Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 259: Brush brush!

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Chapter 259 Brush!

The appearance of Yang Xu and two tough girls.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Champion Hou was swept away, even more furious:

"Yang Xu! It's you again! If I don't kill you this time, I'm not a champion!"


He shot Shenhua with his eyes, and the whole person turned into an immortal stone, booming!

Collapsed the void, and violently hit Yang Xu.

"What a terrible energy swing!"

"That fairy stone seems to contain the power of law!"

The strong men exclaimed.

Even Pengzi and Cha Xiaoshu blinked:

"Champion Hou, the strength has soared and there are adventures again!"

"Yang Xu is in trouble this time!"

"The bad guy wants to bully the big brother, go away!"

Little Loli waved her hand, brush!

A flash of color flashed through.


The menacing champion was directly brushed a big lead.

He stepped back three times in a row, and then stumbled to stand firm:

"Smelly girl looking to death!"


His eyes flashed, like two sharp arrows, shot at the two little loli.

Wherever Shenmang passed, the void annihilated, and the law shattered.

"Humph, the naughty ones are not afraid of you!"

It was my sister who shot just now.

This time I changed to my sister:


After the color light brushed, the champion Hou's Shenmang collapsed directly.

But the color light kept on brushing the void into nothingness and suppressing it to the champion.

Boom Boom Boom!

Champion Hou was brushed up again.

Everyone looked dull:

"Nima! These two girls are simply against the sky!"

"The champion Hou is so strong that both of them brush two big followers!"

Some self-reliant cultivators are strong enough to have greed in their eyes:

"That colorful light contains divine power, and there is nothing to brush, if you can catch these two girls around..."

Brush brush!

Seven or eight strong men, with a strong breath, rushed towards Yang Xu almost simultaneously:

"Boy, make a deal with you and sell me two girls!"

"I don't buy all, just sell me one!"

"Don't rob anyone with me, both girls are mine!"

This remark came out.

Everyone's look changed.

In Yang Xu's eyes, there was a killing opportunity:

"Buy them? What do you think of them? Goods?"

Two little loli, with a small face:

"The naughty man is angry, and the consequences are serious!"

"I am as angry as my sister!"


The sisters brushed hard into the void.


The two colorful brilliances suddenly bloomed into the magnificent Shenhua.

Wherever he passed, everything was silently reduced to nothingness and nothingness.


Those strong men were swept down by colored lights.

Suddenly disappeared!

"how can that be?"

"Their existence has been wiped out, and there is no breath at all!"

"It's as if it never existed at all!"

Everyone was shocked:

"It's incredible!"

"The two female dolls are too scary!"

The most comprehensible is the champion.

In Qingzhuo Yaoshan, he experienced the horror of the colorful light.

I just didn't expect to see them for a while. The abilities of these two girls are even stronger!

"Damn it! It's so abominable!"

He stared at the two loli, and looked at Yang Xu resentfully:

"Yangxu! Your luck is always so good, someone will protect you wherever you go!"

"But you are hiding behind two female dolls, what a man! If you have the ability, just fight me face to face!"

Champion Hou's eyes bloomed with a strong fighting will.

Who knows.

Yang Xu didn't seem to see the champion Hou.

Looking at Master Peng and Cha Xiaoshu:

"This time you are a demon clan, and you have come to my territories. You are courageous."

Peng Gongzi smiled coldly:

"No courage can match you."

Cha Xiaoshu was expressionless:

"Something's going on here, I'll visit Lian Yi."

"Yang Xu! You dare to ignore me! Find death!"

The champion Hou was angry.

You know, whether he was in the Chaotang or the army in the past, it was a very high-profile existence.

But since meeting Yang Xu, he hasn't done anything.

Today, Yang Xu ignores so many people.


Champion Hou took out the dark euphorbia and murderously violently:

"Yangxu! I want to treat you..."

"Yangxu! You still owe me a battle and did not honor it!"

The champion was not interrupted by another voice, but was interrupted by another voice.


A man in white, stepped on the silver moon, blinked in front of everyone.

"Oh! It's the Son of the Burial Moon Holy Land!"

"He actually came here!"

"Fun Moon Son also has to challenge Yang Xu?"

Everyone was amazed.

"Damn! Who will interrupt me again? Bury the moon son? Get me off!"

Champion Hou Humbled a halberd, scorn!

The dark euphorbia chopped out a black awn and killed the half-moon prince.

Funeral Saint Son frowned:


A bright moon rune appeared in front of him.

He punched at Mingyue.


The euphorbia hemsang shattered directly.

The funerary son stepped forward:


But it flashed behind the champion.


Burial Moon Son kicked out.

"not good!"

Poor champion, kicked out like a ball.

Everyone looked dumbfounded.

Funeral Son looked at Xiang Yangxu indifferently:

"How is it, when you and I will fight?"

Brush brush!

After a marvelous gaze, Yang Xu gathered again:

"Such a powerful son of the burial of the moon must also challenge Yang Xu?"

Yang Xu was helpless.

Just about to speak.

"Treasures such as Liangyi Luoshengmen are here, how can we be lacking us?"


A fist-sized jade pot appeared in the void.

God pattern flashed, brush.

The man in gold and the masked woman appeared.

When I saw the masked woman.

The eyes of the funerary son flickered:

"A familiar breath on this woman..."

"It is Su Shi, the son of Jinyi! The masked girl next to him, is it his sister of countyism?"

All eyes suddenly sink:

"Even Su Shihe and the master of the county are here. Does the court want to compete for Luoyimen?"

When we noticed the strange expression on Yang Xu's face.

Everyone's expression couldn't help but stay:

"Nima, won't these two also know Yang Xu?"

Next second.

Su Shi looked at Yang Xu and smiled faintly:

"Yangxu, you don't keep your promises, say that we are coming together, and we are abandoned."

The masked master also sneered again and again:

"Yangxu, you don't keep your promises!"

"I'm going! Sure enough, I met Yang Xu again!"

"Why do all the characters from the beginning know you?"

Everyone was surprised.

Yang Xu was also helpless:

"Why are you all coming to me? Isn't everyone here fighting for treasure?"

Yang Xu's words reminded the champion.

"Take the treasure first, then kill Yang Xu! That's it!"


Champion Hou rose into the sky, turned into a fairy stone, and rushed towards the mid-air Liang Yimeng.

Seeing his hand, he must grasp the treasure door.


A giant red blade fell from the sky.


Hit **** the champion.

Sparks burst.

The champion Hou wailed loudly, and the crimson giant blade Hu Longlong flew back.


A flaming red dress swept across in front of everyone.

The slim figure, the white skin, the heroic eyes staring coldly at the champion:

"Are you going to kill Yang Xu? Looking for death!"

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