Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 244: Pick Star Tower, Flying Eagle Gang

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Chapter 244 Picking Star Tower, Flying Eagle Gang

There was a lot of interest in the discussion.

The lively scene suddenly attracted more and more bystanders.

So, a surprising scene happened:

The ring competition where Ling Yunzong participated was even densely packed with spectators.

The square is far away.

A towering building, named Xingxing Tower.

Picking upstairs at the moment, three men stood.

They all wore silver costumes, and a golden flying eagle was embroidered on the corners and cuffs.

It is the organizer of this grading competition, the Flying Eagle Gang.

The Flying Eagle Gang is the largest force in Flying Eagle City, and has more than half of the resources of Flying Eagle City.

Some other forces also gave Feiying a face.

Even the owner of the flying eagle city must let the flying eagle help the host three points.

The three people who picked the Star Tower were the leaders and leaders of the flying eagle helping the heaven, earth and people.

A celestial leader with blond hair and a sharp face like a golden lion king.

He looked at the most obvious corner of the crowd on the square, frowning:

"What's going on, this is just a qualifying match, how come there are so many people?"

"Yeah, why are there so many people around that ring?"

The head of the ground asked quietly.

He has a sharp chin, slender eyebrows, and a pupil as thin as a pinhole, and looks like a snake.

Only the man who is the leader of the man, looks ordinary, and can't find it when thrown into the heap.

But he was the only one not to doubt, smiling with a smile:

"Those people are attracted to Ling Yunzong. This sect is very interesting."

"Ling Yunzong? Why didn't you remember?"

The head of the heavenly man with blond hair like a mad lion was puzzled.

The head of the Ministry of People laughed:

"Brother Jun, you certainly don't know, that Ling Yunzong is only a third-rate school."

"Huh? The Sanliu School has such a great momentum? Did Ling Yunzong discover something?"

The look of the serpent-like ground chief could not be changed.

"Of course it is impossible! There are only a few people who know the plan this time, and the other sects are kept in the dark."

"It’s good, we have to do the work without discount, which is good for us."

The celestial leader said faintly, "Yes, are Long Qianjun and the county master staring?"

The land chief who looked like a snake answered:

"Everyone is staring! Huh, with their two forces, even a decent person can't take it, even wanting to take a slice of it? Joke!"

And just at this time.

"That is!!"

The three chiefs' faces changed, and they all stared at the square:

"The Son of Burial Moon Holy Land is here! Who is he looking for?"

The face of the head of the people suddenly changed:

"He went to find Yang Xu! Ling Yunzong's Yang Xu!"

"Ling Yunzong again! What is the origin of this sect?"

"Go and find out! This opportunity is rare once in a thousand years, and there will be no more misses, and no slippage is allowed!"

on the square.

Burial Moon Son stepped on the moon runes and came out of the sky.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

And follow his direction.

All the brushes gathered to Ling Yunzong:

"Ling Yunzong again!"

"The Son of Funeral Moon personally came to Ling Yunzong!"

At this time, Xiong Feng had seen the look of Yang Xu.

He laughed inwardly, but still cooperated with Yang Xu and said coldly:

"It's that kid again! Yang Xu, you go and stop him, I Ling Yunzong still have something to do, I have no time to take care of him!"


Everyone around exclaimed:

Actually, even the burial of Yue Shengzi is not in the eyes!

Only sent a Yang Xu, sent the funeral son?


A puppet rune lingered at the foot of Yang Xu.

It turned out to be the same as the burial of the moon son.

"Yang Xu can walk in the air!"

"What a deep soul! Is this breath a puppet?"

People marveled repeatedly.

"Why are you here again?"

Yang Xu stopped Immortal Son, impatiently.

The burial of the Saint Son could not help but snorted:

"Is this your site, why can't I come?"

He stared coldly at Yang Xu:

"Since the last time I said goodbye, I have been in retreat for 30 days, and I have learned something about it. I have improved my strength, and I am greatly improved.

Before the word "Xiao" was exported, Yang Xu interrupted:

"You are not an opponent, go back."

Funeral Saint Son looked cold:

"Dare you say you are not your opponent before you hit it? Where are you confident?"

Yang Xu couldn't help staring:

"To tell you the truth, don't you believe it? You now have the spirit to hold the soul to the fourth level of the soul. I am now at the sixth level of the soul, and you lose to me after the light repair, and you want to fight me?"

"What! It's impossible! But I took the Holy Spirit's elixir reserve to break through again and again, why are you..."

"Are you going or not? I don't have time to chat with you, and I won't leave you in front of so many people, and I'll beat you to find teeth!"

"Whatever you want! Then fight!"

The burial of the moon son did not see the coffin and did not cry.


He was kicked and flew out all of a sudden:

"Fight against you, I still have to watch Xiaolan's game, how can I be verbose with you?"


Everyone in the room took a deep breath and his face changed:

"He actually kicked the son of Funeral Moon?"

"What's that just now, so fast!"

People marveled repeatedly.

The Son of Funeral Moon also changed greatly:

"He's faster and stronger than before! Damn it! Why does this guy always have adventures!"

The strong jealousy in his heart changed his mind.

Originally intended to tell Yang Xu about that.

Now he changed his mind.

The funerary son left in anger.

Yang Xu frowned:

"This guy just kept talking. There should be something to tell me. But when I kicked it, he changed his mind."

What is it?

Yang Xu suddenly thought of the masked woman and the golden man.

Will it be related to them?

"Oh? Did the funerary son go to see Yang Xu? Did the holy land also like Yang Xu?"

The masked woman frowned.

The golden man shook his head:

"Not everyone knows Yang Xu's potential. That's why Bacheng wanted to challenge Yang Xu and was kicked by Yang Xu."

"Come here, stare again, remember, don't disturb Yang Xu, in case he is found, he must not offend him!"

The men led the way.

The masked woman looked towards the square and said quietly:

"Things are getting more and more interesting. It seems that the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang can't help this time."

"Oh, the chance of a once-in-a-thousand-year encounter, but anyone who knows can hold back is strange."

The blond man glanced at a fine mane.


A red Qianji crane broke through the void and flew to Yao Xueyi.

Yao Xueyi's face was full of anxiety. When he saw Qian Jihe, his eyes lit up:

"It's Yang Xu!"


Sun Moon and Ying Wen and Wan Wan suddenly all looked at Yao Xueyi:

"Look what he says!"

Yao Xueyi unfolded a thousand cranes, and Emei wrinkled:

"His mysterious master said, let us not participate, there may be variables!"

"Do not participate? Will they be in danger?"

"Ye, Yang Xu said that Ling Yunzong will not leave any stops after participating in the final match and will leave Feiying City immediately."

Yao Xueyi has a strange look:

"He also said that his mysterious master asked you to respond when the time came, and La Lingyun Zong gave him a hand."

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