Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 261: Another super boss!

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261 Another Super Boss!


A jade bottle emerged from the void.

Su Shi and the masked master of the golden man flashed in front of Yang Xu.

"What are you doing?"

Yang Xu frowned.

The masked lord hummed:

"Do a deal with you, we take you to find Tianlong Baoyu, you help me get it!"

Yang Xu's startled eyes widened:

"Don't you think something is wrong with your words? You took us to Tianlong Baoyu, and then I helped you get it? Where are my benefits? What is my reward?"

The look of the masked master flashed:

"I am the master of the Tianfeng Kingdom! In my capacity, I will protect you from entering the dynasty and let you enjoy a lot of luck!"

"Sovereign? Does it have anything to do with me? As for luck, I don't need this stuff at all."

Yang Xu depreciated the value of the county governor and luck.

The masked county is so angry.

"How about this, let's cooperate, whoever gets the Tianlong Baoyu will be the one."

Su Shidao.

The face of the masked master suddenly changed.

Haven't spoken yet.

"That's it! You lead the way!"

Yang Xu grinned.

Su Shi suddenly looked depressed:

This kid, won't you just wait for me to say this?

Su Shi and the masked master walked ahead.

The masked prince became more and more upset and couldn't help saying:

"Huh, Liangyi Luoshengmen is such a powerful treasure, why don't you **** it? With your strength, you can **** it with the Flying Eagle."

Yang Xu smiled:

"I didn't come here for the treasure. People sometimes have to know what they need most."

What's more, who said Yang Xu gave up the two Yi Luoshengmen?

It's just not time to get it.

A bright glance flashed through Yang Xu's eyes.

"If you don't get the treasure, don't you feel distressed at all?"

"Not distressed."

Yang Xu's death is not worth his life:

"Because I have better!"

This is not a lie.

[Unlimited Upgrade System] There are indeed a lot of treasures better than Liangyi Luoshengmen in the points mall.

It's just that you need a lot of points to exchange.

Seeing that Qi Yangxu failed, the masked master had nothing to say.

Bored while walking.

When Su Shi saw her like this, she couldn't help laughing:

I have never seen anyone who can make the county master look like this.

"Here we are. Our destination is in front."

Several people came to the back of Tianlong Island, on a huge cliff.

The cliff stands opposite the active volcano in the distance.

Above the active volcano, two instruments of Luo Shengmen are suspended.

And there is nothing above this cliff.

But on the top of the cliff, there is a cold lake.

"Tianlong Baoyu is here?"

Yang Xu frowned.

The masked lord pouted:

"Of course not inside. This is just a passage. Don't say I didn't remind you. It's very dangerous!"

"Oh? Is there a danger from the lord?"

Yang Xu sneered.


"Sheriff, let's prepare to enter."

Su Shi looked helplessly at the masked master and Yang Xu.

How can these two get together and pinch?


The masked master gleamed brightly, wrapped in a translucent bubble.

Milky white runes flashed on it.

She glanced at her with a trace of pride, and said with a stern look:

"This is a water repellent suit made from the mammoth shark's swim bladder. It can walk freely in the water, and there are only five pieces in the entire Tianfeng Kingdom."

Seeing that Su Shi also put on the water-proof clothing, the masked county master looked at Xiang Yangxu defiantly:

"Don't you have a lot of treasures, don't you know if you have a water jacket? If you don't, you can't get out of this cold lake."

A hint of playfulness flashed through her beautiful eyes.

But unexpectedly, Yang Xu smiled and shrugged:

"Well, I don't really have a water jacket. I don't know if this tube doesn't work."


There was something in his palm.

The thick water vapor suddenly filled up, and the sound of waves reached several people's ears.

"Avoid water beads!"

Su Shi exclaimed:

"Yangxu, you actually have such treasures! Great!"

It was the water-repellent beads that Yang Xu obtained from the Qinglong Tomb of the Mengzhang Treasury.

Su Shi surprisedly withdrew the shelter:

"There are water-repellent beads, within ten meters of the circle, the water does not invade! The county master, this is much more convenient than the water-proof clothing."

As soon as he turned his head, he suddenly saw the depressed eyes of the masked master.


Su Shi didn't know what to say.

"You guys use water-repellent beads! I use water-repellent clothes myself!"

The masked master could not swallow this breath.

"Less nonsense, come in quickly, I have no time to waste with you."

Yang Xu entered a trace of vitality to avoid water drops, humming.

The water bead suddenly bloomed a divine place, and enveloped several people.

The masked master came in reluctantly.


Six people jumped into the cold lake.

Suddenly, biting chills came around.

"Where does this cold lake lead?"

Yang Xu asked.

"The position of the formation leading to Tianlong Island, according to the previous spy report, there are extremely strong beast handles in the formation of Tianlong Island. Tianlong Baoyu should be in the position of the formation."

"Janyan? Isn't Dragon Island a big battle this day?"

Yang Xu was suspicious.

at last.

They came to the bottom of Hantan.

Looking at it, it was actually a vast underwater world.

The water was everywhere, and there was even a fluffy fish walking around.

Surprisingly, each fish has a strange pattern imprinted on it.

Yang Xu suddenly sounded the system prompt:

[Discover special energy fluctuations! Approaching...100 meters, 99 meters...]

It was at this time.


A dark shadow shrouded in.

Suddenly, the eyes of everyone suddenly went black.


"Look what it is!"

The masked master exclaimed.

Just a few tens of meters away, a seven- to eight-hundred-meter-long horror shadow was slowly cruising here.

"This is the beast you said? Is it so scary?"

Yang Xu looked at Su Shi.

Su Shi's face is also a bit ugly:

"This guy should have appeared suddenly, otherwise there can be no record in the data! Such a huge beast, we are not opponents."


"Who is spying on the old?"

There was a rumble in the horrible huge shadow.


A stream of water was formed, blowing Yang Xu upside down.

"No, we are locked by it!"


Yang Xu, they were uncontrollable and were sucked in front of the huge shadow.

"this is……"

Yang Xu's face changed with horror.

Presented in front of him was a huge turtle-like beast.

However, the head of this tortoise-like beast is the dragon head.

And on its turtle-size turtle back, a mysterious rune was imprinted.

Unforeseen, Yang Xu's eyebrows and the mysterious turtle shell showed a slight change.


The horrible beast made a suspicious voice:

"This breath..."


It locked Yang Xu to death:

"Where are you from? Why do I feel a chaos of ancestors on you?"

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