Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2733: Get it easily

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It must be said that the power of this golden ball of light is really not small.

The void centered around Yangxu was even immediately annihilated and erased.

A piece of nothingness appeared on the spot, the crystal wall system of the universe dissipated, and there was a tendency to form black holes.

And Yang Xu's voice was completely gone.

It seemed that the power of the explosion could not be resisted at all, and it was completely erased.

Between heaven and earth, there is no trace of his breath!

All the onlookers around were shocked by the power of the golden ball of light.

No one thought that the ancestor of the Ming clan would release such a strange and terrifying attack.

They are full of anxiety and suspicion:

"Impossible! Master, he won't be okay. With such a little attack, how is it possible..."

Even the mad son next to him, after seeing the power of the explosion, couldn't help but look a little dull.

The little nun next to him, worried on Qiao's face:

"He...he won't really..."

In the little girl's eyes, tears had already begun to pour.

On the face of the ancestor of the Ming tribe, there was a sneer on his face:

"Well, I can be killed with this strongest trick, and you are proud enough!"

"This is the price you underestimate the ancestors, and not only do you want to die, your soul I will also be arrested by the unique means of the Ming tribe, so that you will always suffer the lashes!"

Everyone can't help but change color when they say this.

Especially the people of the Ming tribe headed by Ming Jue, knowing that the ancestors of the Ming tribe are really annoyed.

Fortunately, the human trouble that was so powerful was finally solved completely.

What's left is the concocted accomplices, right?

The people of the Ming tribe, led by the Ming Jue, began to look at the gluttonous Amano, the son of madness in disgust.


At this time, a leisurely voice sounded slowly in the ears of everyone.

All of them suddenly changed their complexions:

"Well, old fellow, you are really cruel enough. What's interesting is that you really think that with such a little power, you can kill me? Sorry for misunderstanding everyone, I just want to take the opportunity to try its power."

At the moment this sound sounded, hum!

In the black void, a little milky white translucent light appeared in it.

At first it was just a slap-sized spiral, and then the figure of Yang Xu emerged from the spiral that was constantly rotating.

When he reappeared in front of everyone, his clothes were spotless and his hair was not messy.

Not to mention, leaving a trace of scars!

"His... that terrifying power did not hurt the human kid!"

"What a joke! Does he really have the power comparable to the devil?"

this moment.

Chaoyangxu was everywhere, and he cast incredible sights.

Especially the ancestors of the Ming tribe.

He couldn't believe it. The trick he trusted the most was that he didn't even hurt anyone.

So much so.

The wrinkled old face of the ancestor of the Ming tribe was completely distorted because it was too shocking and incredible!

As for the Ming tribes behind him, including the Ming Jue, his face was pale.

His eyes were filled with almost desperate dull eyes, and for a time, there was no response:

What can you do?

Even the oldest ancestor's most powerful and confident tricks did not hurt others.

This is more than a gap in strength.

How to play?

this moment.

The hearts of the people of the Ming tribe began to fall toward an abyss called "Despair".

And the scary and mysterious young man in front of him seemed to feel that the despair of these poor worms was not ordinary enough.

There was a hint of indifferent smile in the corner of the mouth, almost reprimanded, and he said a word to the ancestor of the Ming nationality:

"A half-hanger is a half-hanger. I used to see your use of the small broken tower, and I knew that you were just trying your luck. As expected, the old guy, you couldn't even exert its power of 10,000th."

"This treasure is in your hands, it's a mess."

Yang Xu stood in mid-air, his expression calm and calm, but what he said in the mouth made everyone present more confused:

What do you mean?

How do you listen to the meaning of this young man, the power of the Mingzu ancestors can be more powerful?

I go! Just kidding, it's just that the power it exerts is already powerful enough, okay!

Brush brush!

A stunned, curious gaze all gathered towards the ancestors of the Ming tribe.


It was towards the dark tower in his hand that he gathered.


Even the ancestors of the Ming tribe are at a loss, looking at the little black tower in their hands:

Can it be more powerful?

I have not yet exerted its power of 10,000th? I'm just a half-hanger?

The ancestors of the Ming tribe's complexion became ugly.

And at this time.

"Patriarch be careful!"

Ming Jue exclaimed.

The ancestor of the Ming tribe suddenly raised his head, and suddenly saw a face with a faint smile on his face.


The ancestor of the Ming tribe just said a word.

Yang Xu, who flashed in front of him, stretched out his hand so lightly.

I don't see him doing any complicated movements.

Just pick so easily.

Suddenly, the ancestral ancestors of the Ming tribe lightened, and the black little tower was squeezed in the hand by Yang Xu.

The next moment.

Yang Xu already flashed a hundred meters away.

"He wants to take away that treasure! Old ancestor, get it back soon!"

Ming Jue shouted to remind.

Everyone in the Ming tribe, their face suddenly became very nervous:

Since the treasure sounds so powerful, so powerful, if it is gone by this human youth, then it is still good?

Even worse!

This young man seems to understand the details of such treasures more than the ancestors of the Ming tribe!

Think of these.

Not only the people of the Nether tribe, but also those of the onlookers of the Demon tribe can't help but feel a burst of Cao eggs:

What a hell, a human who broke into the Devil Realm even knew the treasures of the Demon Race better than the ancestors of the Ming Clan.

What's this called!

"Huh, human boy, although you may know the treasure better than me, it is a pity that it has survived my countless efforts!"

At the moment, the ancestors of the Ming tribe regained a trace of the calmness of the superior, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth:

"Just move your lips and want to take it in front of me? Stop dreaming!"

A gloom flashed in his eyes, and the ancestors of the Ming tribe moved:


In Yang Xu's hand, the little black pagoda suddenly struggling with violent concussion.

It seems to want to break free from Yang Xu's shackles.

The Ming tribes couldn't help but rejoice: "That's right! That treasure was ancestral by the ancestors! The human kid can't take it away!"

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