Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 269: Cruelty!

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Chapter 269 Cruelty!


Yang Xu's figure flashed before him:

"Nothing is impossible! Give me, medium!"

A fist quickly zoomed in front of Dragon God Wu.

Gold energy, such as gold fire burning.


In a thousandth of an hour, he lay heavily on the head of Dragon God Wu.


Dragon God Wu flew out.


The head was burst into chaos.


He spurted blood.


Yang Xu flashed again behind Dragon God Wu.

The terrifying energy is like the back of the sea, the galaxy is flowing, and the dragon is swinging its tail:


Long Shenwu was blown out again.


His bones broke.

Wow wow wow!

Like a toad, he had three big blood in his basin.

I can't stop it.

The severe pain made his face twist.

The original arrogance has not disappeared long ago.

It was replaced by a painful and distorted face, and full of shock and unbelief!

Brush it!

Yang Xu flashed again.

One punch!


Long Shenwu was shot again.

"how is this possible?"

"Long Shenwu turned into a ball and was beaten by Yang Xu?"

"The power of the ten-yang reincarnation is so terrifying?"

People's mouths are wide open.

Because he was too shocked, he groaned unconsciously.

Everyone has no idea what to say.

The power shown by Yang Xu has far exceeded everyone's cognition.

"What's the matter! What's the matter! Yang Xu, you offend me so much, you have to die!"

Long Shenwu felt great shame.

He is a magnificent general of the national wind and the country, and there is more than 10,000 people under one person.

Yang Xu kicked around like a ball.

What a shame!

"Military kills, condense me!"

Behind the Dragon God Martial Void, blood scarred into the sky.

Yin Yang!

A **** dragon, much smaller than the previous one.

But it has the power of law to gather around it.

"Dragon Divine Martial Arts can actually stand alone?"

"Did he realize his own military killing?"

When everyone is in doubt.


The Scarlet Dragon transformed into a blood formation.

Taking Dragon Shenwu as an array, the blood array contains a violent murder.

Yang Xu only felt that within ten meters of the blood array, the energy in the body was absorbed uncontrollably.

"The fourth hole card."

Yang Xu smiled indifferently.

"Hahaha! I'm scared to be stupid! My military killing array can swallow power indefinitely! As long as you are within ten meters of the killing array, all the energy will be absorbed by me!"

"Come on! Are you going to kill me? If you have the ability, enter my army and kill!"

Long Shenwu was unscrupulous.

"Bad boy! Don't be fooled, the military killing array is not something ordinary cultivators can resist!"

Sun and Moon heard Ying Jiao tweeting.

Yang Xu smiled confidently:

"No ordinary cultivator, but I am not an ordinary cultivator!"

"I'd like to see if it's your army's killing power, or the eight pole demon tails!"

Yang Xu thought in a moment, hum!

The eight-point demon tail has a purple burst.


Around it are the bodies of the Shenwu Army.

A large number of Divine Martial Army were torn apart by the eight pole demon tails.

The horrible eight demon tails can penetrate even the void, and even the Divine Martial Army is not an opponent!

"Enough to kill? It's time to get back to work."

Yang Xu said loudly.


The eight-pole demon tail flashed and instantly came to Yang Xu's side.

"This military killing array can draw energy, you can also draw energy and see which one is better!"


Eight pole monster tails, eight purple giant tails, waving wildly.

Very excited.

Once its tail flicked, it would rush into the military to kill the formation.

"Slow down!"

Yang Xu smiled mysteriously:

"There is something for you!"

"Eight pole swallowing heaven!"

"Eight-pole melting heaven technique!"


Two purple mysterious runes suddenly entered the body of the eight-pole demon tail.

These two souls were exploded by the mature super-boss eight-pole demon tail.

One can devour energy.

One can refine energy.

more importantly!

Yang Xu, as the master of the eight pole demon tails, can also share part of the power!


Yang Xu jumped up and appeared on the head of the eight-meter demon tail ten meters high.

"Look at how I broke your army to kill the formation! Charge!"


The eight pole demon tails turned into a purple light, and instantly rushed into the **** killing array.


Thunder and lightning.

Thunder ripped through the void.

There was a **** mist everywhere in the military kill.

Yang Xu's power is constantly being lost.

The proud voice of Shenwuhou came from all directions:

"I don't know what is alive and dead. Since I broke in, stay here forever!"

"Demon Tail, act according to plan."

Yang Xu's expression is always calm and calm.


Puff puff!

The purple giant tail of the eight-pole demon tail has penetrated deeply into the quartet.


The **** energy was swallowed by the eight pole demon tails.

"Eight-polar melting heaven technique, began to refine!"

Yang Xu snorted.

Goo, goo, goo!

Massive energy, crazy into Yang Xu's body.

The energy plundered by the military killing array returned a dozen times.

"Hahaha, even if you can draw strength, you can't kill me! My dragon can be killed at any time..."

The word "you" has not been spoken yet.


Yang Xushen now appeared in front of Dragon Divine Martial Arts.

Long Shenwu's smug smile suddenly froze in his face:

"Impossible! How do you know where I am?"


Oncoming is Yang Xushuo's fist.

"Kill me!"

Long Shenwu waved his hand, humming.

The military kills the array and rolls over it, instantly condensing into a sword, gun and halberd, blocking Yang Xu.



All the swords and halberds broke apart.

The golden flame lingered above the fist of the gods, without any stagnation.


Heavy on the body of Long Shenwu.

The flash of light in Yang Xu's eyes:

"It is now! The tomb of the coffin in the tomb!"

Both hands quickly seal:


In the blood mist, the energy rolled in a burst.

Long Shenwu suddenly saw, above his large formation, a dark tomb came.

Around the tomb, black flames lingered.

Wherever he passed, the military kills all burned into nothingness.


In the tomb, a series of black thunders turned into chains of death and entwined themselves.

"No! I don't want to die!"

Long Shen Wu burst into a blast.


In the tomb, a black giant coffin came to suppress him.

Dragon God Wuxin God Drama:

"Coffin? My coffin? No!"

He didn't notice that the seven-colored powder contaminated on him kept drilling into his nostrils and mouth.

These powder energies are exactly the "Handprint of the Seven Feelings" printed by Yang Xu.

The big handprints of seven emotions, anger, worry, sorrow and panic.

Every emotion has a negative effect.

Before the Dragon God Wu was bold and courageous, he could still suppress them.

But now, Dragon God Wu Lian retreat.

The energy of "The Handprint of the Seven Feelings", combined with "The Soul Seal of the Tomb of the Great Tomb", began to exert its terrifying power!

The military killed outside.

In addition to the sun and moon Wenying and Sister Lori who are killing the Shenwu Army.

Everyone else stared at the military killing line, intently.


Suddenly there was a loud bang when the military killed.

Puff puff!

The purple giant tail of the eight-pole demon tail actually penetrated the killing array.

The brutal energy of the military kills decreases at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Everyone's face suddenly changed:

"what happened?"

"Yang Xu's spirit beast, broke the big array?"

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