Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2738: Lotus Clan

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Among the magnificent halls, carved beams and paintings, and runes of lotus flowers shone.

Several of the lotus sons sitting side by side, including eight sons and nine sons, looked a little ugly.

Opposite them, there are several prestigious elders of the lotus family.

It was these elders who made the nine sons Xiangyang Xu apologize.

On the main seat in front of him, the patriarch of the lotus had a golden armor, a lotus crown on his head, and an indifferent face, he could not see the slightest fluctuation in his expression.

The following sister-in-law argued with the elders. He listened to his ears from beginning to end without making any representation.

Whether or not to confess to that human youth, the two sides have been arguing for a long time, and it is difficult to have a reason to persuade each other.

Since then.

The crowd looked over at the patriarch and looked forward to his final decision.

"Father! This son Yang Xu is too unfathomable. Because of this, we can't let him continue to develop, otherwise, not only my lotus, but I am afraid that the entire Demon can't fight this son!"

Jiu Gongzi's eyes were sharp as a sword, and his voice said coldly.

But his voice has not yet landed, and an elder on the opposite side immediately sneered to rebut: "Do you still have to wait? That human being is now stronger than the Demon Race. Even if he is not sure about it, then he is more powerful than the Lotus Race. Are you sure? The first thing that bears the brunt now is the safety of my lotus family.

After exterminating a Ming tribe, it is also possible for him to destroy our lotus clan if he does not yet show an attitude! "

This remark came out.

Several other elders nodded again and again, the old man's face showed dignified color:

"According to the collected information, this human teenager is a very vengeful person, and he has a very small mind. Because the Ming Jue offended him, he did not specifically kill this son. Instead, he turned the Ming Jue into a slave and was always subject to the gluttons. Drive..."

Mention this.

The faces of these people in the hall could not help Qi Qi became a little ugly:

A careful-eyed enemy, in his hand, still has the power to resist.

How else to play?

Embarrassed them! "Huh, isn't that Yang Xu really invulnerable? I don't think it's necessary! The mysterious chemical substance in his hand is more powerful, but it also needs time to be urged? Yang Xu himself is strong enough, but The little nun beside him

It's not necessarily very strong...that little nun is our chance to start. "

Jiujiu's remarks came out.

Immediately was interrupted: "Don't mention that little nun! Now, among the 10 tribes in Changshengdong, who doesn't know that you made that bodhi sacred tree plan? What makes a demon domain comparable to the Sanctuary of the Vaticans, the result? That small A nun, a bodhi sapling, will let you attack

No one can threaten others, do you still want to catch her and threaten Yang Xu? is it possible? "

"What's more, with the power and means of Yang Xu, can you have the opportunity to deal with the little nun, it is not yet known. Don't dream, Yang Xu will not give you a chance."

Several elders, swearing by their eyes, admired Yang Xu's power very much.

Jiujiu was so angry that his gray hair and no wind automatically:

"You know Yang Xu, and have full confidence in him. We will surrender to Yang Xu unconditionally if we co-operate?"

Several elders sneered again and again:

"No, it's not us who surrendered to Yang Xu. It's you, Nine Sons, you want to surrender to Yang Xu... To be exact, you are to blame for the crime, to kill or to stab, let Yang Xu fall."

"Patriarch, this is the only way to eliminate Yang Xu's anger and prevent him from starting with my entire lotus! Patriarch, you must think twice!"

"Yes! Only let Jiujiong bear all the anger of Xia Yangxu, we, the lotus, will have a chance to get rid of the crisis of collapse! Patriarch, please persuade Jiugong!

The elders' words and deeds laughed at the nine sons:

Cooperating with these old guys, is it clear to let yourself die?

Use your own life in exchange for the safety of the lotus?

Jiugongzi looked up to the patriarch:

"Father, what do you mean?"

A glimmer of determination appeared on the indifferent face of the eyes of the lotus clan leader: "Lao Jiu, you have been sheltered by the lotus clan for so many years, and you have enjoyed countless resources. Now it is time for you to sacrifice for the lotus clan. According to the data, That Yang Xu is not necessarily a killer. If you take the initiative to blame, he may spare you

A life. "

This remark came out.

A group of elders nodded incessantly, showing approval, looking at Jiugongzi expectantly.

I wish the nine sons agreed immediately.

Nine sons froze for a moment, the snow-white hair flying behind his head gradually calmed down, he smiled:

"Hahaha, father, you are planning to let me die. Yang Xu will spare me, but I was going to kill him. Will he spare me?"

"Use my life to replace the old guys with peace of mind, but you can do it!"

This remark came out.

Both the patriarch and the elders looked a bit ugly.

The patriarch even reprimanded:

"Old Nine! You talked too wildly today, you..."

"I don't want me! Father, are you curious? Today, my elder brothers haven't said a word."

Nine sons with white hair, no wind automatic, a pair of cold eyes, flashing a strange light staring at the patriarch's father.

The patriarch of the lotus family saw Jiujiu's expression, and his eyes suddenly sank. His heart showed bad thoughts, and he swept to the other sons.

At the moment of seeing them, they were sitting right up there, but on each face, all the same cold and quiet smiles appeared.

It was the same as the expression of Jiugongzi.

"Old Nine! You..."

The patriarch of the lotus family sank suddenly, "Did you practice that forbidden technique? You..." "Hahaha, I did practice forbidden technique, otherwise, if you let me go to death today, I'm afraid I really have to Go! But now...brothers, it's time to rise up to resist, the entire lotus family should not be in this group of rotten old home

Guys hands! "

Nine sons have white hair like snow, drink coldly, hula!

His eight elder brothers, including the genius Jianba, who is proficient in swordsmanship, all stood up, with the same cold expression on everyone's face, blasting!

At the same moment, they all shot, and the targets were the elders across from them.

The head of the lotus clan could not help changing:

"Old Nine, do you want to rebel? You..."


He hasn't finished speaking yet.

A branch of blood red cuts through his chest, brushing it!

The patriarch of the lotus family only felt that his own energy was quickly consumed by the **** branches, and finally, hey!

Turned into a peculiar blood-red seed, the size of the palm, flew into the hands of Lao Jiu.

"Old Nine, you...forbidden..."


The head of the lotus clan turned into fly ash.

Jiu Gongzi squeezed the blood-red seed and smiled faintly: "Anyway, the lotus family is going to die, it's better to become my nourishment. I will destroy Yang Xu and avenge you!"

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