Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 245: Feiyu Bloodline!

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Chapter 245 Flying Feather Bloodline!

This remark came out.

Riyue Wenying was originally worried, but calmed down:

"Well, it seems that Master Yang Xu has realized the danger. This is good, as long as he is prepared, no one in the world can hurt him!"

Riyue Wenying has enough confidence in Yang Xu.

Yao Xueyi is also full of confidence in Yang Xu's methods.

Only Wanwan, beautiful face, full of tangled colors.

Originally, after her sealed memory was restored.

At this moment she should be more worried, it should be Yang Xu's mysterious master.

After all, he is Wanwan's favorite.

But for some reason, she was also worried about Yang Xu.

"Did I like the two of them at the same time? Or is it because they feel very similar to me, just like the same person?"

Wan Wan was lost in confusion.

On the ring.

Xiong Ruolan stood upright, waiting for her opponent.

The qualifiers finally started.


The examiner was dressed in black and wearing a mask. No one knew his identity.

He jumped into the ring with a leap, and his whole body began to breathe. Like Xiong Ruolan, he was a Level 5 Soul Master Realm.

"Go ahead."

The examiner said coldly.

The audience around, all eyes condensed on Xiong Ruolan.

Everyone looked forward.


Xiong Ruolan's Soul Master's Level 5 cultivation activities unfolded, and the people around him were slightly amazed.


Xiong Ruolan behind the void, suddenly emerged a white feather.

"Blood Power!"

"Ling Yunzong, this little sister actually has the power of blood!"

"Although cultivation is not as good as Yang Xu, the talent is worse than Yang Xu!"

People marveled repeatedly.

"I shot!"

Xiong Ruolan Jiao drank and brushed.

The void behind him suddenly disappeared.

According to the rules, the qualifiers only need to show a certain potential and combat strength.

It is enough to pass the assessment.

However, Xiong Ruolan shot it and brushed it.

The entire platform suddenly rose, and a white storm circulated around the platform.

The examiner's eyes suddenly narrowed:

"It turned out to be Feiyu bloodline!"

Next second.


In the white flying feather storm, four flying feathers flew like four arrows.

Even more surprising.

There was a blood rune on the flying feather.

The appraisers are decisive, Hulong!

A wall of soil exploded in front of him, blocking four flying feathers.


Feiyu crashed into the soil wall, penetrating four scary holes.

Feiyu kept firing at the examiner.


In a blink of an eye, three consecutive earth walls burst up, blocking the appraisers.


Four horror flying feathers penetrated two earth walls in succession.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Inserted in the last soil wall.

Dust and smoke.

Everyone was shocked:

"What a terrible attack!"

"Little Feiyu, the offensive is so fierce! Feiyu bloodline is really extraordinary!"

Wait for the dust to disperse on the ring.

The appraiser looked at the little girl standing opposite with a lingering fear.

Wiping off the cold sweat on the forehead, the examiner took a deep breath:

"Ling Yunzong, qualifying for qualifying, pass!"


The crowd suddenly boiled:

"Wonderful! To see the legendary Feiyu bloodline, worth the trip!"

"This Xiong Ruolan's potential is not under Yang Xu!"

"Haha, those who can't see Yang Xu go on the field, this time I have to regret it!"

Xiong Ruolan smiled sweetly:

"Pass it! Thank you for your assessment."

Her bright and charming smile made the appraisers irritated.

A little smile to the little girl:

"It's okay, your Feiyu talent is very good, continue to work hard."

Pick Star Tower.

A man with a hoarse voice wrapped in a black robe, looked at Xiong Ruolan's scene faintly.

"This girl is really talented, so small is so powerful."

"Haha, listen to the eagle lord's tone, I really like this girl is not successful? Should I help you to catch her?"

As soon as this remark came out, the three world leaders suddenly changed their faces:

"Bold! Champion, you have to figure out where you are! If you want to surrender to the helper, you have to put away your thoughts!"

The head of the heaven, such as a golden lion, is staring at the champion with a pair of fierce eyes.

The land chief, like a viper, seems to be able to eat people at any time.

Only the leader of the ministry stared at the champion with a smile:

"Hou Ye, I heard that you have a common enemy with Yang Xu. If you want to use us to help you deal with Yang Xu, it would be a big mistake. My Flying Eagle Gang will never be taken for granted. The gunman, I will not allow anyone to be disrespectful!

The voice did not fall, brush.

A sharp beam of light burst out of his fingertips.

The champion Hou is too late to dodge, poof!

His left shoulder was directly penetrated by a blood hole.

It's weird.

The **** beam contained horror temperature, and the blood of the champion Hou was burnt directly.

It's too late to recover!

"Leave you an eternal lesson. Remember, it is okay to surrender, but your mind must be clean, don’t think of using my brothers from the Flying Eagles."

The hoarse voice of the Flying Eagle Lord sounded calm.

But it was this calmness that made the champion feel his power and indifference.

"get out."

Flying Eagle helped the host coldly.

The champion Hou suddenly left like an amnesty.

"Well, it's a Houye anyway. Since the Ming family died due to Yang Xu, this champion Hou is like a dog without a master."

A golden lion-like celestial leader with a scornful face.

The land chief smiled like a venomous snake, silently.

The head of the human ministry smiled and said:

"Don't underestimate the champion, don't look down on his appearance, but he will never be soft. This is a wolf, and it is an ambitious wolf!"

The hoarse voice of the leader of the Flying Eagles echoed in the Star Picking Tower:

"Championship Hou is also a hero, and he has great luck and encounters a lot of adventures. Unfortunately, he met Yang Xu..."


The leader of the Flying Eagle Gang was wrapped in a black robe. A pair of faint eyes looked into the distance:

"As soon as Yang Xu appeared, the champion Hou, the funerary son of the moon, the master of the county, and the people in Jinyi all appeared. Should everyone else come?"


The two world leaders have all changed their faces:

"Help the Lord, listen to what you mean, that Yang Xu is the key?"

"Yangxu is the key?"

The hoarse voice of the leader of the Flying Eagle reveals something strange:

"Oh, why is Yang Xu just the key."


An empty thread suddenly appeared in the void.

At the center of the thread is a black hole.


The figure of the eagle gang leader escaped into the black hole and disappeared.

The three chiefs of the heaven and earth, you look at me, I look at you, all of you are puzzled

"How do you think the lord is strange?"

"Does he know Yang Xu?"

"Just because of the emergence of Yang Xu, the helper even interrupted the retreat that lasted 1981 every year..."


The three men brushed together, looking at the direction of Ling Yunzong's departure.

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