Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2742: The real usage of ancient coins

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The turquoise green wheel has a diameter of tens of thousands of meters, covering the sky and covering the sun, so that this side of the universe is empty, and its back is illuminated in the color of green.

Seeing the azure green wheel condensed by the **** tree, overwhelming the sky and crushing the void, the blood-red demon tree would be cracked and burst into a crack.

At the top of the demon tree, Jiujiu's head was full of blood and no wind, and dense blood-red runes rose above his head.

A strange red light flashed in his eyes:

"Want to kill me? Not so easy!"

The pupil of Jiu Gongzi's eyes flashed, and hundreds of millions of symbols burst out:


The dense blood-red runes continually gathered into the demon tree.

Suddenly, I saw a crack in the demon tree being stolen, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, it quickly disappeared and disappeared.

at the same time.

Clara, boom!

Thousands of kilometers of blood red demon trees, rolling branches madly rotating and converging, under the suppression of Yangxubi green treasure wheel, a blood red city gradually formed.

This city looks like the volume of the emerald green wheel, but in the city, there is a pattern of **** and demons.

A breath of chaos, destruction, evil, strangeness, and disaster swept through this blood-red city.

The whole blood-red city is full of awe-inspiring magical path.

The mysterious voice of Nine Young Masters was also in the blood-red city, and the faint sounded:

"Devil Ancestor Holy City, give me a counterattack!"

With the sound of Jiujiu's bang, boom!

In the holy city of blood-red demon ancestors, the blood-red rays swelled and splashed like **** waterfalls, sweeping the heavens.

at the same time.

The magic ancestor holy city rose into the sky, facing the azure treasure wheel suppressed by Yang Xu, and directly hit it.

"Well, it's interesting, I didn't expect this guy to have some means. Do you want to fight against me? Complete you!"

Seeing that Jiujiu actually urged the magic ancestor holy city and rushed toward the azure green wheel condensed towards the **** tree, Yang Xuqingxiu's face could not help but show a strange look.

Then, without escaping, he directly urged the aquamarine treasure wheel to sway the bloody, enchanting Demon Holy City, suppressing the past.


It seemed that the sky thunder ignited the ground fire, but the moment of the turquoise green wheel colliding with the blood-red holy city.

Buzz... boom! !

The shocking energy explosion, centered on these two amazing buildings, spreads insanely in all directions.

In an instant.

The whole dark space of the universe is directly illuminated.

Not only that.

With Yang Xu and Jiugong as the center, a huge energy vortex with a diameter of several kilometers was formed.

At the center of the vortex is a black hole spinning at a high speed. With the rotation of the black hole, a terrifying suction continues to sweep through all directions.

Stars, dark matter energies, etc. thousands of kilometers away are all absorbed and captured.

Nine sons covered with blood, no wind, automatic, cold eyes flashed in Yan Yan:

"Yangxu, I see how you still deal with this time! You..."

Before his words fell, he suddenly found that Yang Xu, who was standing opposite him, looked calm and calm, and did not panic.

When Jiu Gongzi's heart sank.

When aware of the cold mangs thrown by the nine sons, Yang Xu even smiled slightly at him, and gently shook a slap-sized thing in his hand.

It was an ancient coin, shining with a faint golden light.

When he saw the ancient coin, the look of Jiugongzi could not help changing:

"This is the old coin from the ancestor! Was it not completely destroyed by chemical substances? How could it appear in Yang Xu's hands?"

The strange expression on Yang Xu's face made Jiu Gongzi feel that this ancient coin might not be that simple. And it seems to be confirming his speculation. Nine sons quickly sensed that the dark matter energy absorbed and captured in all directions, centered on the black hole and the energy vortex, was being absorbed by the golden gold coin in the hands of Yang Xu. ,


The ancient coin in Yang Xu's hands, like a little sun, is becoming more and more dazzling and dazzling!

"What the **** is he doing? What is the origin of that ancient coin?"

Looking at the ancient coins in Yang Xu's hands, Jiugong instinctively felt something was wrong.

"It doesn't matter! The top priority is to **** the chemical substances in his hands! Before he can urge his power, he should be suppressed completely!"

Jiu Gongzi's eyes shone with fine awns.

He has been avoiding confrontation with Yang Xu to prevent the other dog from jumping the wall in a hurry and directly urge the power of chemical substances.

This is also the reason why he tried many times and wanted to take away the little nun.

As long as the little nun is in his hands, Yang Xu throws his mouse away, and he dare not use chemical substances on him.

Where do you know.

I failed to **** the little nun repeatedly, and there were two masters around the girl.

Nine sons' abacus fell through.

But what surprised him was.

Even if his plan failed, Yang Xu did not simply and violently directly urge the power of chemical substances to deal with him.

"What the **** is this guy doing? Is that the old coin in his hand?"

Nine sons covered with blood, no wind, and a pair of eyes stared at the ancient coin in Yang Xu's hands.

Absorbing the dark matter energy of the universe in all directions, this ancient coin is becoming more and more dazzling.

In Yang Xu's mind, the system promptly sounded:

【Ding! 】

[Detection of strong eccentric energy fluctuations in the player’s hands, immediately urge ancient coins to summon eccentric energy to come? 】

【Ding! 】

[Detection of strong eccentric energy fluctuations in the player’s hands, immediately urge ancient coins to summon eccentric energy to come? 】

The prompt sound made De Yangxu's eyes slightly bright, and a perfect arc came out of the corner of his mouth:

"Is the role of this ancient coin summoning the arrival of alien creatures?"

With a flash in his eyes, Yang Xu directly activated the power in the ancient coins:

"Okay, summon alien power!"


This shining ancient coin suddenly burst into a dazzling beam of light, rushing straight into the universe sky.

There was a loud bang.

The void of the universe was directly penetrated by a space channel. This space channel, with infinite depth, made the Void Beast in Deyang Xu's arms cry out in surprise.

Yang Xu couldn't help smiling:

"Oh? You don't even know the little guy. Where does this space channel lead? Then wait and see."

The words are not falling, boom!

This space channel exploded, and a shadow raged like the wind, swept through, shout! A strong wind rushed towards Yang Xu, and he saw a humanoid creature with the whole body wrapped around the law, which appeared in front of Yang Xu.

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