Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 251: Deliberately find fault

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Chapter 251

"Toothless? Haven't tried it, how do you know I don't have teeth?"

"You... nasty!"

The masked woman stood up at the table.

No one has dared to talk to her like that.

She stared at Yang Xu bitterly, just about to speak.

A scene that surprised her even more appeared:

The laughter and irrationality on Yang Xu's face swept away instantly.

As if completely changed personally, coldly said:

"Hurry up, what are you looking for? I'm in a hurry, I don't have time to waste with you."


The masked woman's eyes widened:

God, who is this?

Does he change his face?

How can emotions change so fast?

The masked woman did not realize:

Was so distracted by Yang Xu.

Originally she wanted to get something out of Yang Xu.

It's all upset now.

"It's easy to count, this girl's city is much worse than the gold-clad man."

Yang Xuluo applied a subtotal measure to measure the depth of the masked woman:

This should be a rich lady who has an extraordinary background but has not experienced much intrigue.

Yang Xu likes to deal with such people the most.

Because this kind of person comes with three words:

So fooling!

"I'm not kidding you, I don't know much about Tianlong Island, but you can ask me whatever you want to know."

Yang Xu's misleading claims made the masked woman unbelief instead:

"How good are you?"

Yang Xu smiled:

"Let me offend your compensation. Just kidding you a while ago."

"Humph! No one dared to joke with me."

The masked woman said coldly.

"Then you are really boring."

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows.

"Less nonsense! I ask you, has General Long Qianjun ever approached you?"

Yang Xu's heart moved. Is Tianlong Island related to General Dragon?

But there was nothing on the face, unexpectedly said:

"General Long Qianjun visited me, but did not mention Tianlong Baoyu."

"It's normal, General Dragon should not be a treasure. He didn't tell you the specific situation?"

The masked woman stared at Yang Xu's face, trying to see what was going on.

Yang Xu smiled bitterly:

"I don't even know what General Dragon's plan is."

This is the truth.

The masked woman believed.

"What kind of treasure is Tianlong Island, even you miss it so much?"

"Naturally it's the Tianlong gem, but unfortunately this gem can't be robbed by anyone. There is no luck bodyguard, and it is contaminated with the Tianlong gem, and the result is only death!"

"So am I dangerous?"


The masked woman looked at Yang Xu with a sneer:

"Although you have a fortune-telling body given to you by General Dragon, but you want to move the Tianlong Baoyu, it is indeed not qualified! What's more, there are still many strong people who stare at this gem..."

"When are you going to Tianlong Island?"

Yang Xu asked suddenly.

"Isn't that three days later."

The masked woman said casually.

Then looked at Xiang Yangxu in surprise:

"You don't know the date when Tianlong Baoyu was born? Don't you..."

"Of course I know."

Yang Xu successfully cheated the date, but made a mysterious smile:

"I naturally know that Baoyu will be born three days later, but I am asking when are you planning to go to Tianlong Island? Don't you want to make some preparations in advance?"

The masked woman frowned:

"Then tomorrow?"

"No tomorrow, I have to help Ling Yunzong win the first-class sect."

Yang Xu refused without hesitation.

"Then the day after tomorrow?"

The masked woman asked.

"The day after tomorrow is okay. The day after tomorrow is the day after tomorrow, you are here waiting for me."

Yang Xu smirked.

The masked woman nodded suddenly.



The masked woman's eyes widened:

"When will I go with you? Have we promised to take you?"

Her eyes stared at Yang Xu:

"You guys, you got caught in by accident! I don't want to be with you guys! Go away!"


Yang Xu waved his hand and threw something.

"A bottle of wine?"

The masked woman looked at Xiang Yangxu in surprise.

Yang Xu smiled and said:

"Give it to your companion in gold."

"You're pretty good at slapping, hum."

She took away the wine.

"Zhen Lao, do you know Tianlong Baoyu?"

Zhen Lao said he did not know.

"Alas, if you are not worried about causing this girl to be alert, I really want more information."

Yang Xu smiled bitterly:

"Three days later, Tianlong Baoyu was born? I don't know how many strong men stared. This time, the main task is not easy to complete."

"Sovereign, you met Yang Xu specifically, did you send him a message?"

The man in gold looked at the masked woman and smiled bitterly.

"Yang Xu's guy is too bad! He met me as soon as he met...Just... in short, it was very bad. I was very badly caused by him, and the result was in the middle-he actually said that kind of thing deliberately, thinking Make me irrational? This cunning guy!"

As soon as the golden man reminded, the masked woman also found out.

I was in Yang Xu, and I didn't ask anything useful.

Instead, she was not only caught by Yang Xu on the date when Tianlong Baoyu was born.

It was also taken advantage of by this guy.

"Yang Xu is not easy. Such a young man has such an ambition, so we have to guard against it. Let's try not to be with him."

The man in golden clothes said in a deep voice.

"Oh, he asked me to bring you this."

The masked woman handed him the bottle of wine.

The golden man's eyes lighted up.

Opened the cap and heard three laughs:

"Hahaha, this kid is on the road! Although the lord, Yang Xu is cunning, he has a proven track record and a standard of work. Maybe he can cooperate with him."

The masked master looked at him speechlessly:

Just now I kept saying not to be with him.

Now that they have a bottle of wine, will they work together?

What about your morality?

The man in the gold suit takes for granted:

"You can't drink that gadget."



A thousand-machine crane flew out of the sky.

Yang Xu opened a look:

"Brother Xu, come to Xuanji Restaurant!"

"problem occurs!"

Yang Xuxun came to Xuanji Restaurant.

I saw the doorway full of people.

As soon as Yang Xu appeared, everyone's eyes lit up:

"Yang Xu is here!"

"Let's see how arrogant the Yuqi Sect is now!"


Everyone gave way to Yang Xu.

Looking inside, Ling Yunzong was confronting a group of drunk men.

Yang Xu frowned suddenly:

Not right.

The average cultivator's wine volume is staggering, and few can drink such a gaffe.

"Brother Xu, you're here! Yuqi Zong is too bullying! Brother, they are drinking the wine you gave, they were seen by Yuqi Zong. They insisted that our wine was stolen from them."

Sure enough, it was intentional to find fault!

Yang Xu looked at the Yuqi Sect and said coldly:

"Come sober and come out to speak."

"Speaking of farts! You're the oldest one, thinking that you're lucky to get the first place in the points, you're up? Tell you, you're not good enough!"

A man with slightly curly hair, Yu Jizong sneered at Yang Xu.

Some of the brothers beside him stared at Yang Xu faintly.

In addition to alcohol, they have aura around them.

It seems to be ready to fight at any time.

In this posture, it is said that the other party did not deliberately find faults and did not believe in killing Yang Xu.

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