Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2740: God tree is coming!

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Although Jianba's swordsmanship is powerful, it is only in the lotus family.

Yang Xu's sword skills can easily suppress it.

Not to mention the lonely sword demon specializing in kendo.

Even with the power bonus of a sick sword.

But don't forget.

There is a magic sword in the hands of Dugu Jianmo.

At first, this magic sword could not last forever, claiming that Situ was defeated, not only provoking Yang Xu, but even the lone sword demon looked down on.


Sword by the sword demon, completely convinced.

Today, this magic sword exerts in the hands of Dugu Jianmo the horror power comparable to a generation of fairy.

Speaking of lethality, it is completely under the sun **** disk in Yang Xu's hands!

Since then.

Jianba was unlucky.

Under the hands of Du Gu Jian Mo, he barely supported for ten seconds.


His head was chopped off by the sword of the lonely sword demon, and the wound was neat and tidy, and no half of the blood flowed out.


The long and narrow sick sword, covered with cracks on the sword, flew away with a crazy shock.

Du Gu Jian Mo could not help blinking, "Where to go!"

Just throw it away and buzz!

A huge sword-shaped outline suddenly wrapped the sick sword, like a big hand, and easily captured it in front of the lone sword demon.


Squeezing the sick sword in his hand, Du Gu Jian Mo frowned slightly:

"It turned out to be a evil sword, feeding on soul and faith, alien means!"

He looked up at Xiang Yangxu, "Do you need it?"

Yang Xu, who solved the six people, smiled lightly, "Take care of you."


Dugu Sword Demon squeezed a crack in the blade of the sick sword.

Suddenly, gurgling blood came out of the crack, and the sick sword was struggling frantically, trying to get rid of the shackles of the lonely sword demon.

However, how can it be so easy.

"Such evil things should not exist in the world."

Dugu Sword Demon said lightly, using a little force in his hand.

"Do not!"

Suddenly there was a loud drink in the void, and the sound was like thunder, which attracted Yang Xu and the little nun to look over there.

Dugu Sword Demon didn't lift his eyelids, and pinched:


The extremely powerful and powerful disease sword is in the hands of the lone sword sword demon, and turned into ashes.

"Dare you ruin my magic weapon, find death!"

Accompanied by a thunder, rumbling!

Du Gu Sword Demon's head is empty, suddenly broken, rumbling!

A huge blood-red branch, red awns shining, bloody, overflowing toward the solitary sword demon.

Wherever he passed, the void collapsed, forming a space channel.

A tremendous amount of pressure squeezed towards the solitary sword demon.

"Well, is Nine Sons real means?"

Yang Xu raised his brow slightly.

However, Qingxiu's face, there is no trace of anxiety or worry.

That's the sword demon, undefeated sword god, what's so worried about?



Yang Xu flipped his palm, and his golden coins appeared in his hand, shining with a touch of golden light:

"Maybe you can take this opportunity to confirm the power of this ancient coin."

"Seniors are not in danger?"

At this moment, the little nun, Qiao's face was covered with anxiety, and some were worried about the safety of Du Gu Sword Demon.

The Kong Xuan Taoist next to her, with a faint look, had no slight worries about Du Gu Jian Mo.

He has always been very speechless, but instead rarely comforted the little nun:

"Relaxed girl, no influx of means, there is no threat to Dugu brother."

It seemed to be verifying his words, when the thick blood-red branches rushed to the front of the lone sword demon like a dragon.

Dugu Sword Demon didn't even bother to do the action, with only one look:


A cold flash in the eyes turned into a phantom of a huge giant sword, directly blocking the blood-red branch:


The blood red branches and the giant sword phantom collided together, making a metallic crash.

Then, rumbling!

The giant sword phantom actually oscillated at high speed, and the blood-red branches became a powder with a speed visible to the naked eye.


Dugu Sword Demon waved, scorn!

A slash of sword light came out, and he rushed into the space portal where the **** branches rushed out, and he heard a loud noise.

After the space portal, a violent shock and a **** face came.

"Well, you Yangxu, I can't think of such a master hidden beside you!"

There was a low drink in the void of the universe, with the color of pain that could not be suppressed.

When Yang Xu looked over there, he saw a blood-red demon tree that pierced the crystal wall of the universe and grew wild in this universe.

In the blink of an eye.

It turned into a giant tree covering thousands of meters in height, thick branches, deeply plunged into the crystal wall system of the universe, gurgling, absorbing the dark matter energy of space, and growing wildly.

And at the very top of this giant tree covering the sky, sitting in a figure, it is the nine sons.

Today, his white hair has turned into a red-red color, and each hairline is tens of meters long, connected to the trunk of the giant tree branch behind him.

He seemed to be part of this giant tree, lingering in a savage, **** breath.

"This giant tree... is exactly the same as the Bodhi tree of our San people, but why is there such a strong **** atmosphere?"

The little nun looked at the giant tree that covered the sky, and his eyes flashed with doubt.

And Yang Xu said with a smile:

"It's very simple, because it was originally irrigated with the seeds of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva. It's just that the material used to irrigate it is not the sacred energy and the power of faith of your Sanskrit, but the corpses and the corpses from the Demon. Flesh only."

Yang Xu's contemptuous look looked at the nine sons sitting on top of the giant tree covering the sky:

"Evil Demon Waidao means evil demon Waidao, and will only use these non-influx methods."

On the top of the giant tree, Jiugongzi sneered quietly:

"No matter what means, as long as it can kill you, that is a good means! Yang Xu, die!"


Nine sons stared at each other, and the remaining giant tree covered the sky suddenly flashed red.

In an instant, Yang Xu behind the void suddenly shattered a mouth, a thick blood-red branch, punctured toward his back.

at the same time.

The cosmic void in front of, above, and below Yang Xu also shattered one after another, blood-red branches, and swept across him assassinated.


Yang Xu was surrounded by branches in all directions.

Seeing that he was going to be completely submerged by the blood-red branches, the little nun's face could not help showing anxiety, and even begged Kong Xuan Taoist beside him:

"Hurry up and help, Yang Xu is in danger."

Kong Xuandao smiled faintly:

"No. As long as you are okay, Yang Xu will be invincible. As for the other party's methods, it is only pediatrics for Yang Xu."

At this time, Yang Xu, surrounded by **** branches, suddenly shouted, "The **** tree is coming!"

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