Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2727: Hades' ambition

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At the moment when this Jianshan condensed out, there was a dark magical energy, which filled all directions.

The range within ten miles of the radius is reduced to a dark hell.


Accompanied by a shocking explosion.

The earth rumbled.

No one knows whether the black sword mountain where Jianba condenses has blocked Yang Xu's horrible sword spirit.

Surprised and puzzled eyes all gathered towards him.

On Yang Xu's face, his eyebrows rose slightly, as if he noticed something, and the corner of his mouth raised up:

"Oh, is that the end? Some anticlimactic, not addictive."

Accompanied by the dark magic energy, it gradually dissipated.

Everything in the black mist finally appeared in front of everyone.

I saw a huge pit that appeared on the ground of the lotus plane.

In the pothole, there was a shocking sword qi fluctuation, and the devil qi continued to roll.

Other than that.

There are no more figures of Jianba and Jiugong.

There was only a strong voice, echoing in the void:

"Human boy, this time you are lucky, we will have a date! I will cut your head next time!"

Jianba actually escaped!

"This... how is this possible? Am I dreaming? The extremely powerful sword eight was actually run away by this human youth?"

"I'm going, what a joke! Is that still Jianba, how could it become so timid?"

These demon strong men, all with incredible colors on their faces.

In particular, some strong people of the lotus family know about Jianba's strength and character, and feel that Jianba's escape makes them unacceptable.

In Yang Xu's cold eyes, there was a flash of light:

"It's Jiujiu's hands and feet. It seems that this kid is smarter than I thought."

Next time you meet?

Ha ha, next time I meet, I will grab the heads of your brothers together!

Yang Xu's cold eyes flashed across the killing machine.

"Great! Master, haven't you been injured?"

The fat man gluttonous Amano, a flashing body appeared beside Yang Xu.

And his sister was still being held in his arms at the moment, while eating snacks, while looking at Yang Xu up and down with curious eyes.

Yang Xu couldn't help but smile, "Relax, they won't hurt me with their tricks."

As soon as he looked up, his eyes suddenly swept into the void of the universe, and they were floating above the lotus plane to see the lively figure.

When I saw Yang Xu, look over and brush it!

The faces of these onlookers all changed at once, hula!

All scattered birds and beasts, flying in all directions.

"Go, let's go to the Ming tribe."

Yang Xu Chao Tian Ye Road, "there is your site."

When he said the word "Ningzu", he noticed that the little sister in gluttonous Tianye's body shook a little, and his head buried his head in his stomach:

"Don't go to the Ming Clan!"

In the eyes of gluttonous Amano, a flash of distress suddenly flashed.

This little girl was picked up occasionally by the garbage dump. Before, the little girl's life in the Ming tribe was not very pleasant.

Coupled with gluttonous Tianye's original status in the Ming tribe, it is not high.

Therefore, the little girl has no good impression of the Ming people:

"The elder brother of Fang Fang, hand me over to the villain!"

The little girl said a word, so that Tian Tianye's face could not help sinking, and a sharp killer flashed across her eyes:

"Ming Jue? Did Ming Jue give you to the lotus?"

The little girl nodded vigorously and added, "I don't like the Ming Clan! Brother, let's not go to the Ming Clan, okay?"

She looked at the gluttonous Amano expectantly, and the Amoy amano looked at Xiang Yangxu with embarrassment.

Yang Xu smiled and asked the little girl with a smile:

"Little girl, do you think it's a brother, or am I better?"

The little girl rolled her eyes and pointed at Yang Xu without hesitation:

"You are the elder brother's master, you must be more powerful!"

Yang Xu nodded, "This time I will go back with you, you can rest assured that from now on, you will definitely like the Ming tribe."

This meaningful sentence made Gita Amano look a little stunned, and seemed to have thought of something:

"Master, do you want to..."

Yang Xu refused to say:

"I didn't think about anything. Come with me and get back what you should have. The Tribe should pay some price."

For the Ming tribe, Yang Xu's impression is not good.

Especially when I know that the Ming Jue, the Ming Jue, counts even a little girl.

"Relax, I will help too. The Ming people are really too bad! Little sister, don't worry, your brother and his master are very powerful!"

A little nun in a white clothes, Qiao's face could not help but hung with determination.

The little girl nodded, and the little adult said something like:

"Since you have said so, I believe you once."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, and walked toward the plane of the Ming tribe.

Behind them, they kept up with many followers from afar.

The Nether tribe is above the sky.

With a black armor and a long sword, Ming Jue stood in the void of the universe, his fierce eyes, cold light like electricity, and gazed quietly at all directions.

An old voice recalled in his ears:

"If it's really like you said, that human behavior is so strange, I can leave him completely!"

"The gluttonous blood veins on gluttonous Tianye are extremely rare. You cannot let him leave like that. After killing the human, you must completely control the gluttonous Tianye and urge him to evolve the gluttonous blood!"

There was a glimmer of gloom in the eyes of Ming Jue:

"None of these old guys is a fuel-efficient lamp. They work for the family and come to bargain!"

Is it gluttonous blood?

Since the old guy attaches so much importance to this gluttonous bloodline, it is not my style of Ming Jue!

With the ancestors of the Ming clan as backers, Ming Jue suddenly felt more confident.

at this time.

News came from his men. After seeing the content, the look of Ming Jue could not help changing:

"Actually beat Jianba away? This human kid's skill is really not easy. Unfortunately, you have done everything, and you never thought that I would have been prepared!"

His eyes flashed, and he looked at the universe void in the distance, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes:

"There are a lot of resources in this human kid. I hope the ancestor can take him completely, and maybe he will be able to force him to ask a lot of secrets!"

Are they coming to the Ming tribe?

Haha, just right! I can't wait to suppress you!


In front of the void, the light flashed, and several powerful waves of constant waves appeared in front of him.

The eyes of Ming Jue suddenly flashed, and the fighting in the eyes broke out: "Come!"

"Well, it seems that you have already been prepared?" Yang Xushang appeared in front of the black armored Ming Jue, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

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