Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2741: Kill town!

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The word "Shenshu is coming", from the moment Yang Xu said:


A strange wave of energy, centered around Yangxu, suddenly diffused in all directions.

So much so that the blood-red demon branches entwining him seemed to slow down a bit.

Covering the sky of the giant tree, the nine sons are covered with blood-red hair and tremble like a poisonous snake demon. The eyes of Xiang Yangxu are full of surprises:

"The **** tree is coming? What is this means? Do you have the **** tree protection?"

Just at the moment when his doubt came out, boom!

Behind Yang Xu's void, the space crystal wall system shattered suddenly.

The turbulent blue-green energy contains powerful vitality fluctuations, which tumbling out of that space channel.

These green energy are all the purest wood energy.

What changed the little nun and the nine sons was that the energy of these woods was too magnificent, and appeared in this moment of the universe starry sky, Clara, Clara!

The turquoise energy of the wood system condenses directly in the void, summoning a thick and thick root system.

The thickest green roots of these greens have the thinnest diameter of more than ten meters.

more importantly.

These mysterious roots are imprinted with billions of mysterious runes of turquoise green, the light shines, the energy circulates around the body, like hundreds of millions of wooden dragons, appearing in this world.

The moment when the green light shines through them, sweeping in all directions, bang bang bang!

Those blood-red demon trees that attacked Xiang Yangxu couldn't even support them for one round, and they were broken into pieces.

However, it is not over yet!

The emergence of the aquamarine root system is just a prelude.

When Yang Xu got rid of the danger, his hands were sealed, and Qingxiu's face was plain and calm.

Seeing the void behind him, a phantom of aquamarine saplings appeared.

Then, buzz, buzz...

There is a peculiar brand on the void of the universe behind him. With this brand, the green light shines, with Yang Xu as the center, spreading rapidly in all directions.

Then the nine sons were stunned into incredible sights, rumbling!

A divine treasure tree is nine thousand kilometers high, covering the sky and the sun, and the life force is pervading.

I didn't see Yang Xu doing anything, the whole person rose up into the sky, and seemed to merge with the green treasure tree.

In Yangxu's Dantian sea, the world **** willow shines with crystal clear brilliance, and perfectly blends with the green green treasure tree.

"This...how is this possible...!"

Nine sons covered with blood and red hair flying, eyes filled with unbelievable:

To know.

In order to cultivate this demon tree, he spent a lot of energy and hard work.

Only the flesh and blood of some powerful and geniuses have been poured into countless numbers.

Not to mention other resources consumed.

Finally, this demon tree was cultivated. In order to let it grow quickly, Jiugong even devoured the strength of several elder brothers and lotus elders.

Such as these, it is difficult to finally have the current scale.

But in front of this human kid, he only made a few handprints at random, and even condensed a treasure tree that was not under himself!


This gap is too big!


I am not convinced!

this moment.

Jiu Gongzi's heart is full of anger and unwillingness, and his enigmatic eyes are shining with unstoppable jealousy:

"Kill me!"

The murderous flash in his eyes, and the evil thoughts immediately passed to the demon tree with the blood-red hair behind his head.

There is a demon tree that is thousands of meters high, and the red light shines suddenly, and the **** atmosphere is filled:


The blood-red branches rolled, and suddenly turned into a dragon, and once again rushed towards Yang Xu and rushed around.

To this.

Yang Xu didn't even move his eyebrows, only a slight smile:

"Let it kill."


Seeing that the blood-red branches rushed towards me with amazing speed, from all incredible directions and angles.

Yang Xu's eyes flickered and brushed!

Behind the green treasure tree shines brilliantly, scorn!

The green branches turned into swords, spears, clanging!

All the **** branches will be penetrated and nailed into the void.

On the turquoise branch, a rune with a strange flicker, poof!

All the demon trunks from the assassination were directly shattered into powder.

This action caused the nine sons at the top of the demon tree to flash their astonishment again.

Although it has long been expected that this tree of God condensed by Yang Xu is of great power, but he did not expect it to be so powerful.


Even the little nun beside Kong Xuan Dao couldn't help but show a stunned face:

"What a powerful **** tree! This green treasure tree, the power does not seem to be under the holy tree of my Vatican!"

Her beautiful and simple eyes sparkled with surprise.

And the lonely sword demon guarding her next to her, looking at Yang Xu at the moment, couldn't help but the flash of admiration in his eyes:

"Yang Xu's control over elemental power is getting older."

The magical power of "Shenshu Descent", Dugu Sword Demon once saw Yang Xu perform.

But its power at that time would never be as powerful as it is now.

Today's Yang Xu, if he does not take it, he will almost give the enemy an overwhelming feeling of overwhelming.

More importantly.

This is the trick that Yang Xu took casually.

If you try your best, the red-haired guy of this demon in front of you may not be able to resist it at all.

"Attention, that guy is going to do a trick."

Kong Xuan Taoist stared at Jiu Gongzi's eyes, flashing a little, his attention could not help but converge towards the little nun:

He always remembers his first task is to protect the little nun.


Without warning, at the moment when the words of Kong Xuan Tao were not falling, the universe on the side of the little nun collapsed suddenly.

A branch of blood red, like a devil's big hand, is coming to capture and capture the little nun.


The moment it appears, brush!

A divine light, like a waterfall of energy, was brushed towards it, and the majestic energy fluctuations directly brushed all the voids of the universe into a gully.


The blood-red branch had not been rushed in front of the little nun, but was shattered by Kong Xuan Taoist, and was smashed into powder.

Kongxuan Taoist's cold and proud eyes looked at Jiu Gongzi's side faintly.

I saw Jiujiu's complexion, which became very ugly. Still have time to react in the future, scorn!

The green branches and roots, like the spear of the sky flying sword, have been assassinated towards him-

Yang Xu's attack is coming!


In an instant.

The scarlet demon tree has withstood the massive attack of Yangxu Shenshu.

at the same time. The green twigs and roots of the gods are condensed into a green, covering the sky and the sun, and killing down the demon tree town!

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