Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 250: Masked female invite

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Chapter 250

People are all looking forward to tomorrow's battle for places.

Among the crowd, wherever Yang Xu went, everyone was amazed.

He dealt with everyone.

But the heart said:

"Zhen Lao, check the place I just pointed to you for any strangeness."


Pick Star Tower.

Bang Bang!

The heads of the heaven and the heads of the earth were beaten out.

The eagle gangster, who was wrapped in a black robe all over his body, a pair of fierce eyes filled with cold killing opportunities.

"Help the Lord! We are also worried that the thing will be exposed and delay your plan!"

"Yes, help the Lord to spare his life, it is because we are not doing things well, and almost caused your plan to fail..."

The head of the Ministry of People also helped to intercede:

"To help the master to anger, the two leaders are also to avoid loopholes in the plan, so they came up with this method that is not a way, we..."

The hoarse voice of the eagle lord came coldly:

"Who made you target Yang Xu?"


The three chiefs of the heaven and earth were all stunned.

Don’t you get angry because the plan almost failed?

Is it because we are targeting Yang Xu?

The two world leaders are all surprised.

Only the head of the man seemed to think of something general, his face suddenly changed:


He knelt heavily on the ground:

"The chiefs are angry! I forgot to remind them, and we assure you that we will never fight Yang Xu again!"

Puff, puff!

The two leaders of heaven and earth fell to the ground.

The suffocation in their hearts:

Nima, apologize to Yang Xu during the day.

Now I have to kneel down and ask the Lord for mercy.

Only related to Yang Xu, there is no good thing for us.

Be sure to hide from Yang Xu in the future!

A spiral black hole emerged from the void.

The gang master in black disappeared again.

The hoarse voice echoed in the ears of the three:

"Don't be smart anymore! You can come back if the plan fails, but provoke Yang Xu to attract his attention and there is no chance."

"Against Yang Xu without permission, kill!"

All three chiefs shuddered.

Until the lord's breath completely disappeared.

The heads of the heaven and earth, all look at the heads of the people:

"You first talked to the host, what did you tell us?"

The leader of the Ministry of Humans wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, and he felt terrified:

"Today's business is really something I haven't considered. I don't know if the two of you know how long it took the Flying Eagles to develop to the present?"

"Well, we joined the Flying Eagle Gang for at least a year, and as far as we know, it took only two and a half years for the Flying Eagle Gang to develop to its current scale."

"No. Before you joined, the flying eagle gang had a big trouble, and its strength was reduced to only 10%. It was only after the gang leader appeared that the flying eagle gang quickly developed, and the lord gang was only roughly. However, it always takes a year and a half for the fierce luck! The Flying Eagle Gang has grown to its current size!"

"What! How is this possible!"

The two leaders exclaimed.

This is completely different from the history of the development of the Flying Eagle Gang that they learned.

But the human leader is not like lying at all.

"According to the development speed of the Flying Eagle Gang, it should have quickly developed into several other cities. But not long ago, the gang leader suddenly stopped the development of the gang and quickly slumbered. Do you know who it is?"

"Is it... Yang Xu?"


The leaders of the two worlds swallowed a spit.

The head of the human department is also a bit heavy breathing, condensed:

"Isn't it Yang Xu, I don't know. I only know that the host learned the news that the Yang family destroyed the Song family, and then it was Yang Xu who destroyed the Jun family, and it caused a lot of trouble for Ling Yunzong... In short, Yang Xu, The Lord has been paying attention!"

"We understand! We will treat Yang Xu as a taboo in the future and will never target him again!"

"The people of the Flying Eagle Gang are fooling."

Yang Xu's mind sounded old:

"Flying Eagle Gang has imprinted a mysterious pattern in each corner of the ring, and the effect of this pattern is to collect energy!"

Yang Xu's pupil suddenly flashed:

"Do you mean that the flying eagles help each other to collect their energy in the ring?"

"Yes, and this energy attribute is very special, it is mixed by the energy of different attributes..."

Zhen Lao's voice was solemn:

"As far as I know, this multi-attribute mixed energy generally has two uses, one is to imitate the power of chaos in the legend, but the effect is not very good, and the other use is-sacrifice!"

"Sacrifice? Tianlong Island? Flying Eagle Gang wants to use this energy in Tianlong Island?"


Yang Xu quickly looked in the direction of Tianlong Island.

The reason why Flying Eagle City is a famous city.

In addition to its rich industry, it is also because it is one of the foreign trade seaports of Tianfeng State.

The location of Tianlong Island happens to be in the waters not far from Flying Eagle City.

"What's the secret of Tianlong Island? What is the Flying Eagle Gang plotting? There are also masked women and gold-clad men who seem to be planning..."

For a time, various clues converged in Yang Xu's mind.

His brain worked quickly.

a long time.

Yang Xu sighed:

"The clever woman can't cook without rice. There is still too little information."

He sighed and returned to the inn with the crowd.

Halfway through, his eyes shone slightly.

"Hey Yangxu, where are you going? Let's go drink and celebrate?"

"You drink it first, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

Restaurant on the second floor.

Lean against the railing.

The masked woman sat there alone with a delicate jade pot at hand.

The guests around her occasionally cast surprise and admiration on her.

The masked woman has a beautiful sitting posture, the back with a perfect curve is straight, and the snow-white neck is slightly high, giving a feeling of grace and elegance.

But her cold eyes made all the men who stepped forward discouraged.

"Her origin must be extraordinary, you see that there is no jade pot, the carving technique is very extraordinary!"

"She only drove away many sons with only one look."

"Look, there's another kid touching soft nails."

"I depend! That kid actually sat down...Nima, he also picked up the jade pot... Hey, there is no wine in the jade pot?"

"That kid seems to be Yang Xu? Yes, it must be Yang Xu!"

Brush pull.

Yang Xu only felt a sharp and curious gaze, and gathered all over him.

The masked woman smiled, but there was a sense of distance in her eyes:

"You have a good reputation now, the entire Eagle City knows you."


Masked woman: "..."

"Nothing to say?"

Yang Xu raised an eyebrow.

The masked woman was angry for a while and couldn't help but ridicule:

"I thought you were just talented, but I didn't expect to find you another advantage today: thick skin!"

Yang Xu Sao Sao smiled:

"No, my nickname "Hei Xiao Lang Jun" is not white."


The masked woman was speechless.

This Yang Xu does not follow the routine at all.

It was completely different from the man she had seen before.

"Hey, do you know about Tianlong Island?"

The masked woman went straight.

Who knows, Yang Xubai turned bored and asked the customers around him:

"Who do you call "Hi"? This elder lady wants to ask him questions."


There are customers around who can't help laughing.

The masked woman stared fiercely.

"Yangxu, you don't play tricks on me, I..."

"Don't play tricks on your mouth? You won't let you play on your tongue. My tongue is easy to use, flexible and varied, and high-speed vibration frequency. Do you want to try it?"

"You...you are shameless!"

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