Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 253: All abolished!

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Chapter 253 All Abolished!

Yang Xu smiled and brushed.

Suddenly disappeared.

In the next second, it flashed directly in front of the golden sword.

"I'll rely on you to come back! I'll turn my face again...Oh, it hurts!"

The rotten sugarcane is howling, again.


There was a loud bang.

Everyone was stunned.

Guozi's eyes were even bigger:

"Broken! My gold knife was broken!"

Broken into two golden knives, everyone's face changed, and he stared at half of the broken cane:

"I'm fucking, even the golden sword is interrupted!"

"What is this rotten sugarcane?"

The face of the Chinese character changes with a cloudy look.

He finally understood where the other party's confidence was.

"Yang Xu, you have a good weapon, this time you are lucky!"

Guo Zi's face is not good, he wants to retreat immediately.

"Go? How can it be so easy! I want to go if I'm annoyed, leave me obediently!"

Yang Xu sneered, Hulong!

The rotten sugarcane in his hand hit his face with Guozi face.



A big golden axe stood in front of Guozi's face.

His face was furious:

"Yangxu, what do you want? I don't care about you, I..."

"Do you have anything to worry about, and do you deserve to worry about me? If you don't care, I want Yang Xu to care!"

If you want to fight, you can fight, but if you can't, you can run.

"Haha, Yuqi Zong himself died, this time Yang Xu stared at it!"

"Yang Xu's weapon is too weird. Yuqi Zong is estimated to be suffering!"

Everyone was talking.


The half-broken sugarcane is a stick.

"Oh, oh, it hurts! I really want to break it, don't lie to you, I will break it again!"

Rotten sugar cane screamed like a pig.

However, it was nothing at all.

But listen!

The gold axe of Guozi face burst suddenly.


Guozi face spurted blood, and his expression was pale.

The golden axe was a weapon connected to his blood.

It was smashed by Yang Xu's stick, and Guozi face and mind were hit hard!

What makes Guozi angry is even more angry.

The horrible howling of the rotten sugarcane is as if he was beating his face hard:

You call for breaking, but the broken piece is obviously my golden axe.

Is my golden axe not as good as your rotten sugarcane?


Yang Xu kicked out.


A strong attack, Guozi face only felt that he was hit by a fierce beast.

The whole body was in pain, the five internal organs were shaking, and the whole person flew out.

Everyone froze.

The people of Yuji Zong changed their complexions even more:

"Not good! Yang Xu's weapon is too weird. Not only can it speak, but it is also extremely hard. Let's run!"

"Run? No one can run away from Yuqi Zong!"


Yang Xu was like a tiger entering the flock, and the rotten sugarcane waved out in his hand


Bang Bang!

One of the weapons of the disciples of Yuqi Zong was counted one by Yang Xu.

One by one, the heart was hit hard, and the blood spewed.

"Oh, I'm going to break it, I'm really breaking it! Yang Xu, if you come again, I'll break it for you!"

The rotten sugar cane is very lively.

But in fact, after interrupting so many weapons, no traces of its upper part were left.


The Yuqi Zong is proud of the powerful Yuqi skills and powerful swords, and they are all vulnerable in the face of rotten sugarcane.

Some can't even get rotten sugarcane at all.

Directly cut into two.

Renjun, who was all seen, couldn't help but:

"This rotten sugar cane is too much!"

"What is it like?"

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

After a while.

The broken weapons of the Yuqi Sect were spread over the ground.

All the disciples' swords were interrupted by Yang Xu's rotten sugar cane!

One by one, they were devastated, crying and crying.

That was a miserable one.

Where did the arrogance look from the beginning?


Yang Xu finally stopped.

The rotten sugarcane in his hand is still calling:

"Yangxu, I hate you! I'm about to be cut off by you. I'll be in a hurry when you come again!"

"Then you should take a look!"

The people of the Yuqi Sect shouted in anger.

Nima, it is more joyous than anyone else, and it is worse than anyone else.

Didn't you see your rotten sugarcane broken?

Too evil door!

No matter how bad the sugar cane is, I would like to reply:

"I'll continue, can you control it? You're mad at you! I'll keep!"


The disciples of Yuqi Sect burst into a rage of blood.

Everyone laughed:

"Hahaha! This strange weapon of Yang Xu is simply the best!"

"It's so interesting, the soldier blade of the Yuqi Sect claims to be invincible, but it is defeated by half-broken sugarcane..."

"This Yuqi Zong tomorrow's game is completely unavailable. They don't even have a decent weapon!"

Everyone is laughing.

But listening to Yang Xu's tone coldly ordered Ling Yunzong everyone:

"Take a shot, don't be merciful, all abolished!"

Everyone in the Yuqi Sect suddenly changed his face:

"Are you going to abolish us?"

"We just provoke you, and we didn't want to kill you, you..."

"We didn't want to kill you, just abolish your scum."

Yang Xu smiled faintly, as if talking about an ordinary thing.


Almost all the onlookers took a breath.

"Abolish the owner of the control sect?"

"Great handwriting! Yang Xu is ready to completely offend the Yuji Zong!"

"Well, whoever offends is not necessarily."

Yang Xu smiled quietly.

The enmity with Yujizong has been settled, and there is no room for relaxation.

In this case, there is no need to show mercy.

After this battle.

Yang Xu smashed the sugarcane in his hands and was completely famous.

Everyone is curious, what is this weird thing that can talk and call?

No one noticed, not far away, a tall man, staring quietly at Yang Xu's side:

"Failed so quickly? Yuqi Sect is really a bunch of waste. Bai paid me so much. But it is not countless, and at least it is sure, that thing is in Yang Xu's hands!"

He fixed his eyes on the rotten sugarcane and buzzed.

The whole person turned into a cyan dragon-shaped character, disappearing into the air.


Rotten sugar cane suddenly shocked:

"Someone is peeping at me, who is so shameless, even my stick is worth it? Could it be a woman?"

"Someone peeped at you?"

Yang Xu frowned:

The Yuqi Sect took the initiative to provoke, is it because this rotten sugarcane failed?

Is someone staring at it?

The second day.

The square is full of people.

Everyone was surrounded by the center, a 200-meter square king-size ring.

Today, there are fifty ancestors, and a showdown is taking place on this ring.

Based on past experience, as long as there are no major surprises, the top ten winners today won't change much after the individual tournament.

After all, Zongmen is strong and the individual is not weak.

"I heard that yesterday, all the people of Yuqi Sect were abandoned by Ling Yunzong?"

"Not really. The group of Yuqi Sect's stupid people actually provoke Ling Yunzong to die, who blames him?"

"Today's contest, Yuqi Sect has abstained."


Ling Yunzong's first opponent was a sect called Dahongzong.

Good at strong punches.

Unexpectedly, before the attack, Da Hongzong voluntarily abstained and confessed.

The leader of Hongzong wiped his forehead cold sweat:

"Even if our fists are more powerful, it's not as good as Yang Xu's strange sugarcane artifact, but that thing can even be easily interrupted!"

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