Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 248: Sorry i slipped

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Chapter 248 Sorry, I slipped my hand

"Which opponent is next?"

"It was Long Taomen who drew us!"

Hao Jian's complexion slightly said:

"This Long Taomen disciple is good at water soul, and they are all good at attacking soul like spirits. In addition, they also have a water aid to perform water shadow puppetry and disturb their opponents."

Ling Yunzong looked at Hao Jian in amazement.

"You have done a good job in intelligence, with you!"

Yang Xu exclaimed.

Hao Jian was immediately proud:

"Don't look at who we are, the famous bag inquiries! Can you do it this time, Xu Brother?"

The water attribute attack is powerful, and the opponent also has water shadow puppets confused.

Everyone looked at Yang Xu worriedly.

Yang Xu is confident:

"Relax, guarantee to get the second-class sect easily!"

"The second game, start!"

Ling Yunzong played again.

The audience around this time was more than doubled before.

Many people were attracted by Yang Xu's gimmick of fighting the sect alone.

More and more people are aware of the existence of "Ling Yunzong".

"Yangxu, although you have a powerful swordsmanship, my water shadow puppet is specially deceived by sword repairs. Your swordsmanship can't exert its power."

Opposite, the leader of Long Taomen sneered.

He was actually the assistant.

It seems to be alert to Yang Xu, the voice is not falling, brush pull!

Water shadows floated around the Longtao Gate.

Everyone actually has three more puppets, exactly the same as the body.

Brush brush.

They moved quickly and occupied almost half of the ring.

Soon no one knew, which one was the main body and which was the puppet.

"Yangxu, aren't you good at swordsmanship? You can't find which one is my body even if you're strong. You destroy a puppet, and I condense a puppet! Can you destroy all of us if your swordsmanship is so powerful?"

The leader and his puppets all spoke in unison.

A sarcasm, no secret:

"Pretending is to have strength. Although Yang Xu has talent, you are nothing in front of my Dragon Tao!"


He sneered and ordered.

Brush brush!

A series of water arrows burst into Yang Xu.

Ling Yunzong frowned, and couldn't help when he was about to shoot.




The dense sword energy covered the earth, like a raindrop hitting the Long Taomen.

"Quick sword!"

"There will be such a fast swordsmanship in the world!"

"How did Yang Xu make it?"

All the audience opened their eyes in amazement.

Puff Puff Puff Puff...

In a blink of an eye, all the puppets burst.

Even the body of the Long Taomen disciple suffered a sword wound.

The leader was the most injured. Not only was the puppet wiped out, but also a sword mark with a bone in his chest.

"You said that I couldn't find your body? Is it necessary for me to find your body? It's enough to cut them all."

Yang Xusen smiled:

"Don't want to die, get off the ring."


Team Leader Long Taomen looked ugly.

"Huh? It seems that you want to die?"


A sword flashed.

"Wow wow wow."

The leader of Long Taomen jumped off the ring in a hurry:

"We confess!"


The crowd laughed:

"Having forced to pretend to admit defeat, is it funny?"

"Long Taomen? I think it's a dragon door."

Ling Yunzong's disciples laughed.

Yang Xu was also speechless.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the main task: to be among the best, +5 completion degree!

Current completion degree: 10/100! 】

Afterwards, he encountered multiple sects in a row.

But without exception, all were easily resolved by Yang Xu swordsmanship.

Originally, the audience still looked at the lively mentality.

But with Yang Xu alone defeating more and more schools.

People's faces gradually dignified:

"Why is this Yang Xu so strong? After playing for so long, his sword moves haven't changed at all?"

"Don't he use his sword skills to consume physical strength?"

"Yang Xu is terrifying! If one person resists so many sects, aren't the fellows behind him more powerful?"

"What's more! Yang Xu's little sister Ruolan Fairy, Feiyu's bloodline is also extremely strong, and you can attack and retreat and defend. Once you cooperate with Yang Xu, I am afraid that the combat power will double!"

"Ling Yunzong is too unfathomable! How could such a sect be a third-rate sect? At least it must be a second-class sect."

One morning time.

Ling Yunzong's strong performance spread throughout the square.

Almost all Zongmen knew the existence of Ling Yunzong.

As a result, many Zongmen encountered Ling Yunzong.

When he saw that Yang Xu had drawn his sword, all of them took the initiative to admit defeat and offered 1 point.

So easily, Yang Xu has gained a lot of points.

Not only to keep the quota of the third-class sect.

And there is a tendency to enter the ranks of second-class sect.

"It's still 1 point short, and I'm in the rank of second-class sect."

Yang Xu looked at the standings suspended in mid-air.

The points of each sect above are clear at a glance.

Zongmen rankings are also counted.

At this time, Hao Jianhuan said happily:

"Haha, this opponent is interesting. It was the sect that pretended to be us!"

"What is Yin Guizong's name? No wonder his face smells the same as his dead mother!"

Yang Xu could not help but raise his eyebrow:

"Look at how I repair them."

On the ring.

Everyone's face is a bit ugly.

They regretted provoking Yang Xu.

As soon as Ling Yunzong came to the ring, Yang Xu stared quietly at the opposite side.

The disciples of Yin Guizong all laughed and said:

"Yang Xu, we were offended in the morning. We apologize to you. Do you forgive us?"

Yang Xu Man waved carelessly:

"It's okay, let's be courteous, and I will apologize to you after I hurt you."

The onlookers burst into laughter.

Yin Guizong's face is even more ugly:

"Yangxu, do you want to go too far! We just said a few words, do you want to hurt us?"

Yang Xu looked surprised:

"Huh, there are rules in the qualifiers. If you scold us, we can only scold them back to you?"

"Yeah, why do you scold others, they can only scold you?"

"If you don't open your eyes, you will have to pay for provoking Ling Yunzong!"

Everyone around the audience was rudely scolded.

A voice spread into his ears, Yang Xu looked at Yin Guizong with a smile:

"Look, this person is my temper. When people scold me, I flatten him directly. When I scold me again, I unload him. I also scolded me, sorry, you can go to the local government to report."

With that said, Yang Xu slowly pulled out his sword:

"Not much nonsense. The debts caused by cheap mouths can only be repaid with your pain."

"We surrender! We admit defeat!"

The Yin Gui Sect suddenly called out.

Definitely cut!

Brush brush.

Swords of light came out.

Everyone in the Yin Gui Sect had no fighting spirit, and the attack of Yang Xu was really sudden.

Suddenly all the disciples were chopped up and crying.

covered in wounds.

"We all admit defeat, why do you still cut?"

Yin Guizong that anger.

Yang Xu shrugged indifferently:

"Sorry, my hand slipped."

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