Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 271: Here comes the Vanguard family

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Chapter 271 The Eternal Family Comes!

The gigantic Tianlong Baoyu is as big as an island.

The whole body flashes shining brightly, releasing inexplicable energy fluctuations.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the main task: the secret of Tianlong Island, the task completion degree +50!

Current task completion degree: 50/100! 】

Yang Xu tried to find out its secret.

However, no success.

at this time.

General Long Qianjun woke up.

Looking at the messy body of the Shenwu Army.

There was a pity of regret in my eyes:

"Alas! Yang Xu could have worked for the imperial court! Dragon Shenwu, you provoke such a strong enemy for the Heavenly Wind Kingdom, not too much to die a hundred times!"


General Long wanted to say something.

But his mouth opened, but he couldn't say anything.

What can you say?

Come back, Tianfeng Kingdom needs you, will you continue to work for Tianfeng Kingdom?


When others need help, Tianfeng Kingdom not only does not help others.

Instead, it is going to fall into the rock.

Nowadays, people show great strength and talent.

Tianfeng Guo then hurried to solicit.

When others are stupid?

Even if he makes heavy profits, others may be able to accept it.

But Long Qianjun knew that Yang Xu would never accept it!

"Ah! Heavenly Kingdom is in danger."

Long Qianjun sighed and left without a soul.

The Lord of the Funeral Moon looked faint, staring at Yang Xu.

Her heart is weighing, whether to show the final flop and compete.

at this time.

There was a voice in her ear:

"Holy Lord, you and I took the shot together, took the Tianlong Baoyu, and then learned the secret together?"

Not far away, Su Shi was looking at this side.

"Okay! Shot!"


Burial Moon Lord and Su Shi, flashed in front of Yang Xu:

"Yangxu, other treasures can be given to you, but Tianlong Baoyu cannot be left to you."

Su Shi's eyes flickered:

"Yang Xu, Tianlong Baoyu is left to you, it will only bring you disaster."

Brush brush!

After a surprised look, they suddenly shot at the three.

But more eyes are gathered on Yang Xu:

"Yang Xu is going to shoot again?"

"Su Shihe, the priest who buried the moon, dare to provoke him?"

"Haha, will bring me disaster? So you guys are still good for me?"

Yang Xu laughed three times.

Everyone's look changed slightly.

Yang Xu coldly swept the cold face of Saint Moon.

Before reading the file, she had blamed Yang Xuluo well.

Now Yang Xu doesn't care about her.

Unexpectedly, she also delivered the door.

"Go away! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

This remark came out.

Everyone looked shocked.

The face of Saint Moon is even more ugly.

She is the lord of the holy land of the burial moon, high above.

Wherever you go, you are being looked up to.

Who dares to insult her like this?

Facing Yang Xu, she did not have the courage to shoot.

Even more embarrassing for the Lord of the Burial Moon, she faintly felt a hint of joking in Yang Xu's eyes.

Especially when the other party crossed his own body, Chi Guoguo's eyes.

Make her angry:

"Yangxu! Don't think that your cultivation is high, you can control everything, cultivation is not representative of strength!"

"I think you are a holy lord and a fool. I will also give you these words. The status does not mean strength!"

Yang Xu waved easily.


A huge force, blatantly blasted to the sacred Lord of the Burial Moon.

The Lord's face changed a lot and brushed.

Dodge away.

"I'm going, and I'm forced to retreat the Holy Lord!"

"Yangxu is now making a big difference!"

Riyue Wenying Ying Yingying looked at Yang Xu:

"The bad boy's strength is so strong! Now he is safe!"

"Su Shi, do you want to stop me? Are you representing the country of heaven?"

"Yes, I...boom!"

Before Su Shi's words fell, Yang Xu was punched and flew out.


Su Shi retreated three consecutive steps.

Finally, Yang Xu's icy face appeared:

"Since it's the dogleg of Tianfeng Kingdom, there is no need to talk about it."


Everyone took a deep breath:

The domineering Yang Xu!

This is to make up my mind to be right with Tianfeng Kingdom!

The masked master stared at Yang Xu with a complicated look.

There are some concerns in my heart:

"Yangxu, Yangxu, the strength of Tianfeng Kingdom is not something you can resist, you..."

at this time.


A volcano suddenly appeared in midair.

Among the volcanoes, it is not magma that gurgles.

It is full of energy as if it were substantial.

Everyone's pupils shrank.

When I look at it again, brush it.

The energy volcano suddenly shrank and flew into the body of a long-haired man.

This person is standing in the void.

A pair of indifferent eyes looked down at Yang Xu and others, just like watching a group of ants.

"I was planning to wait for you to finish playing, and I appeared again, but I didn't expect you to be sloppy."

The long-haired man looked at Xiang Yangxu indifferently:

"Your name is Yangxu, right? You killed the whole world?"

"Who is the whole world?"

Everyone was puzzled.

The pupils of Peng and Zha Xiaoshu suddenly shrank:

"Forever! That child who is so powerful!"

"This person is his companion? Is it revenge?"

Suddenly, they felt a great sense of crisis in their hearts.

At the beginning.

They are impressed by the strength of the ancient world.

Even his two men are stronger than all the strong men.


The eternal circle is too arrogant.

Look down on everyone who hasn't fallen.

Then it was wiped out by Yang Xu.

The powerful strength has never been able to play out!

"I killed him, who are you?"

Yang Xu said plainly.

The long-haired man has not spoken yet.

Su Shi coldly said:

"Your Excellency must come first and come first. Our matter with Yang Xu has not been resolved. Please wait by the side."

Funeral Lord Saint also looked at the man coldly.

The long-haired man smiled:

"Will you talk to a group of ants, will you come first?"

With that said, he didn't even look at Su Shi, his eyes locked on Yang Xu:

"You do have the breath of the brand he left behind, it seems that you are right. Suicide, leave your head, I will bring it back to the business."

This remark came out.

Everyone's look changed greatly:

"He let Yang Xu commit suicide?"

"Leave his head on the job?"

"What's the point! You are too...boom!"

Su Shi flew out suddenly.

A terrifying energy, wrapped it in an instant.


Su Shi burst into powder.

There is no bone.

The long-haired man flicked his fingers, looking bored.


Everyone took a deep breath and thundered in their hearts:

Su Shi is a strong man in the soul realm!

This person killed Su Shi with one finger and a flick!

From beginning to end.

The long-haired man didn't even see Su Shi and Shengyue Shengzhu.

Change to other people, like Su Shi had already expressed dissatisfaction.


There was no objection to Saint Lord Burial.

As early as when I saw the energy hole.

Burial Moon Lord knew everything:

There are stronger forces than them, and even stronger than Tianfeng Kingdom!

Because the energy is in the sky, it is the existence of the strong in the sky.

Above the highest level of soul holy is to shed the mortal realm.

And what is stronger than Mofan Realm is the Dongtian Realm that condenses the energy!

A long-haired man can wipe out everything here with one finger!

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