Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2722: It’s good to be so good

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In the whirling pure land, the moment when Yang Xu pulled his sword.

Around the demons, many sword repairers suddenly changed their faces:

At this moment, they sensed the violent fluctuations of sword qi around them, horrified eyes, and the phoenix gods in the hands of Chao Yangxu killed the sword and gathered together.

The faces of every Demon Sword Repair all showed horror:

"My God! This human kid turned out to be a sword repair!"

"It's not just Jianxiu, the fluctuation of the sword qi he released has almost reached the level of fascination!"

"This wave... is the sacred power! The sword of the human boy contains the sacred power! The death is over, the group of unlucky ghosts in the lotus family is dead!"

this moment.

Almost all of the powerful demon clan have sensed the powerful sacred power contained in the sword of the Linhuang God Killing Sword in the hands of Yang Xu.

This force happens to be the nemesis of the Demon Race, and it has a huge lethal power to the Devil Cultivator.

In addition, the power of Yang Xu's sword is extraordinary.

The moment when a sword was cut out.

The void of this side of Changsheng Cave's Demon Realm was actually annihilated by that sacred force.

As for the sharp and fierce sacred sword light, what has passed directly overshadowed the void, as if it had become a dark universe.

All the light was taken from all directions, grabbed and plundered, and gathered into the sword of Yang Xu.

So much so.

When this sword was slashed to the front of the strong people of the lotus family, it seemed like a huge golden sun, and it suddenly came to the general.

This piece of sky has been transformed into the most dazzling place, and all the voids in all directions will be reflected in a bright and dazzling light.

The power of Yang Xu's "Sacred Extinction" is more than that.

The moment when the white light shined on the sky, "No..."

In the mouth of the strong men of the lotus family, a series of call signs shouted.

The painful howling did not last for a second, poof!

More than 80% of the strong people of the lotus family were killed by the sword light of "Sacred Sword and Heavenly Light", and they were directly killed and annihilated into nothingness.

The remaining few strong survivors of the lotus family, who had survived, were already exhausted and seriously dying.

Only Nine Young Masters, relying on a divine white lotus seed, suspended in the eyebrows, released a ray of light, and protected his body.

This only resisted the prestige of Yang Xu's sword.


Even without being injured, Jiu Gongzi was completely shocked by Yang Xu's horrible swordsmanship!

The other party's sword might have such amazing destructive power.

And it seems that the other party is just a sword cut at random.

If it is attacking with all strength.

How should I resist?

this moment.

Nine sons looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, full of deep fear, and never had that strong self-confidence and domineering when facing Yang Xu before.

Even if he is hailed as one of the strongest talents in the young generation of the Lotus, facing Yang Xu's swordsmanship, he can't help but feel a strong sense of powerlessness.

"The power of this sword is terrifying, and it's terrible is that it contains sacred attributes. If you are accidentally hit, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die! I am afraid that the strength of this kid's swordsmanship can only be matched by him." "

Nine sons of the lotus family, with white hair like snow, flashed a tall figure of short hair in his mind.

have to say.

The power of Yang Xu, the sword, can be regarded as a shock to everyone present.

It is not only Jiujiu who is really sedated. Even a tyrant with a high arrogance, such as the genius Ba Pengju, could not help but see the sword of Yang Xu:

"This human kid, it seems that it's really not easy to provoke. Jiu Gongzi wants to avenge his younger brother, and it's not easy to do it on his own words."

"Will Jiugong look for his crazy starling? If the crazy man does, he might be able to suppress the swordsmanship of this human kid!"

Ba Peng held his blonde hair, no wind, automatic, in his eyes, there is a trace of war intent:

He knows that his current strength may not be Yang Xu's opponent, but this does not prevent him from taking Yang Xu as his goal to surpass.

Even the sword of Fang Cai Yangxu was terrifying.

But still can't make Ba Pengju lose his fighting spirit!

It can be seen that Ba Peng's strength in willpower is at least a bit stronger than that of Nine Young Masters.

This is also the reason why the nine sons of the lotus family always lag behind Ba Peng in strength!

"Well, everyone is quiet, now it seems that everyone has no idea about me wanting to leave, right?"

In the whirling pure land, Yang Xu held the Linhuang **** killing sword, smiling at everyone around him with a smile.

In all directions, no matter which of the powerful demon clan, come into contact with Yang Xu's teasing eyes, don't rush away one by one, and dare not stare at Yang Xu at all:


This kid is holding such a powerful sword in his hand. In case he provokes him, a sword will be given to you, and he will be crippled without dying!

"However, this human kid could actually release such a sacred swordsmanship, how can his body bear it? Does he also have a peculiar bloodline?"

Some of the strong demons who practiced the flesh secretly thought.

Tao Tianye, the little fat man, also had this thought flashing in his heart at the moment:

"No wonder Master is so powerful, it turns out that his physical body is enough to withstand such horrible divine power! It's too domineering!"

"I must follow Master well and strive to cultivate the most powerful body and blood!"

In Tian Tianye's heart, secretly determined.

Opposite him, the mad son with scarlet eyes and the anger in a pair of scarlet eyes gradually faded away, and the whole person began to return to a clear state.

The sword that Yang Xu released just now made the crazy son once again see the master's superiority:

"I haven't seen it in a short while. How do I feel the power of this master's move has become more powerful?"

"Little girl, nobody stopped us. Let's go."

Yang Xu smiled and touched the nun's head, and the nun's face could not help turning red again.

The green sacred tree above his head shone brightly and disappeared into the nun's body.

Yang Xu followed the three men and walked a few steps, his eyes slightly forward:


The demon clan strongmen who stood in front of them all hurriedly moved away, lest they take a step forward and be cut by Yang Xu.

When Yang Xu passed by in emptiness, he passed by the nine sons of the lotus family.

Jiu Gongzi stared at Yang Xu with dread, his lips moved, and he couldn't say a word.

The surviving lotus strongmen behind him even said they did not dare.

Looking at them so honestly, Yang Xu couldn't help grinning:

"Isn't it good to be so early. Fatty, lead the way."

Tao Tianye couldn't help but stunned:

"Lead the way? Where are you going, Master?"

Yang Xu smiled: "Where can I go, of course, your lotus family."

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