Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 264: Riyue Wenying's determination

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Chapter 264

"Break me!"

Yang Xu was shocked, and a terrifying energy burst out.


All the silver moon thread broke.

The body finally recovered its mobility.


Yang Xu's body rushed to the Lord of the Burial Moon.


Funeral Lord Sheng snorted.

In the void, an invisible force suddenly filled:

"Chess pieces, there must be a consciousness of the pieces. If you don't know how to advance or retreat, then destroy it."

In the eyes of Saint Lord Burial, there is no emotion.

Her jade hand waved and buzzed.

Where the moonlight shines, it suddenly turns into a confined space.

Kaka Kaka!

Void suddenly became ten times more powerful, and the terrifying power of space made Yang Xu's speed drop suddenly.


A trace of silver moon energy penetrated into the void, and came to Yangxu's eyebrows.

"Yang Xu be careful!

"Big brother!"

Seeing that silk thread, it is necessary to penetrate Yang Xu's eyebrows.


Yinyue silk thread suddenly collapsed and flew out.

"Tianzhu wrapped in silk! Wenying is here!"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed.

"What smells Sakura! I'm your master, stinky boy!"

In the void, a figure flashed out.

Her body is hot and her looks are beautiful. A pair of intellectual eyes twinkled with concern:

"Yangxu, are you okay?"

"It's okay, Master."

Yang Xu was speechless.

This is a generation older than myself, I feel a little strange.

"Master? Where did Yang Xu come out?"

When everyone is in doubt.

"That beauty is familiar... I'm leaning, it's the ethereal palace master!"

"What? Master Miwa Palace is so charming?"

"She didn't look like this in the past, what happened?"

The powerhouses feel incredible.


Tianzhu's shadow silk cut the void, and one swept through.


Two Yi Luoshengmen, rotten sugar cane flew out of the hands of the holy Lord.

Fall into the hands of Sun Moon Wenying.

Brush brush!

All eyes gathered on Riyue Wenying:

"The misty palace master has got the treasure!"

Most of the power of Saint Lord Burial is used to capture Tianlong Baoyu.

Unstoppable for a while, he was succeeded by Sun Moon.

A flash of anger suddenly flashed across her face:

"Yu Qin Wen Ying! You dare to intervene in my burial of the Moon Son!"

"Huh, call me Sun Moon and Sakura. I'm too lazy to care about your funeral of the Moon, but you can't bully the apprentice of the bad boy!"

A faint flash of light flashed across Sun and Moon's beautiful face.


Everyone looked into the air, and the ethereal palace master with a daughter-like look was all horrified:

"I go!"

"Which hero is so bullish, has collected the Misty Palace Master!"

"Is that Yang Xu's mysterious master?"

"That guy is so lucky!"

Many men watched the sun and the moon smell the beautiful style of Sakura, and swallowed a few saliva.

"Yangxu, give you something, get it."

Riyue Wenying returned Liangyimen and Rotten Cane to Yangxu.

"It seems that your ethereal palace is making up your mind to fight against the Holy Land? Do you know what price you will pay?"

The voice of Bing Han, the Lord of the Burial Moon, sounded.

Riyue Wenying ignored it:

"Huh, what are you qualified to talk to me about the price? Do you think that the Misty Palace is afraid that your holy land will fail?"


On Sun and Moon Wen Ying, the demeanor of a sect master broke out.

The eyes of Saint Lord of the Funeral month suddenly flashed:

"Soul Venerable Ninth Level! Impossible. Not long ago, you were in the Soul Emperor Realm. How could you improve so fast?"


"Soul Venerable Level 9? Only one step away to enter Soul Emperor Realm!"

"The strength of the Misty Palace Master is so horrible!"

Everyone smelled the color change.

With envious eyes, the brush fell on Yang Xu:

"Yang Xu, why are there so many strong backers?"

"His luck is so good!"

Sun and Moon looked at Xiang Yangxu with strange eyes.

In a trance, it seemed to see the bad boy in front of his eyes:

"Impossible? Haha, you never know what a precious thing I got from a bad boy! Something worth my life to protect!"

Although the bad boy did not instruct himself to practice.

But he has become the driving force of his own progress!

Only strong enough strength can protect him.

In order to protect his apprentice.

"What's the point! The ethereal palace does not know how to advance and retreat, and it is an enemy with me to bury the holy land! Where are the disciples!


Brush brush!

A figure of a disciple with a strong breath suddenly appeared on the sea.

Yang Xu's pupils shrank:

"The burial site has been planned for a long time?"

"They know the existence of Tianlong Baoyu?"

Riyue Wenying patted Yang Xu's shoulder:

"Boy, protect yourself."

Her body shook, her intellectual face showed a firmness:

"I don't like disputes, but I have never been afraid of anyone! Where are the disciples!"


The voices of all the women were humming.

Above the void, countless beautiful women fluttering in white appeared.

Everyone, especially men, exclaimed:

"A lot of beautiful women!"

"The strong men of the Misty Palace all appeared!"

Burial of the holy land and misty palace, showing a confrontational situation.

Brush brush!

People's eyes fell back to Yang Xu again:

"It's all because of Yang Xu! The two forces are opposed to each other because of Yang Xu..."

Yang Xu stood between the two forces with a bitter smile on his face.

He looked to Sun Moon and Sakura:

"It's just two treasures, why bother? Not worth it."

Sun and Moon smelled Yingfeng's eyes:

"For the treasure? It's for you silly kid! They all treat you as chess pieces, and I can't swallow this breath! Today I want to let them know that chess pieces can also become chess players!"

The voice did not fall.


A stream of streamer suddenly burst out.

This light tore the void and penetrated the ancients.

It seemed to flash in front of Yang Xu out of thin air.

Sun and Moon smelled Yingfeng's eyes suddenly expanded:

"not good!"

Whole body energy burst, brush!

Sun and Moon didn't even hesitate to smell Sakura, and blocked directly in front of Yang Xu.


The horror streamer hit the heart of Sun Moon and Sakura.


A black arrow pierced her body.

"Do not!"

Yang Xu exclaimed.


Above the sky dome, a cloud of smoke suddenly rose.

"It is the Divine Martial Army!"

"Tianfeng Kingdom Divine Martial Army is here!"

"Tianfeng Kingdom really has to fight for treasure!"

Everyone's eyes widened and their faces looked incredible.

The face of the masked master changed slightly.

Then he sighed:

"Sure enough, Saint still doesn't believe me."

Su Shi smiled faintly:

"Are we really messing things up? Isn't it possible that all parties' powers appear, and we can't even get in with it, even if there is a general of martial arts."

Rule of Law!

Above the sky dome, there must be smoke.

A tall white horse with white wings and wings standing on the sky.

On top of the horses was a **** who wore a black armor and a black helmet.

The horses were silent, and there was no noise at all.

Suddenly, wow!

The horses are separated from side to side.

A flaming tall Malaysian horse walked out.

On the horse, a man was sitting, wearing a golden armor, haunting the faint scarlet murderous body.

He had a long gold bow in his hand, a barrel behind his back, and three black feather arrows.

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