Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 260: Yang Xu gave up?

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Chapter 260 Yang Xu gave up?

"Oh! Yang Rourou is here too!"

Someone exclaimed.

"It's hilarious this time! With her there, who wants to move Yang Xu may have to weigh up!"

Anyone who recognized Yang Rourou's identity took a breath.

"How did you come?"

Yang Xu looked surprised.

Yang Rourou's eyes stared at Yang Xu:

"How come I? Well, if Yao Xueyi told me, I don't know if you came here to die!"

She looked at the two instruments Luo Shengmen in the air:

"You came for this treasure?"

Yang Xu couldn't help but smile, just about to speak.

"Humph, another woman! Yang Xu, you are really lucky. Everywhere you go, a woman will protect you!"

Champion Hou Youyou smiled.

The contempt on his face made no secret.

Yang Rourou's eyes were cold, whimper!

The crimson giant blade was shocked, and a sharp knife slashed to the champion.

"Break me!"

The champion Hou refused to admit defeat and punched hard.


The knife fell apart.

The champion, however, withdrew six steps in a row, staggering his body, and finally stood firm.

I just felt like my fist broke.

The pain in his heart twisted his face.


A red shadow flashed.


Champion Hou was beaten out and turned into a fairy stone, imprinted in the air.

"Humph, look down on women? Believe it or not, I beat you into a patty!"

Yang Rourou's eyes were cold, like a king.

The violent breath is even stronger than the champion.

"I'm going to fly the champion again!"

"This Yang Rou Rou is really so strong?"

People's surprised eyes all came to Yangxu:

"This Yangxu, how do you know so many strong people?"

Su Shi and the masked master of the gold-clad man also looked at Yang Rourou curiously:

"This woman's breath...Does she actually possess the God-Tibetan martial arts body?"

Su Shi looked at Xiang Yangxu in amazement:

"Does anyone this guy knows so perverted?"

Both Peng Gongzi and Zha Xiaoshu stared at Yang Rourou in horror:

"She has a very powerful power hidden inside her!"

"This girl can't be underestimated!"

The funeral son Shengzi knew that Yang Rourou was great.

So she was not too surprised, but she focused more on the masked master.

"Huh? That kid in the Holy Land, found out your identity?"

Su Shi frowned.

Masked Sovereign sneered:

"Don't care about him, even if he sees it, he doesn't dare to talk. It's Yang Xu, who didn't expect his power to be so strong, but it's not easy to manage..."

There are many cultivators present, and all forces are present.

But in a short period of time, the sisters Yang Xu, Yang Rou Rou, and Lori showed tyranny.

Instead, it became the strongest of these people.

at this time.


Without warning, a golden thunder tears the void.


A violent lion roared, almost bursting everyone's ears.

A huge golden lion mad lion came out of the air.


Wink landed on Tianlong Island.


All the pupils shrank:

"Flying Eagle Gang! The Three Chiefs of Heaven and Earth!"

Celestial leader Xie Jun, the whole body is violent and ferocious, with a golden lion mad in the back of the sky, looming.

The ground chief Xu Yu, his pupil flickered like a venomous snake, and there was darkness behind the void, and there was a faint glimmer of green snake.

The leader of the Ministry of Human Spirit, with a faint smile, has a rune behind the void, looming.

"How come the breath of the three is suddenly so strong?"

Yang Xu's pupil shrank.

When the three before won, they were not as powerful as they are now.

"Did they use that mysterious power?"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed.

An old voice sounded in my mind:

"It's not right! Yang Xu, you have to be careful, these three people's power surged, they must have swallowed that kind of power, which is equivalent to turning themselves into sacrifices!"

"Turn yourself into a sacrifice? To whom do they plan to sacrifice?"

At this moment, the head of the heavenly division Shen Sheng said:

"Everyone came for Liang Yimeng, but I advise you that this treasure does not belong to you, and leave this place as soon as possible. Otherwise..."

"What kind of fart are you doing with the Flying Eagle! Why is the treasure yours?"

"Yes, does the Flying Eagle help a lot, and still cares about the uncles?"

Some people objected.

Obviously, it is not that simple to let everyone give up the two Yi Luoshengmen.

"court death!"

Xie Jun snorted and buzzed!

The hands are sealed, and a golden lion phantom is suddenly condensed and formed.


The golden mad lion bluntly pounced on the opponent.

"If you want to suppress Lao Tzu, you are still far away! Break me!"


The man shot a sharp blade of light and slashed towards the golden mad lion.

The golden mad lion cracked open.

But the next second, the golden light flashed.

The golden mad lion recovered in an instant and threw down the opponent.


The man's head was bitten off!


Everyone was shocked:

"The soul of the ninth-level strongman was killed in one move?"

People stared at the three world leaders in horror.


Brush brush!

Everyone coincidentally, see Xiang Yangxu.

Yang Xu's anger:

"What are you doing watching me again! Lao Tzu is not a treasure!"

Everyone almost spoke the same way:

"Because only you now have the strength to deal with these three people!"

"Yang Xu is here?"

The three chiefs of the world, the pupils shrank suddenly.

All stared at Yang Xu, his eyes flashing with fear.

Everyone suddenly thought that the three were afraid.

"Huh, I deal with them, what do you do? Do you take advantage of fishermen? I, Yang Xu, don't do such stupid things!"

Unexpectedly, Yang Xu took Yang Rourou's hand:

"Let's leave here."

With Yang Rourou and Sister Lori, she left without looking back.

The three chiefs of the heaven and earth people were relieved:

Finally gone.

If he stays here, we really can’t get started!

Everyone else was puzzled:

"Two instruments Luo Shengmen! Such a strong treasure, Yang Xu said to give up?"

"Yi Yangxu's strength can completely compete with them?"

Where did they know that Yang Xu's real purpose was not Liangyimengshengmen.

Instead, I found Tianlong Baoyu!

"Brother, I feel that the two Yi Luoshengmen are very dangerous! If they fight again, I am afraid that their lives will be in danger."

The younger sister of Lori said.

Yang Rourou looked surprised:

"Yang Xu, where did you find two such cute little sisters?"

Sister Loli smiled sweetly:

"It was we who found the big brother!"

"Big brother treats us well, help us beat the bad guys!"

At this point, Yang Xu looked dignified and looked around.

Said it was away, but it was only away from the two Yi Luoshengmen.

They are still on Tianlong Island.

"System, is there any indication of the location of Tianlong Baoyu? Where should I look?"

[Tianlong Baoyu is located, Tianlong Island! 】

"Nima, what I said is the same as what I didn't say. Tianlong Island is so big. Where can I find it?"

Black eyes.

"Huh? Someone followed."

Yang Rourou's eyes flashed, looking behind him.

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