is participating in the qualifying tournament."

Yang Xu pointed to Xiu Ruolan who was pretty and blushing.

Brush brush!

A glance of eyes immediately gathered on the girl.

She hasn't been focused on by so many people in her life, and she can't help short of breath, a little nervous.

But when she saw Yang Xu's tender eyes with implied encouragement.

She was so nervous that she swept away.


People around didn't play when Yang Xu heard.

But all showed disappointment:

"Yang Xu doesn't play? Then let's watch a fart, let's go."

Many people shouted away.

In an instant, there were fewer people around here.

However at this time.

Yang Xu said a word:

"The qualifier is such an important thing, the brothers worry that I am not sure, I will give it to the little sister."


All the people who are about to leave have their feet stopped:


"Worry that Yang Xu was not sure, so I gave it to the younger sister?"

"Doesn't it mean that this little sister is more powerful than Yang Xu?"


One after another several times hotter than before.

All condensed on Xiong Ruolan.

It was only discovered that Ling Yunzong, the little sister, had extremely extraordinary temperament.

Obviously looks young, but Qiao Shengsheng's face is filled with confidence.

Facing everyone's gaze, she behaved calmly.

This look immediately interested everyone:

"Ling Yunzong is really extraordinary! It is so strong to come out of a Yangxu, this little sister is actually more powerful than Yangxu!"

"It's not in vain this time, I can't see Yang Xu, it's good to see a younger sister who is stronger than him!"

"Ling Yunzong has received so many geniuses, no wonder it needs to be developed!"

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