Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2732: Mysterious material

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On the side of the ancestor of the Ming tribe, he took out his most powerful treasure, and suddenly his momentum surged wildly.

The little black tower withstood the heavy attacks of purple thunder.

Not only did he not suffer the slightest damage, but the whole tower began to shine with bright purple light.

It was as if it had absorbed all the purple thunder.

The strange and dangerous atmosphere, centered on the ancestors of the Ming tribe, quickly spread towards the surroundings.

The cultivators in all directions were all calmed down by the horrible fluctuations released by this small tower.

Some people even started to look sympathetically at Chaoyangxu:

"No matter how powerful the human kid is, I'm afraid it's hard to escape!"

"The ancestors of the Ming tribe want to completely kill the human kid..."

It was in their joke and sympathy.

The figure of Yang Xu suddenly disappeared.

The next moment.

Seeing Yang Xu instantly crossed the universe void of hundreds of meters, flashed in front of the ancestors of the Ming tribe.

I didn't see him doing any complicated movements, just greeted the ancestor of the Ming clan, punching out with a punch:

"It's over."

Yang Xu did not want to waste any more time, nor did he intend to give the Mingzu ancestors the opportunity to shoot:

The old guy didn't even know what precious resources were stored in the small tower in his hand.

Heaven can no longer be brutalized!

this moment.

The whole person of Yang Xu, the golden spirit of the whole body is lingering, like a golden flame, burning flamingly.

He is like a god, standing in front of the ancestor of the Ming tribe, the whole body of the blazing light will reflect the twisted face of the ancestor of the Ming tribe, all reflected in a golden color.

"Heavenly Fist!"

Facing the ancestors of the Ming tribe, Yang Xu directly played the trick to overcome his strength.


The divine light is shining, an ancient ancient paradise, coming across the void, a golden rune, like a small sun, will be above the Nether tribe, this piece of the universe is illuminated.

at the same time.

Facing the overwhelming punch of Yang Xu, the ancestor of the Ming tribe sensed the destructive power contained in it, and his expression could not be changed:

"not good!"

"Attack me!"


The thoughts of the ancestors of the Ming tribe madly poured into the palm-black tower.

Suddenly, the dark black tower in his hand suddenly burst into a purple halo.

These purple auras, suspended above the heads of the ancestors of the Ming tribe, turned out to be able to resist the power of Deyang Xu's "Fist of Heaven" for a moment.


The ancient heaven phantom that came across the void and was killed by the town was actually held back by the purple divine aura.


A black crack appeared on the phantom of ancient heaven.

This discovery, not only did not make Yang Xu shocked, but instead his eyes lit up and his excitement was abnormal:

"Hahaha, it's such a thing! Even the Sky Tribulation Thunder can absorb it and turn it into its own use! It really is a treasure!"

Yang Xu's excitement and exclamation, listening to the ears of Mingzu ancestors, could not help blinking a little:

What treasure?

Does this little black tower have anything you don’t know?

This little black pagoda was picked up from an ancient planet by accident when he was young.

At that time, in order to seize the little tower, he also fought against a strange beast, and he finally won.


This little pagoda became a treasure he often used, and became more and more convenient.

As for the function of this small tower to devour thunder, he also discovered it just recently.

Not only that.

The ancestors of the Ming tribe also discovered that this small tower not only can absorb the thunder, but also has a powerful healing ability.

No matter how terrifying the force hits his body, causing any injuries, this little tower can help him recover in an instant!


The ancestors of the Ming tribe realized that this little tower is a real treasure with infinite potential.

"Ghost, you don't even know what kind of existence you are facing. Now surrender obediently and join my underworld, I may be able to spare you!"

The ancestor of the Ming clan holding the small tower felt full of energy and tried to bend the soldier without fighting.


Yang Xu didn't even have the idea to take care of him. After "Fist of Heaven" was blocked by the little black tower, he didn't hesitate anymore and threw a punch again:

"Ray Magic Fist!"


A bright pagoda, like a divine star, descends from the sky, and the bright light illuminates the entire universe.

In all directions, all the cultivators were shocked by Yang Xu's fierce and overbearing punch:

"Oh my god, is this human kid's fist even so powerful?"

"It's a weird light! This kid's fist is totally restrained by our demon! Why did he come to my demon?"

These onlookers were also affected by Yang Xu's "Bright Fist of Light" and exclaimed in succession.

Some Demon Cultivators who didn't cultivate enough were directly affected by Yang Xu's fist skills, and they all snarled.

Had to stay away from here.

As for the ancestors of the Ming tribe, facing the divine power of "Light Fist", they bear the brunt of it, scorn!

A blazing divine light reflected on his body, so that the Mingzu ancestor burst into a scar.


The ancestors of the Ming tribe did not panic, but instead sneered coldly:

"Human boy, I want to see how many powerful cards you have! Get me!"


In the hands of the ancestors of the Ming tribe, the little black tower flashed, and suddenly he saw that the wounds on his body that had been bombarded by "Bright Fist" all disappeared at an alarming rate.

Not only that.

The small pagoda in the hands of the ancestors of the Ming tribe, after recovering from the wound caused by the light fist, even flashed a golden light.

It seems that it also possesses the power of "Light Punch".

The next moment:


A violent golden fist, like a hurricane hurricane, rushed out of the small tower, and bombarded towards Yangxu.

"Huh, this old guy seems to have discovered the peculiarity of that material, does it actually play its role?"

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, "But actually use my strength to deal with me? The ancestors are so naive?"

Faced with the light and magical power from the black tower bombardment, Yang Xu waved easily:


The golden energy suddenly turned into a ball of light, and he was caught in his hands.

Unexpectedly, a glimpse of sinister flashed in the eyes of the ancestors of the Ming clan:

"The attack released by my magic weapon, do you think it is so easy to take over? The same attribute attack? You think it's too beautiful!"

The words did not fall, the golden sphere of light in Yang Xu's hands suddenly burst into light:

Bang! It exploded directly!

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