Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 249: First place!

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Chapter 249 First Place!

coax! !

Everyone laughed out loud:

Nima, can't stand it.

Are you a master swordsman?

What the hell!

Yang Xu is so funny!

Laughing laughter spread all over the place.

All the people around the square looked to Ling Yunzong curiously:

"Why is it so busy there?"

"Yeah, I've heard laughter from there just now."

"Look at it in the past."

More and more people are coming to Lingyunzong.

"No, there are too many people in Lingyunzong's ring."

The three chiefs of Tiandi people in Xingxinglou frowned:

"Many eyes are mixed, that thing might be found..."

The king of the sky, like the golden lion king, made the right decision:

"You can't keep Ling Yunzong anymore! Go, use some means to arrange a strong opponent for Ling Yunzong and keep Ling Yunzong down!"

The smiling leader of the original man, who couldn't help but change his face:

"It's unfair to Ling Yunzong, what is required for the grading competition is fairness and fairness, let's do this..."

Sen Han, a land leader with a snake-like look, smiled:

"What is fairness? Can it be eaten? Don't forget what our purpose is. Ling Yunzong is too intrusive and should be gone!"

"Ke Yangxu is Ling Yunzong. Will we anger him if we do this?"

"It's just the fish in the second-rate sect, which is irritated! Go and arrange it!"

The leader of the heaven department is like a mad lion, with a powerful momentum.

"Someone is targeting Ling Yunzong?"

Yang Xu soon felt it.

The opponents facing him are getting stronger.

And there is a trend of increasing consumption.

And the most obvious is.

The direct surrender sect will appear every other game.

No more.

The audience is not a fool, they all realize that something is wrong:

"What's going on? How is Ling Yunzong's opponent getting stronger and stronger?"

"Don't the lottery decide the opponent, how can one be stronger than the other?"

"There must be black box operations! Not fair!"

The crowd watching was unbalanced for Ling Yunzong.

And in Yang Xu, he had to use 30 times to cut it off.

The true energy value consumes more than half, only when the opponent is solved.

All the people who watched Ling Yunzong's game broke out.


"There is shady!"

"Flying Eagle helps the dark box manipulate the game!"

The ravings filled the square.

All other sects were stunned:

"Nima, why is Ling Yunzong so popular?"

"It was unfair to Ling Yunzong, was it really targeted?"

Some Zongmen leaders also felt suspicious:

"Ling Yunzong was targeted, has our Zongmen been targeted?"


This suspicion has swept through many schools.

Especially those who lost several games in a row even shouted.

The sound of protest quickly swept across the square and intensified.

Pick Star Tower.

The leaders of the two worlds are all panicked:

"How could this be? Why do you value Ling Yunzong so much?"

"Isn't it a third-rate sect, which caused such a big fluctuation?"

Only the leader of the Ministry of Humanity said with a blank expression:

"Isn't it a third-rate sect? If so, why are you targeting him?"

He sneered:

"Ling Yunzong is not that simple, even if it was inconspicuous before, under Yang Xu's repeated manipulation, we are not able to move."

The heads of heaven and earth, all looked at the heads of the people:

"You can't let them go on like this, otherwise it will delay the plan of the gang, we all have trouble."

They prayed to the head of the Ministry:

"Do you have a way?"

"Well, what can be done? Immediately admitting the mistake, he said that there was something wrong with the lottery process, and immediately apologized to Ling Yunzong and Yang Xu and offered compensation to maintain the credibility of the Flying Eagle Gang!"

"Okay, just do what you say, and do it quickly."

The head of the Ministry of People laughed:

"I can't go, you have to go, and apologize to Yang Xu together."

The heads of heaven and earth, their faces are a bit ugly:

"Are we going to apologize to him personally? A third-rate sect..."

"Never mind, I won't go anymore, just let them make trouble."

The leader of the Ministry of Human Resources has spread his hands.

Anyway, it was not him who targeted Yang Xu.

The two leaders of the heaven and the earth suddenly changed their looks:

"Good, let's go with you!"

Above the ring.

Yang Xu stood there faintly.

Opposite, Feiying helped the leader of the tribe of the world, bowed and apologized while paying courtesy.

"Okay, since I admitted that I made a mistake and made a compensation, I am not a lingering person in Ling Yunzong. Forgive this mistake for now."

Yang Xu waved his hands generously.

The three leaders just breathed a sigh of relief.

Just listen to Yang Xu's voice suddenly increase:

"However, my Lingyun Zong doesn't care, it doesn't mean that other Zongmen don't care! Since your Flying Eagle Gang is responsible for organizing this grading match, you have to ensure that each Zongmen is treated fairly, and any Zongmen feels unfair. You can find you everywhere, you must give a reasonable solution to the crowd!"

"Yes, that's right!"

"We support Yang Xu!"

Whether it is the audience or other sect, all shouted loudly.

The three chiefs of the world and the people agreed without hesitation.

The head of the heaven and the head of the earth, while apologizing like the grandson, regretted:

"Why is this so hard, I knew that Ling Yunzong's prestige was so high, and I wouldn't risk it if I killed him."

"Fortunately, that thing is not exposed."

They glanced gently at a corner.

Everyone was so busy fighting for fairness that they didn't notice.

Only Yang Xu noticed this detail.

His eyes flashed suddenly:

"Not right!"

The Flying Eagles don't need to target themselves to a third-rate sect.

But I did.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Why do the two chiefs look in that corner?

After the three chiefs made various guarantees, after leaving.

Many Zongmen leaders came to visit Yang Xu and Xiong Feng:

"Long Yunzong, you are too righteous, not only solve your own affairs, but also fight for fairness for all of us! You are this!"

Many ancestors gave thumbs up to Ling Yunzong.

At this time, not only the audience supported Ling Yunzong.

Even many ancestors have become very popular with Ling Yunzong.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the main task: to be among the best, +20 completion degree!

Current completion degree: 60/100! 】

Yang Xu couldn't help being surprised:

Nima, defeated a sect of the same level, only 5 points to complete.

This was just a word for other sects.

Actually gave 20 points to complete!

This deal is worth it!

After the game, Yang Xu met opponents obviously weakened a lot.

Ling Yunzong plundered a lot of points at an alarming rate.

Among them, actually encountered a barbaric sect.

Their master brother was left a shadow by Yang Xu's illusion.

When I saw Yang Xu, I was so terrified that I was afraid to shoot.

As a result, within two moves, Yang Xu took the barbaric sect K. O.

The other party did not dare to have a little temper.

At the end of the last game in the afternoon.

Ling Yunzong ranked first with the highest score.

The second place is Ice Valley.

The third place is Yuqi Zong.

"Three popular sects, together!"

"Tomorrow's first place competition is going to be exciting!"

"Zongmen in the top 50 points, competing for ten places, strong and relative, absolutely wonderful!"

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