Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2736: The Hades have been destroyed since today

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So far, these people present have fully realized the power of Yang Xu.

Therefore, they did not understand why they left a life of Ming Jue.

After all, this guy shouted and killed Yang Xu at the beginning.

Ming Jue looked at Yang Xu suspiciously at this moment, obviously did not understand this.

Yang Xu's expression was faint, without any expression, and the devastating forces on the plane of the underworld below finally came to a close.

Then in the somewhat frightened and complex eyes of Ming Jue, brush!

A little black substance about the size of beans, flying from below, suspended in front of Yang Xu.

In all directions, horrified and terrified eyes all converged on this bean-sized black substance.

The frightening scenes of Fang Cai made them fully aware of the horror of this material.

I also saw how Yang Xu controlled such a fearful existence.

I can't imagine that if Yang Xu took this kind of material and dealt with their ethnic group, how much could the presence be able to resist?

For a while.

People looked at the black matter as if they were the most terrible devil looking at time, they didn't know what to say.

Yang Xu has a slightly ticked finger, woo!

The bean-sized chemical substance draws a black line and quickly escapes into the ring.

The black flash of the ring flashed without change, and was still the same size as before.


Everyone never dared to underestimate this little black ring:

The existence of the size of a bean can easily destroy a plane.

If this is all used, how powerful is the destructive energy?

"This kid is so terrible that even such a mysterious existence can drive it. What on earth did he come from?"

Everyone again had endless curiosity about the origin of Yang Xu.

On the side of Yang Xu, a shimmering body appeared in front of Ming Jue.

Ming Jue covered his head with cold sweat, and for a time he dared not make any movements.

"Go, take me to the Ming Clan, I am very curious about your Ming Clan."

Yang Xu turned his head toward the gluttonous Amano brothers and sisters and told them to follow.

The mad son and the little nun came to the plane of the Nether tribe together.

There are screams everywhere in the Nether tribe, and there is a breath of destruction everywhere.

However, there is no **** smell and disgusting picture.

The reason is that everything that is made by the chemical substances is erased.

Except for the terrible huge depression on the ground, there was no trace left.


The residence of the Ming tribe was completely erased, including all the resources of the Ming tribe.

Fortunately, only those who walked outside, and were not in the blood of the Ming clan within the destruction of chemical substances.

Compared with the bloodline of the gluttons arranged in advance by the crazy son, these surviving forces of the Ming clan are less than one tenth of them.

this means.

Now the true dominance of the Nether tribe will become a gluttonous tribe instead of the Nether tribe!

"Master, this... this is something you were prepared to do long ago?"

Gourmet Amano was not stupid, and soon discovered this, except for surprise in his eyes, but excitement.

There is no trace of impatience:

As a pure blood offspring of the gluttons, he had heard more or less long ago. The Ming tribe treated them with the gluttons, but they were much more ruthless than these.


Even if the blood of the Nether race suffered no matter how much suffering, gluttonous Amano will only express regret, but will not have any sympathy and intolerance.

On the contrary, as Yang Xu expected, the first thing that Tian Tianye thought of was how to use the gluttonous clan to control the rest of the situation:

"Master, how long will you stay here?"

Yang Xu smiled as soon as he heard the problem of Tian Tianye:

I didn't plan for this kid in vain, this kid was very good!

"I will stay here for five days, is that enough?"

Yang Xu smiled and looked at the gluttonous Amano, who nodded vigorously:

"Five days, it is enough for us to come up with a decent defense, and besides, isn't there you Master?"

Nowadays, after a large amount of strength has been erased from the Nether plane, the defense of the entire plane can be said to be extremely empty.

Whether it is external or internal.

Therefore, there is an urgent need for reconstruction, various internal orders, external defense forces, and so on.

Therefore, Yang Xu will stay here for five days, which is to help the apprentice to sit in the town and prevent the forces of other planes from invading the Nether plane during this time.

As for five days later.

Look at the people's own efforts after the gluttonous Tianye and gluttonous people.

If Yang Xu could help them get to this position, they would not be able to regain independence of the gluttonous people.

That's really no way, Yang Xu is not their nanny, it is impossible to protect them all day long.

"Ming Jue, give you a chance to live, immediately stop your surviving strength of the Ming clan, and come over to work."

Glutton Amano was not at all polite to the lord.

Because of his current strength, there is no need to fear the combat power of Ming Jue, not to mention that the entire Ming tribe is already in name only.

If you don't want to die, then cooperate with it obediently.

"Tian Tianye! You dare to commit the following offense and offend our son..."

A descendant of the Ming clan has just spoken halfway, poof!

The whole person was slapped by gluttonous Amano, and volley cut off his head.

The remaining members of the Ming tribe surrounded by Ming Jue could not help but all changed their looks. I probably didn't expect that Tian Tianye would suddenly become so strong.

"Listen to Tian Tianye's instructions, let's gather the survivors..."

Ming Jue's voice showed a feeling of powerlessness.

Especially when he saw that the old **** was standing there in Yang Xu, a sense of hopelessness that he couldn't resist, he couldn't help but rise to his heart.

Alas, I wonder if the other ancestors of the Ming tribe have survived?

Now that I want to make a comeback, I am afraid I can only count on them.


The old ancestor, in front of the weird material of this human kid, did not even have a face to face.

Even if there are several other ancestors, how big the chance of winning?

One day passed quickly.

There are less than one hundred survivors of the entire Ming tribe.

Compared to the blood of thousands of gluttons today, it is really rare.

But in terms of overall strength, it is more than a glutton.

No way, many bloodlines of the gluttonous people are already impure, and the talents in all aspects are much worse than the Ming people. "Amano, this is a little help I gave to you, and it can help your people to purify the blood. In addition, I have given you the skills, you can also pick some of your trusted juniors, teach them a part, to enhance your gluttony The fighting strength of the clan

benefit. "" Also, I teach you the formation knowledge, you can take advantage of this opportunity to apply it, compared with the previous plane defense formation of the Netherworld, only strong! "

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