Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2501: kill!

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On the mountain bag, Yang Xu laughed deliberately, and his funny eyes aimed at Jian Zongyi:

"Jianzong Yi, you are still on the road, knowing to play this play with me! You are safe this time."

As soon as Yang Xu made this remark, the Lord of the Spear and the Lord of the Cloud changed their faces.

Sharp eyes immediately gathered on Jianzong Yi.

Jian Zongyi was so angry:

This little bunny! Is there such a bully?

"I Jianzong swears to the sky, even if I break through hopelessness in my life, it is difficult to reach the immortal path, I will never cooperate with Yang Xu you little rabbit!"

"You two must believe me, Yang Xu and I absolutely have no collusion!"

Before the words fell, Jianzong suddenly rushed towards Yang Xu:

"Little Bunny, die!"


Jianzong came like a cold light.


He dashed halfway and thundered!

The ground underneath cracked, and Ghost Head Mountain was rolling in all directions, gathering all over the place, booming!

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a huge black Excalibur. The broad and heavy sword was shining with Kunpeng's brand.

"It is Kunpeng's fierce sword spirit! Brother Zong Yibe careful!"

The Lord Spear snorted.


The dark Qiqi Sword was heavily slashed on Jianzong Yi and flew out directly.


Jianzong withdrew several steps away, which stabilized his body.

Looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, he was full of shock:

The sword that Yang Xu just slashed at him was more powerful than the last time he played "Kunpeng's Sword Qi".

more importantly.

Yang Xupan sat on the mountain bag without even moving.

With just one look, you can easily control a weapon like "Kunpeng Sword Qi" to attack.

It's been so short to see, how can the strength improve so much at once?

"Yangxu, advise you not to be struggling anymore, give you the last chance to hand over the fairy device on your body, we will turn around and leave!"

God Spear Lord stared at Yang Xu faintly.

Trying to pass this request, suppress Yang Xu's momentum.

Yang Xu was amused:

"Oh, Lord Spear Lord, Lord Spear Lord, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation at all now. It's not me Yang Xu who is in the dead now, but you."

The Lord of the Spear and the Lord of the Cloud looked at each other, and they all saw the sneer in each other's eyes.

Lord Shenyun looked at Xiang Yangxu and sneered and said:

"Yangxu, stop acting! Do you want to scare us away through the empty city plan? Since we dare to come to you, even if we die here, there will never be a little bit of flinch!"

"Yes! Even if you die, you have to kill you first!"

Jianzong nodded in agreement.

The Lord Spear nodded involuntarily:

"If you don't hand over the fairy, you will definitely die today!"


The Lord of God Cloud implanted a belief that "Yang Xu will not die and they will not escape".

Yang Xu was too lazy to talk nonsense with them again, his cold eyes glanced behind the **** spear master:

"Well, why is the movement so slow? Should they come?"

Seeing Yang Xu's eyes, the Lord of Spears sneered:

"Why, are you going to provoke the followers behind us to deal with us and kill each other? Unfortunately, your plan is not destined to come true. When you enter the ghost head mountain, they want to continue to find us, it is impossible. Alright. Yang Xu you..."

The words of the Lord Spear have not been finished.

A cry from behind was like a slap in the face, pumped loudly on his cheek:

"Find them! Come here, come here!"


The Black Blade Hall strongmen, mainly black sharks, rushed to the small hill bag.

With the three people of the **** spear, opened the distance.

Looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, he was full of surprises:

"Great! Yang Xu has not been killed yet!"

The black shark looked at Yang Xu's eyes as if looking at a prey that had been chasing for a long time, and was finally blocked:

"Yangxu, Yangxu, you can't escape this time by inserting wings!"

"I can't escape wings? Yes, but I'm not the one who can't escape wings..."

Even after seeing a group of black sharks, Yang Xu was still in no hurry and continued to look in the direction behind the black sharks.

The Black Shark sneered like the Lord of Spears and said something similar:

"Yangxu, if you want to wait for the soldiers to chase behind me, advise you not to..."

"Quickly! Discover Yang Xu's whereabouts!"

There was a rant behind him, interrupting the black shark's voice.

Looking at the messy chasing behind him.

The black shark's face suddenly became very ugly:

"Impossible! After entering Guitou Mountain, we can obviously erase the whereabouts. How could they be found by them?"

"Yes, and Guitou Mountain still has a lot of shame to cover it. They want to investigate our whereabouts, it is simply a needle in a haystack. Unless..."

The Lord of Spears said, his eyes lit up, and his eyes were filled with horror when he saw Xiang Yangxu:

"Do you really..."

On Yang Xuqingxiu's face, a calm expression:

"I told you a long time ago that everything was arranged by me. Ha ha, it was not Yang Xu who entered the killing game today, but you guys who were present."

This remark came out.

Almost all the people present changed their faces suddenly.

At this moment, there was a strong sense of uneasiness in their hearts, especially when they saw Yang Xu's calm expression.

The unprecedented unrest caused many cultivators to immediately attack:


The black Kunpeng giant sword slashed in the sky, drove these cultivators who rushed to Yang Xu, and flew back as many times as possible.


In the horrified eyes of everyone, Yang Xu slowly stood up from the mountain bag.

At this moment, his figure, like a towering Dayue, looked extremely tall and towering:

"You, this Guitou Mountain is the cemetery I chose for you. Do you still like it?"

"After today, let's be two wide, separated by yin and yang, Yang Xu is not very happy. Bye bye."


In Yang Xu's hands, the light-hearted military killing "Yi Tian Chess Board" was released by him.

The Yitian chessboard was radiant and sprinkled. When it fell on the ground, it was like a stone that fell into the water and caused a ripple on the dirt surface.

Then, hum...

Between heaven and earth, a sudden mutation.

A murderous and fierce breath gathered toward this valley at high speed.

"I can't think of it. There are so many powerful people in the small Linglong Hall who want to kill me."

Yang Xu looked in front of them, there were nearly a hundred strong men, except for the black shark and the **** spear master.

The highest cultivation level has even reached the Lunhai State and even a higher level of life spring state.

Some of these people have seen Yang Xu for a long time, and want to get rid of it soon.

There are also those blinded by greed who want to seize Yang Xu's devouring **** disk.

"This killing game is really important. Killing the enemy and upgrading it will not delay."

Yang Xu stood there, smiling at everyone.

The people below, watching the rolling mist and strange white mist, gradually covered Yang Xu's face.

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