Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2739: Be a man by sword demon

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In the void of the universe, when Yang Xu and the little nun came all the way to the plane above the lotus family.

The peculiar fluctuations around made Deyang Xu frown.

The little nun next to him suddenly showed curiosity:

"What's wrong, is there something wrong? Did you change your mind?"

The young nun disagreed with Yang Xu's being alone and heading to the lotus plane.

Although she has seen Yang Xu's powerful strength, she is still worried that he will encounter an unknown crisis.

In this regard, Yang Xu just smiled and did not give a clear response.

But at this moment, Yangxu's footsteps had not yet come to the lotus plane.

"The nine sons are indeed abominable, but we are not worth the risk. If we have a chance to meet him again, you can teach him again..."

The young nun thought that the reason why Yang Xu never missed the lotus was to teach the arrogant Jiujiu.

Yang Xu was unsure about this, but there was a slight smile on his face:

"We don't need to go to him anymore, he is already here."


A hundred meters away, above the plane of the lotus, the sword light flashed, a tall man with short hair and an inch, carrying a long and narrow black sword in his hand, with a trace of black gas lingering around.

His pair of dead fish eyes, now crossing the barrier of the universe's void, fell on Yang Xu's body:

"Is this your true face? It's a lot more ordinary than I thought."

Jianba's tall body, in the eyes of a pair of dead fish, made no secret of his mockery of Yang Xu.

Yang Xu looked at Jianba from head to toe, slowly looked around again, and raised his brow slightly:

"You are also much more vulnerable than I thought."

If the meaning is pointed, the look of Jianba slightly sinks.

Yang Xu did not take care of him anymore, but locked his eyes in his hand, the long and narrow sick sword:

"Originally I thought that you were the main body, and that sword was a vassal. Later, after personally studying with you, I found that you are only a vassal of that sword, and the sick sword is the theme. However..."

Yang Xu's cold and quiet gaze slowly paused for a minute on Jian Ba's face:

"However, it wasn't until this moment that I confirmed that neither you nor the sick sword were the subjects. The person who really controlled your actions was actually someone else. Am I right, Nine Sons?"

The three characters "Jiu Gongzi" came out, and suddenly the look of the sword on the opposite side suddenly changed. There was a peculiar rune in the bottom of my eyes.

Then his eyes flicked:

"Now that you know, then die!"


The long and dark sword in his hand tore the void suddenly, and beheaded towards Yang Xu.

The dark sword light passed by, the void was like paper, and was torn apart easily.

The sharp black sword light is overwhelming and has the power to destroy everything.


Regarding this sword, there was no slight change in the expression on Yang Xu's face, but instead a contemptuous sneer:

"What time is it, what about the cover-up?"

Wave it freely, boom!

"Kunpeng's Sword Qi" condensed a dark sword light, and greeted Jianba's attack, he bombed it up.

at the same time.

Yang Xu turned the palm of his hand, and the Yitian chess board appeared in his hand. The pupil on the opposite sword eight could not help shrinking slightly.

Yang Xu smiled:

"It seems that Jiugongzi still knows the goods and recognizes what this is. Now your only chance to make a comeback is to capture the little girl next to me to threaten me. Unfortunately, I don't want to give you this opportunity."

This remark came out.

The face of Jianba across the face changed suddenly. He didn't think at all that his plans and details were completely seen by Yang Xu.

It’s weird enough to be able to see that he is in control of Jianba. Even he wants to grab the little nun beside him, he can guess.

What the **** is this human kid!

"Yangxu, I don't need your protection. I have the magic weapon that Master gave me. I..."

The little nun didn't want to trouble Yang Xu.

Yang Xu interrupted her directly:

"It's always good to have one more layer of protection. You just stay here and watch the game."


The military kills the chessboard, and it starts instantly.

Kong Xuan Taoist in a Taoist suit, and the sloppy and lonely Sword Demon suddenly flashed to the side of the little nun.

All of them are surrounded by a strong breath.

This kind of action made Jianba no longer breathless, bang!

The violent breath broke out behind him, and I could see that a red-red demon tree phantom emerged behind him.

at the same time.

That sick sword rose into the air, scorn!

Seven Daoguang swords slashed in all directions and turned into seven Dadao portals, enclosing Yangxu in them.

From the seven Dao portals, a strong and arrogant figure emerged respectively, it was the seven elder brothers of Jian Ba.

A total of eight people, surrounded by dangerous breath, surrounded Yang Xu.

"Now that you are surrendering, everything is easy to discuss."

In the eyes of Jian Ba ​​pair of dead fish, threats flashed.

Yang Xu smiled and waved his hands casually:

"Okay, when is it still nonsense, just start playing."

The voice hasn't landed yet, brush.

The figure of Yang Xu suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, he flashed in front of the man closest to him, palm and sword light:


Han Mang shines in the void, blood splashes.


Jianba snarled and saw his eldest brother closest to Yangxu. Yangxu cut his head with a light stroke.

Not only that.

At the moment of beheading, Yang Xu throws a golden light, Hulong!

The golden light wrapped around the big brother's head and instantly burned it to fly ash, the smoke disappeared.

"Kill me! You must kill Yang Xu!"

The remaining seven brothers, including Jianba, were all burning with rage and blasting...

They rushed to Xiang Yangxu from all directions.


It was at the moment when Yang Xu rushed to death, call!

Jianba's figure suddenly dissipated, leaving a phantom of a red demon tree.

The next moment, the figure of Jian Ba ​​flashed in front of the little nun.

In response, Yang Xu smiled coldly:

"Are you planning to threaten me with that little nun? You chose the wrong answer again."

On the side of Jianba, Yang Xu couldn't even bother to look at it at all. In his hand, the golden light of the killing sword of Linhuang God flickered with the six brothers of Jianba.

Raising the power of swordsmanship, Yang Xu was above these people, not to mention, the Linhuang God killing the sword in his hand was also able to release the power of the Wanke Demon Race.


A few ups and downs.

Yang Xu will get these six enemies and beheaded easily.

It is as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

"Well, it's a bit uncomfortable, Jiujiu, is this your hole card? Too weak."

Yang Xu shook his head in disappointment. I turned to look at the little nun, but I saw the bad luck of Jianba, and I was fighting with Dugu Jianmo. He was dumbfounded and was being taught by Dugu Jianmo.

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