Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2502: Undefeated

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All the cultivators, almost all had no time to look at Yang Xu, and directly entered the highest alert state:



There was a scream.

A powerhouse with 9 peaks in the Golden Que Realm suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

When the practitioners looked at it, they saw a blood hole in their eyebrows and thick thumb, as if pierced by something sharp.

Even more shocking is everyone.

At the moment when this person died, his soul power was actually torn away by a mysterious existence.

Regardless of how this person's soul struggles, he can't get rid of that mysterious force, and eventually all annihilation becomes nothingness.


Everyone's pupils shrunk together, and finally they felt the bitter chill.

At this moment, they thoroughly determined:

be cheated!

They were really counted by Yang Xu and fell into his carefully arranged killing game!

"Brother! Didn't you say that your rune has completely controlled Yang Xu? Why do we fall into this situation?"

The response of the Lord Spear Lord is not as fast as usual.

Originally, he had many doubts about Yang Xu's move.

If the Lord of the Clouds gave him a reason, he would not be able to follow Yang Xu in a determined way.

But now, with only a little thought, he found the key.

Next to Jian Zongyi, also staring at the Lord of the God Cloud with a faint gaze, there was a disagreement about what he wanted to do.

"Oh, if I said I really thought Yang Xu was under my control, do you believe it?"

The main voice of God Cloud said these words bitterly:

"Yang Xu is too cunning. He deceived me and deliberately pretended to be controlled by runes..."

There was a gloom on his face:

"Yang Xu's son is terrible! We can't infight now, we must seize every opportunity to get rid of him!"

Kung Fu, the voice of the Lord of the Cloud, has not yet fallen.

Poo, poo!

what! what!

Two other strong men were pierced through their eyebrows and fell directly to the ground.

"Who is it? Who is so powerful that he can't see the trace of his shot at all?"

The powerhouses watched as people continued to be killed.

They couldn't even find each other's tracks.

All of them could not help but be horrified.

"Who did Yang Xu join forces with? How could there be such a powerful helper?"

"Will it be Ling Feng and Ling Shao? Recently I saw him seem to be very close to Yang Xu..."

Everyone was making guesses as they were alert to every move around them.

On the side of the Lord Spear, his face was a bit ugly.

But he did not guess who Yang Xu's opponent was like others.

Since it fell into this kid's trap, with this kid's calculation and insidiousness, there must be a lot of backhand waiting for himself.

It is still unknown whether this escape can be avoided.

Thinking of Yang Xu's intractability and fierceness, the face of the Lord Spear became more and more dignified.

next to.

Jianzong's breath exploded all at once, and he was still tentatively tracking in all directions.

It seems to want to find the existence of the sneak attacker.

The Lord of Spears wanted to persuade him to stop trying.

Based on his knowledge of Yang Xu, if Yang Xu does not want everyone to find it, then everyone feels that there is no chance.


Not only the Lord of Spears, but even the Black Shark thought of this.

The two of them had the most direct contact with Yang Xu. At this moment, only looking at the scenes of people dying, the Black Shark is sure:

"Yang Xu has completely set up a killing game for us!"

"Don't be lucky, you guys, Yang Xu, the little rabbit, really wants to kill us here!"

Rebel now!

The black shark directly made the most simply huge:


The long black knife in his hand suddenly came out of the sheath. The sharp black blade was like a black giant shark, tearing the void and rushing straight forward:


The mountain bag where Yang Xu was originally was directly razed to the ground.


Yang Xu's figure was long gone.

"Who is it? Don't hide in the dark without saying anything, have the ability to confront us head-on!"

The moment the black shark burst into drink, poof!

Behind him, one of the twelve "Heavenly Swords" strongmen of the Black Sword Hall, a brow of blood flashed out of his heart.

Before he even shot, he was shot dead.

To everyone's horror, his soul was torn away by a strange force.


Everyone took a breath together:

Yang Xu, this is really going to destroy us!

This is too cruel!

The eyes of the Lord Spear Lord, Black Shark, and Jianzong Yi flashed continuously, and they quickly thought about their plans to get out.

They all felt a little regretful in their hearts.

Shouldn't be so impulsive.

Who could have imagined that Yang Xu, the demon, even dared to fight Guitou Mountain's idea.

And also found such a sinister helper!

When many people are preparing to retreat.


The dark and vicious mist in front of him suddenly dissipated a part.

Everyone saw that in the mist, a beautiful figure slowly came out.

She has a white skin, a red dress, and a red hat, a very heroic woman's face, and a pair of pupils like stars.

Her hands are slender and a silver needle is pinched between her fingers.

When I noticed the silver needle.

The pupils could not help shrinking their pupils slightly, looking at the bodies on the ground where the eyebrows were penetrated.

"You killed them?"

The face of the Lord Spear could not help changing, staring at the woman in red:

With his seniority in Linglong Hall, he could not recognize the identity of this woman.

Where did Yang Xu find such a powerful helper?

The black shark is holding a dark long knife, eyes are cold, staring at the woman in red:

"Kill so many of us, you are dead! Before killing you, I want to know your name."

The woman in red smiled:


"Sunrise East, but I am undefeated!"

"I am, Dong! Fang! No! Defeat!"


In a moment when the undefeated voice of Dongfang Dongyi didn't fall, four silver flying needles were shot out suddenly.

too fast!

Fast as a meteor, rapid as lightning.

Even worse!

The four flying needles faintly seem to merge with the void, and there is a breath of heavenly law that continues to diffuse out.

With the continuous improvement of Yang Xuxiu.

The military forces summoned by the "Yi Tian Chess Board" killed by the military are constantly increasing in strength.

For example, Dugu Sword Demon and Kong Xuan Dao, they can also learn from Yang Xu's various laws of heaven and earth and the power of magic, and realize their own power.

And the undefeated East in a red suit also gained countless benefits from it.

The "Sunflower Divine Skill", which is famous for its speed, incorporates part of the power of the fast speed and the change of the law of space.


It made even these geniuses from the Linglong Hall unable to resist the undefeated attack of the East.

The moment when four silver needles shot out.

Two of them, one shot the black shark's eyebrow, the other pointed directly at the main point of the **** spear master.

The other two, in the blink of an eye, had penetrated the backs of two unlucky eggs directly.

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