Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2735: Do you know why you were killed?

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Seeing that the ancestor of the Ming tribe, facing the strange ball, was instantly annihilated and wiped out.

The onlookers of the demons, the expression of amazement on their faces, had not had time to disperse.

He heard Yang Xu's blandly cold words.

"What, he wants to make the Minzu despair? What do you mean?"

Watching the crowd, a shocked expression appeared on his face.

And as a group of Ming clan people, the complexion suddenly changed:

Because they saw that after the strange little ball spiked the ancestor, there was no stay at all, and it fell towards the underworld plane below.

Even the powerful existence of the ancestors of the Ming tribe can't resist in front of the horror power of this ball.

If this falls within the plane of the Ming tribe.

What terrifying power should it cause?

"No! My Hades are in danger!"

Ming Jue first responded.

And the men of the Ming tribe next to him were all covered with despair and pain:

Their parents, wives and children are still below.

That little ball is so terrifying, will even their relatives be killed?

Just thinking about this.

Brush brush!

They all chased the little ball frantically.

The other people at this time were shocked by the horrible power of the ball and didn't react.

Even the gluttonous Amano is a step slower, and then I suddenly remembered:

"Master, there are my gluttons below, they won't..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

The crazy son next to him wiped out his worries with a word:

"Don't worry, you gluttons are not in any danger. I have already arranged it."

This remark came out.

The eyes of Tian Tianye couldn't help but light up, staring at Yang Xu with a brush:

"You arranged it by Master? Have you expected this scene long ago?"

Yang Xu smiled slightly, unsure.

He did not expect the emergence of chemical substances, it was an unexpected gain.

But the arrogant guys of the Ming clan, he made up his mind to teach him hard.

Among the ten tribes in Changshengdong, the Ming tribe is notoriously fond of aggression, and there is a kind of animal nature in its bones. Like the gluttonous tribe, they have been destroyed by their tribe.

How can we make this kind of intrusive guilty guy completely afraid?

Only by frightening them, hurting them, beating their father and crying their mother's blood into a river, and personally taste the genocide, can they remember forever.

This is part of Yang Xu's plan, and it's a gift for the cheap apprentice of Tao Tianye:

From then on, the gluttonous people will completely get rid of the slavery of the Ming clan!

to this end.

Yang Xu had already ordered the son of madness to mention that he went to the Ming tribe to make preparations and communicated with the gluttonous people.

"The Ming tribe is in trouble this time. The ancestor of the Ming tribe is directly destroyed by the small ball, and the plane of the Ming tribe cannot resist at all!"

"They are going to be miserable this time. I don't know how painful the price will be. This human youth is terrible!"

"How did he know how to use the chemical substances? It's terrifying!"

The onlookers of Mozu, in addition to those who have an interest in the Ming Clan, chased the Ming Jue and they rushed to the plane of the Ming Clan.

The remaining ones, without exception, cast a dreadful and fearful look on Yang Xu.

In addition to the first group of strong men who left, another group of two realized that Yang Xu was not good, and left without looking back.

The last batch left, look at Yang Xu, then look at the plane of the Ming tribe, and want to know what the final result is.


As expected, the earth-shaking sound came from below the plane of the Ming tribe.

It's not just the ground of the plane of the Ming tribe, the earthquake-like cracking opened a huge mouth.

Even the universe void on the plane of the Nether tribe began to crack and destroy in pieces.

When the black and white bean-sized **** landed on the plane of the Ming tribe.

Buzz, buzz!

After a series of undulating defensive formations appeared above the Nether tribe.

Try to stop this external invasion.

However, it didn't work!

The bean-sized ball, under the addition of chemical substances, directly collapsed the barrier of the magic circle.

A group of strong men from the Ming family, such as Mingjue, also tried to block the ball.


Before they approached the ball within ten meters, they felt a devastating force, radiating madness from the ball with amazing frequency.

Mingjue they hesitated.


That bean-sized ball fell on the ground of the plane of the Ming tribe.

In an instant.

A sunken vortex appeared on the ground of the Nether tribe, and a whirlwind of tornadoes began to absorb energy, air, and even space energy that plundered in all directions.

Looking down in the air, it was as if a vortex appeared on the ground, frantically absorbing everything in all directions.

Then, rumbling...

The tremendous energy, centered on the vortex, spreads insanely in all directions.

The dazzling sphere of light began to destroy and destroy in ten directions. Wherever it passed, the ground collapsed and the void was annihilated and broken.

What mountains and lakes, what birds and beasts, all died.

As for the strong men, geniuses, and arrogants of the Ming clan, in the face of sudden disasters, they even have no time to react.

It's just a moment of effort, they are too late to scream, they are directly vaporized and evaporated.

This devastating disaster, which took less than ten seconds, has spread to almost the entire Ming tribe.

The strong power of the Nether tribe was directly exterminated by more than 80% by this almost violent and brutal means!

"Hello heart! How dare you give me such a vicious hand!"

The whole Ming Jue had almost completely collapsed, and flew to the distance of 100 meters in front of Yang Xu, screaming loudly.

Yang Xu's eyes were slightly cold:

"Do you know who you are talking to?"

This remark came out.

Ming Jue suddenly froze, and then realized that this man in front of him was a demon that killed and killed the ancestor, all of which had the same look.

He couldn't help but a cold sweat came out of his body:


"You can only kill other tribes, do you not allow other tribes to kill you? At first, what did you do to the gluttonous family, was it not worse than me?"

Yang Xu smiled coldly, "Once you were stronger than the gluttons, you wiped out most of the forces of the gluttons. Now I am stronger than you, and you are not happy to destroy most of your forces? ?"

The Ming tribe is today, and it is also a destined thing, and there is no need to complain.

For them, Yang Xuke is not used to it at all:

"Your name is Ming Jue, right? Do you know why I kept your life?"

This sentence made Ming Jue cold, and looked at Yang Xu with some surprise:

"Why... why?" Unconsciously, he had been completely calmed by Yang Xu's absolute power and fierce means.

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