Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 263: Funeral Lord!

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Chapter 263 Burial Moon Saint Lord!

"The power of time and space! The power of curse! I don't want to go with you! You let me go, I want to go!"


Half-rotten sugarcane broke free from the **** hand and rushed towards the sea.

Yang Xu stared at the **** hand and chased away the rotten sugarcane.

"Failed... Is everything destined..."

There was a long sigh in the threaded black hole.


The **** hand disappeared.


Yang Xu followed the rotten sugarcane and rushed out of the sea.

"It's finally out!"

The rotten sugarcane exclaimed.


Yang Xu rushed into the air and grabbed it with his big hand:

"Where else do you want to run!"

Not far away, Su Shi and the masked master were all startled:

"Yang Xu is fine!"

"Just safe!"

Yang Rou was relieved.

Sister Loli was happy to clap her hands:

"Great, big brother is safe!"

"Yangxu! It's you again! You always beat me, I don't want to follow you!"

Rotten sugar cane fled when he was shocked.

Yang Xu has been prepared for a long time, how can it be left?

"Furious power!"

Yang Xu's arms burst into blue, and the huge force grabbed the rotten sugarcane tightly.

"Ouch! It hurts! You hurt me! You're so powerful, I won't run!"

Rotten sugarcane called.

at this time.

"Ha ha ha ha! Yang Xu, you finally come out! Liang Yi Luo Shengmen is my champion!"

Yang Xu looked down.

Just above the sea, the champion Hou was covered with blood, like a blood demon.

He grasped a golden door with both hands, and a rune entangled on it, which was Liangyi Luoshengmen.


Champion Hou sprayed his blood on Liangyimen.


Two instruments Luo Shengmen burst into tremendous light.

A series of mysterious runes, like a dragon lingering on it.

"Two instruments Luo Shengmen, suppress me!"


Two instruments Luo Shengmen flew into the air, with golden light and thousands of colorful pieces.

Suddenly suppressed to Yangxu.

"What a powerful breath!"

"Yang Xu is dead this time!"

Everyone exclaimed.

"Dare to move Yang Xu, to death!"

Yang Rourou shouted loudly, crimson red blade, beheaded to the champion.

"Do not limit yourself! Liangyi Luoshengmen, close!"


A mysterious and unpredictable force suddenly wrapped the crimson red blade.


Crimson Giant Blade actually flew towards Liangyi Luoshengmen.


Charged by Liangyi Luoshengmen!

"My grass! This Luo Shengmen can still be used like this!"

The powerhouses were dumbfounded.

Two instruments Luo Shengmen only slightly shocked, bang!

Yang Rourou flew out.


Yang Xushang is now beside her:

"To deal with such clowns, just leave it to me."

The warfare flashed in his eyes:

"Champions, dare to fight me?"

The champion Hou at the moment happened to be standing in mid-air, before Yang Xu.

Holding a treasure, he was condescending and looked down at Yang Xu:

"One battle? Huh, I'm going to kill you today!"

"Two instruments Luo Shengmen, kill me!"


Luoyimen of Liangyi came from top to bottom, and came to Yangxu to suppress.


Yang Xu smiled coldly:

"Ten thousand swords and ten thousand robbery, kill!"

In the void, a small nine-story tower suddenly appeared.

Among the small towers, the tumbling sword burst into the air.

And the champion Hou, happens to be less than five meters away from the small tower!

The horrible sword spirit almost beheaded to the champion in almost instant.

"Yangxu you yin me!"

The distance between him and Wan Jian Wan Bu Bu Tu is too close.

Even the two Yi Luoshengmen were too late to respond.


A terrifying sword spirit fell on the champion Hou in a blink of an eye.


The champion Hou was beaten and flew out.


Yang Xu's figure suddenly disappeared.

Next second,

Flashed in front of Liangyi Luosheng gate.

Half-cut roasted sugar cane violently:


Slammed heavily on Luoyimen of Liangyi.

In the two Yi Luoshengmen, a sperm and blood swelled out.

Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

"Rotten sugarcane, you didn't let me down!"

He shook his hand and hit a golden flame, scorn!

Champion Hou left his mark in Luoyimen of Liangyi and disappeared.

All the strong men are dumbfounded:

"Nima! What the **** is this rotten sugarcane?"

"Even Liangyi Luoshengmen is not his opponent?"

Champion Hou was beaten into the sea, so it was a rage:

"Yang Xu! You rob my baby again! Liangyi Luoshengmen is mine!"


Two instruments Luo Shengmen turned in Yang Xu's palm.

The sound of system promotion sounded in the ear:

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the artifact: Liangyi Luoshengmen! Is it equipped? 】

A look of envy and jealousy all gathered on Yang Xu:

"Once again by Yang Xu!"

"Rotten sugar cane, Liangyi Luoshengmen have become things in his pocket!"

Peng Gongzi and Cha Xiaoshu stared at Yang Xu faintly:

"This guy, why is luck always so good?"

"We spent a lot of time, and the treasure was taken by him again?"

Anxious flashes in the eyes of the funerary child:

"Master Master is not coming yet! Even if Tianlong Baoyu is to be taken away by Yang Xu!"

It was at this time.


In a bright moon, the sea level suddenly rises into the air from a distance.

Everyone was shocked:

"What's going on, the sun is still there, how did the moon come out?"


Brush brush!

All eyes were horrified, and they all went to the funeral son.

The surprise in the eyes of Saint Moon

"Master is finally here! It's time!"

He looked at Xiang Yangxu and his eyes fell on Liangyi Luoshengmen:

"This treasure can only be my holy land!"

"Huh? Are you... Saint Lord of the Burial Moon?"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed:

Can't move by yourself?

The bright and bright moonlight covered the bright sun, and the sunrise and sun radiated.

Moonlight turned into a strange light, nailing Yang Xu to the void!


At sea level, the bright moon suddenly turned into a ray of light, tearing the void and shining towards the side of Yang Xu.


Yang Xu was on his side, and a bright moon was formed.

An indifferent voice passed quietly into Yang Xu's ears:

"You, just a chess piece. What you have is not yours."


A silver moonlight was turned into silk thread and wrapped around Liangyi Luoshengmen and rotten sugarcane.


They were pulled away.


Two jade hands with beautiful white slenderness catch two treasures.

In the bright moon, a figure with a whole body wrapped in white clothes, shining brightly, came out into the moon.


"It turned out to be Saint Lord Burial!"

"The Lord of the Funeral is here!"


The funerary Son stepped on the bright moon, flashing into the air:

"See Holy Lord! You are finally here. If you don't come again..."

"Waste! If I didn't come, wouldn't you miss the most important thing!"

The cold eyes of Saint Lord Burial Moon, like two rounds of bright moon, cast into the sea.

Her slender fingers tickled lightly:


Above the sea, the waves suddenly rise.

The waves are rolling and the waves are tremendous.

A huge island, rising from the bottom of the sea, radiates a jasper light.

"Tianlong Baoyu!"

"The whole island is full of dragons!"

The masked master exclaimed.

"What a terrifying energy! That precious jade contains strange energy!"

Everyone looked horrified, staring at the huge Tianlong Baoyu.

In an instant, everyone's eyes flashed with greed.

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