Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 252: You ungrateful animal

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Chapter 252 Shameless

"Forget it, Grandpa is in a good mood today, I don't care about you."

Since seeing the other party's purpose, Yang Xu is not fooled.

"Everyone is here to relax, there is no need to get rid of it because of a little misunderstanding. Brother Feng, let's go and drink."

The onlookers of Zongmen also nodded:

"Ling Yunzong is generous, obviously provoked by the other party, and he can bear it."

"Ling Yunzong is this!"

Many people thumbs up.

Everyone in the Yuqi Sect had a ugly face.

Especially the provocative curly hair, a gloomy glint flashed through the eyes.

Seeing Yang Xu lead the crowd, he turned to leave.


Yang Xu's footsteps:

"Why, there are other things?"

"Since all are misunderstandings, then apologize."

Yang Xu waved his hand:

"No need to apologize, forgive you."

"Who said I apologized to you, I made you Ling Yunzong, apologize to us!"

"Apologize to you? Are you crazy?"

Hao Jian couldn't help shouting.

The other ancestors on the sidelines also frowned:

Isn't this Yuji Sect too advanced?

This is clearly to find fault!

"Hao Jian, ignore it, let's go."

The more provocative the other party is, the less they can be fooled.

"Stop! Want to go, did I agree?"


The curly man flashed and stopped in front of Yang Xu.

"Yangxu, pack this bastard!"

"Yes, I can't bear this tone!"

Someone in the crowd took the lead in shouting.

Suddenly, everyone started to cry:

"Bash this kid!"

"Yu Zongzong people shamelessly face, too punished!"

Xiong Feng's face was a bit ugly.

The two brothers, Hao Jian and Hao Wu, even showed their will to fight.

"Don't be impulsive."

Yang Xu said in a deep voice.

"Obviously someone is taking the rhythm and trying to force you to shoot, I don't know what conspiracy the other side has."

Zhen Lao's voice came.

The old guy also saw that something was wrong.

"Everyone kindly led me, but I don't want to do it anymore today. There are grudges, and I will resolve them in the ring."

Yang Xu took the crowd and turned to leave.

"You still have the idea to be a tortoise turtle? Then leave this chick!"

The curly hair smiled and grabbed Xiong Ruolan.


The curl flew out suddenly.


He spouted a spit of blood, and the whole person looked weak.

The whole body is breathless.

Was abolished by Yang Xu's punch!


Everyone was surprised:

"Yang Xu suddenly shot!"

"Abolish the opponent as soon as you shoot!"

"Good fight! This kind of debris should be discarded!"

"A shameless thing for the face, it would be cheaper not to kill him!"

The onlookers applauded loudly.

A trace of helplessness appeared on Yang Xu's face, making a wink towards Xiong Feng:

"Pay attention to protecting everyone. Leave the rest to me."

Not beyond Yang Xu's expectations.

As soon as he shot, Yu Zong brushed his weapon.

They stopped Ling Yunzong:

"Yangxu, you are too insidious! Abolition of the disciples of Yuqi Zong as soon as you shoot, you have to give me an explanation!"

The leader of the Yuqi Sect said coldly.

He is a man with a square face.

Seemingly loyal, but a pair of narrow eyes reveals cunning.

"Explain to you? How old are you? Ask for fart!"

Yang Xu's pair of eyes are as sharp as a knife, and they seem to be able to see through people's hearts.

He raised three fingers:

"You have targeted me from the beginning, I have tolerated you three times, but every time you are pressing step by step."

Yang Xu's eyes were cold:

"I don't care what your purpose is, what I hate the most is being calculated! Give you the last chance, all the disciples kneel on the ground and kowtow for mercy! I'm satisfied, I haven't happened before."


Everyone present exclaimed:

"Yangxu is soar!"

"Kneel down and beg for mercy? This is a special attack on the other party's face! Ruthless!"

"Yuqi Zong deserves it! Yang Xu didn't care about them three times, but they pushed their noses on their faces and owed them!"

Everyone in the Yuqi Sect, with a complexion for a while and a purple for a while, is called angry.

Especially that Guozi face leader, eyes spurting fire:

"What kind of things do you deserve to apologize? Don't think that two swordsmanship will be great. In my Yuqizong, Yujian is just the most trashy kung fu!"

"Yu Ji Zong is said to be good at controlling all kinds of swords, and can exert the most powerful power!"

"I don't know Yang Xu's swordsmanship, who is stronger than Yuqizong's swordsmanship?"

A curious look fell on Yang Xu.

"Yujian is the last stream? Will swordsmanship be great twice? Ha ha, I'm not alone in swordsmanship."

Yang Xu raised his lips.


He took out half of the broken sugar cane.

Everyone was shocked:

"Uh, what does Yang Xu mean?"

"He didn't give up swordsmanship anymore?"

Guozi's face also changed slightly, and then he was ecstatic:

"Haha, don't you give up your most powerful swordsmanship?"


He had some scruples about Yang Xu's horrible and sharp swordsmanship.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xu broke his arm.

Pretending to be so big, I want to make you a fool!

Guozi face pressed down the ecstasy of his heart, humming.

A gold knife suddenly appeared in front of him.

He pretended to be generous:

"Yangxu, since you don't need swordsmanship, we won't bully you. If you take my ten strokes, I will..."

"If you want to fight, there is so much nonsense!"

Yang Xu interrupted directly.

The contempt on his face was unabashed.

"Yang Xu is so arrogant! I like it!"

"Young people need this energy!"

"Yu Zong is too self-controllable and dare to provoke Yang Xu!"

There was a lot of talk about the audience.

The Chinese character face of the Yuqi Sect called a gas:

Nima, you like Yang Xu's arrogance.

I was a little arrogant, and I said that I couldn’t do it?

The sect of Yuqi had some doubts:

Won't it cause trouble to take on that person's task and provoke Ling Yunzong?

"Brother Xu does not need swordsmanship, can he be an opponent?"

Xiong Ruolan was worried.

Xiong Feng and Hao Jian have full confidence in Yang Xu:

"Relax, Yang Xu has many tricks. Take ten thousand steps back and say, even if he is not an opponent, don't forget that he is not afraid of being cut by a sword..."

"watch out!"

Take a tick on the Chinese character face and swipe!

The dazzling golden knife cut through the void and assassinated Yang Xu's door in the blink of an eye.

Yang Xu's face was calm, and he waved out half of the broken sugar cane:


"Oh! I smashed people again and hurt me! I was sleeping, almost interrupted by you! Yang Xu, I hate you!"

A horrible howling sounded like a pig.

Everyone froze:

"My grass, can rotten sugarcane still speak?"

"Yangxu produced, it really is not an ordinary product!"

People all stared at Yang Xu's half-cracked sugar cane.

Guozi face was stunned:

"My gold sword was blocked?"

He secretly panicked.

You know, he used to rely on this gold knife, but he interrupted many weapons.

But now...

"It's not enough to just block! Shameless things, I will let you know, the price of provoking Yang Xu, provoking Ling Yunzong!"

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