Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2726: Unspeakable

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Seems to have seen through, Yang Xu stared at Jianba's gaze, could not help but add a trace of interest.

Around the strong demon clan, originally saw Jian Ba's strange sword, thinking that Yang Xu estimated to be kneeling.

Where do you know.

Seeing that Yang Xu used only one move, he was able to break the attack of Deba eight with great precision.

The demons could not help but show horror:

"It even blocked Jian Ba ​​again! Is this human being really comparable to Jian Ba?"

"I'm going! To be able to fight with the sword maniac, what a terrible sword practice!"

"This young man is so terrible!"

It is different from everyone's exclamation.

The white son with white hair like snow has a deeper understanding of the power of myna's swordsmanship.


When seeing Jianba release such a strange sword move, Nine Young Master thought that this time the human youth was dead.

As a result, he never thought that the kid could easily get rid of this sword!

"How did he see through the starling sword move?"

Doubts flashed in Jiu Gongzi's eyes, "Mynah's two consecutive swords were easily blocked by this boy. Does this mean that the strength of this human youth is not weaker than that, or even above it?"

His eyes flickered, and a glance in the eyes of Jiujiu Zi decided:

"In any case, this human kid cannot be allowed to leave, he must die! Otherwise, it is the disaster of my lotus!"


Jianba's tall body, standing in the void, short flat head, a pair of dead fish eyes staring at Yang Xu faintly.

To be exact, it was Yang Xu's pair of Gujing Wubo's eyes:

"It seems that your eyes are also blessed with pupil surgery. It is not easy to see through the mystery of my sword."

The sick sword in Jianba's hands was entwined with black rays of light at the moment.

If you look closely, you can find that the broken cracks on the sick sword narrow and long sword have completely disappeared.

"How does it feel to bind your soul to this magic sword?"

Yang Xu opened his mouth, so that the look of Jian Ba ​​could not be changed.

Yang Xu smiled, "Do you always feel that the soul is empty, and you are eager to have a war to fill the hole of the soul?"

This sentence made Jianba's complexion become dignified, and a pair of dead fish eyes could not help flashing a haze, staring at Yang Xu desperately:

"What the **** do you know? Explain it all!"

Yang Xu smiled:

"Even if I know anything, I won't tell you so easily."

He laughed jokingly, and looked at Jianba from head to foot with a smile:

"Your sword skill is very good, just when I am using people, now you surrender and join me, I can consider telling you the secret of the magic sword and soul sacrifice!"

Yang Xu's words were full of bewitching taste.

Because from Jianba's response, Yang Xu understood that this guy did not actively sacrifice his soul to the magic sword.

Probably passive.

in other words.

It is not Jian Ba ​​that really dominates this battle, but the long and narrow magic sword in his hand!

"Starling! Don't listen to his bullshit, don't be tempted by him, just kill him!"

Nine sons are covered with white hair like snow, and a pair of fine flashing eyes are full of worry at the moment.

Yang Xu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Jiu Gongzi in surprise:

"Huh, interesting, you seem to be very nervous? Is the thing that his soul is being targeted by the sick sword related to you?"


The eyes of Yang Xu and Yin Yang flashed, and the runes of the Taiji figure passed by.

Suddenly, he discovered that deep inside Jiu Gongzi's pupils seemed to have strange runes shining.

"Oh, it seems that I really underestimated you before."

Yang Xu stared at Nine Young Masters, saying something meaningful.

At the moment, the sword eight, the tall body, and the eyes of a pair of dead fish suddenly broke out a strong fighting intention:

"If you want to confuse me, you can't look down on my will too much! Sick sword cage, cut me!"


Jianba waved a long and narrow sick sword in his hand, and the dark rays of light turned into a huge prison cage again, covering the space of Yang Xu.

at the same time.


A black sword light, accompanied by a sick sword waving in his hand, tearing the void, also beheaded towards Yang Xu!

"This evil spirit... is so powerful! Do we really not have to help in the past?"

The little nun was dressed in a snow-white shirt, and Qiao's face was covered with anxiety.

She could sense what horrible power of destruction contained in the sword eight.

That fierce magical energy made even her with a treasure and body protection feel a palpitate.

His face was full of anxiety at the moment, but when he saw the calm expression on Yang Xu's face, he couldn't help calming down:

"Since Master hasn't asked us for help, let's continue reading. Master must have his own grasp!"

For Tian Xu's calm expression, Tian Tianye still knew very well.

"Be sure to kill him! Otherwise I can only go to help!"

Nine sons with white hair flying around, a flash of determination in their eyes.

In the scorching eyes of everyone, Jian Ba, the sword move, was finally attacked in front of Yang Xu.


This aggressive sword move failed to cause any psychological pressure on Yang Xu.

On his calm face, his expression did not change much from beginning to end:

"Is this your strongest move? It's still a little weak. Since the soul has been sacrificed, why not just come up with the strongest move? Huh?"

Yang Xu looked at Jian Bayi playfully.

The look on Jianba's face made it more and more ugly.

This time, Yang Xu, even Lin Lin God killed the sword, was too lazy to pull out, and waved his hand directly:

Kunpeng's fierce sword spirit!


A huge dark kunpeng phantom, emptied above Yangxu's head, instantly emerged.

It turned into a black sword gas, turned into a huge, huge Kunpeng giant tail, just like a huge magic sword, slammed its tail towards the prison cage formed by the black light;


The black cage cut off by the sick sword was instantly broken.


After the dark Kunpeng sword spirit, facing the black sword light cut by the sick sword, he bombarded the past:

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

All sword lights are destroyed!

After all, Kunpeng sword spirit, but did not stay, continue to move towards Jianba, rushed to the past.

Wherever he passed, the void cracked, and a terrible crack was cut through the ground.

"not good!"

The sword in his hand was a sick sword, and Heimang flashed suddenly, hum!

The sick sword turned into a tall black mountain, and the mountain was filled with thousands of decayed ancient swords. It is actually a sword mountain!

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