Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2721: Tianyao is extinct!

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Above the void, the little nun is dressed in white, his hands are folded, and a space of 10 meters is isolated from the world.

All the arrows, when they hit this space, collapsed into the sky.

The shocked cry of Nine Young Masters spread across the void:

"This is... the pure land of whirling!"


In all directions, the words "Whirling Pure Land" were so shocked that they took a breath.

Every face of the Devil's strong man showed a strong horror:

"How is this possible! This little nun actually owns the Holy Land of the Vatics? No! It is not the real land of whirling, it is just the corner of the land of whirling!"

"Yes, what protects the little nun is part of the Sanctuary of the Vatics! But even so, how can we break the defense of the whirling pure land?"

These powerful demon clan, placed in any place, is enough to exist in the wind and rain.

But this moment.

They look at me, I look at you, all see the helpless look on the other person's face:

They have some understanding of the horror of the Sanctuary of the Vatics, but they are also a powerful defense against this whirling pure land.

at this point.

The nine princes of the Lotus genius are the clearest.

He once fought fiercely with the Vaticans, he even fought fiercely, and even led a large number of demon masters, and attacked the Vatican territory insanely.

At that time, they deeply understood the power and invincibility of the whirling pure land.

It is since then.

Nine sons started their own holy land plan and began to cultivate their own holy tree and holy land.


So far there is no perfect effect!

"Unexpectedly here, I saw the legendary Vatican Holy Land! I really miss it..."

Facing the corner of the whirling pure land where the law does not invade, the nine princes of the Lotus genius, with their white hair like snow, no wind and automatic, and a pair of sharp eyes, all kinds of expressions of excitement, admiration, and anticipation flashed at the moment.

He looked at the little nun, full of greed and possessiveness:

"Hahaha, this is simply the best gift that God gave me! When I encountered a bottleneck in the cultivation of the Holy Land, God sent me a corner of the whirling pure land, and it was just heaven to help me!"

this moment.

Jiu Gongzi made up his mind:

In any case, take this little nun away!

No matter how much it costs!

Just in his mind, the moment of this thought came up.


A peculiar blood-red throne, huge and immense, resembles a red mountain, empty above his head, suddenly condensed.

The next moment, brush!

Full of blood and red, mad and tyrannical mad son flashed on the throne.

He stepped on the throne of madness with one foot, boom!

The crimson throne was suddenly cracked like a landslide, and it was suppressed towards the powerful Lotus family including the nine sons.

"Not good! Flash off!"

The strong men of the lotus cried out in exclamation and wanted to escape.

Jiu Gongzi's body flashed even more, and he was about to launch a blow to dodge the son of madness very quickly.

However, in the next moment, Jiugongzi's face changed suddenly, and the whole person became unprecedentedly dignified:

"This space...worse! Fooled! Give me top!"

It was not until this moment that the nine sons suddenly realized that while the son of madness urged the blood red throne to kill them down, the space around them suddenly became abnormally solid and sticky.

Make them the lotus, these powerful people, the speed has dropped more than ten times!

More importantly!

In all directions, there was a huge space pressure, and they were squeezed wildly towards them.

There is the mad red throne on the top, crushing and calming down, and the force of rolling space around and under the feet, and crazy pressure on them.

this moment.

The look of the strong men of the lotus changed greatly, and they looked at Jiu Gongzi in a panic:

"Son, what should we do?"

"The opponent is too powerful, are we going to retreat, Jiu Gongzi?"

This remark came out.

The surrounding Demon Strongs all changed their faces:

Originally they thought that the sudden attack of the lotus could cause Yang Xu to have a lot of pressure, so as to test the strength of Yang Xu.

Where do you know.

This was just a minute away.

These people of the lotus family are really helpless?

I'm going, what a joke? When did the lotus become so weak? What about their various means? Take it out!

"The lotus waste group, to deal with our demons, all kinds of methods emerge endlessly, to deal with a human being in every area, even no tricks can be used, waste!"

There are demons who curse the nine sons.

Ba Pengju, with his blond hair flying around, now has dignified eyes and shook his head slightly:

"No, it's not that the nine sons don't want to use tactics, but the pressure from the enemy is too great. And the difference in strength between the two sides is too obvious, even if they use other tricks, I am afraid it is futile."

"And if I infer that it's true, the strength of the wicked demon is more than that! She didn't use her full strength at all!"


Pa Pengju exhaled quietly, just this instant confrontation.

He deeply realized the power of the crazy son.

So much so.

Ba Pengju couldn't help turning his dreaded eyes to Yang Xu in the protection of the whirling pure land:

"What kind of experience does this human youth have? What kind of powerful personality charm and strength can he get such a strong genius to follow?"

this moment.

Ba Pengju had a strong curiosity about Yang Xu.

On the side of Nine Young Masters, he could not get out of sight. The strong men of the lotus family will be suppressed by the blood-red crazy throne.

Nine sons with white hair and no wind automatic, suddenly burst out of a silver brilliance:

"Like me!"


A slap-sized white lotus rose in the void, suddenly zooming in at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than a second, it became the size of a house, the whole body was white and impeccable, and a strange fragrance diffused out.


The white lotus that is the size of the house is not worth mentioning compared to the huge red throne like the mountain.

However, the **** it releases will block the crazy throne of the crazy son for a moment.

"Run away!"

The nine sons ordered the powerful men of the lotus family.

All the powerful men looked at Jiugong gratefully, all of them madly urged the momentum to break through the imprisonment of the space here and wanted to get away.

"Come and come, go and go? Did I agree?"

The corner of Yang Xu's mouth slightly picked up, revealing a sneer, and in his hand, Linhuang God killed the sword and the sacred mans flashed out: Shengjue·Tianyao!

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