Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2744: Extermination

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The **** demon trunks are entangled with blood, and they are crazy toward the space barrier in front of Yang Xu, crashing crazy.


The space barrier trembles slightly, and there is no sign of being breached.

To know.

The Void Beast is best at controlling space energy, and the Space Barrier is its most commonly used defensive trick.

And this space barrier in front of him has been compressed and strengthened by the Void Beast without reservation.

Its defense is 100 times stronger than in the past!

Not to mention a demon tree.

Even if Yang Xu personally came to attack, I am afraid it would be difficult to break open without a long time.

"Ah, stop wasting time, you can't break it."

Yang Xu stood quietly behind the space barrier.

I didn't see him doing any complicated movements, just swiped in front of him:


That powerful space barrier suddenly appeared a portal, from which Yang Xu stepped out:

Five Elements Technique!

He didn't make it, it was the most wonderful trick.

"Five Elements" through Yang Xu's constant perception, and all kinds of wonderful opportunities, its power has already been raised to a shocking point.

Even if it is compared with "Five Elements Avenue", it seems that there is not much difference, it is already a state of "technique is close to Tao".

The moment when Yang Xu's "Five Elements Great Technique" shot, he was booming!

A five-elements mountain, surrounded by five-colored divine dragons, covering the sky and the sun, stems toward the demon branch in front of it, directly suppressing down.

"Like me!"

Upon seeing this, Nine Young Master couldn't help but change his look. He urged the nine-handed **** **** spear, the nine-handed **** sword, and the nine **** demon swords.


Yang Xu's condensed five-elements Shenshan did not even have a moving bomb, suspended in mid-air, letting that **** spear, sword, and demon sword rumbling against the **** mountain.

Boom Boom...

All the Scarlet Spears, Excaliburs, and Fairy Swords shattered.

Around the Five Elements God Mountain, a golden fire of gold shone, and the broken blades were instantly burned into powder.

The Five Elements Shenshan stood proudly, unharmed.

"This... how is this possible!"

Nine sons were horrified.

Yang Xu looked faintly, his eyebrows raised slightly:

"Kill the town."


The Five-Colored God Mountain rises from the sky, surrounded by the Five-Colored God Dragon, the golden wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements of energy endlessly, and suddenly turns into a huge existence covering the sky and the sun.

This five-elements **** mountain, directed towards the nine sons, and his remaining cover demon tree, the town killed down.

Poo, poo!

The Five Elements Mountain hasn't been suppressed yet, and the universe's void began to shatter, crack, and annihilate in pieces.

And the demon tree left by the nine sons, Clara began to ring, **** branches, bursting out a series of terrible cracks one after another-

This demon tree is about to collapse!

"No, I'm not an opponent of this son. I leave Qingshan without worrying about firewood. Let's go!"

A bit of determination flashed in the eyes of Jiugongzi!

The blood-red hair behind his head broke instantly, disconnected from the demon tree, and instantly turned into a snow-white color.

His whole body was tumbling with magic, his hair was gray and windless, and he was about to escape.

Yang Xu's cool voice sounded:

"Come all here, but still want to leave? You should stay behind."

Along with Yang Xu's voice, a palm print suddenly appeared in front of Jiu Gongzi, the size of the door, the golden light, and the runes twined, turning into a wind, sweeping towards Jiu Gongzi:


This palm print contains unmatched power, and it will knock Nine Young Masters directly back to the demon tree.

"Do not……"

Emperor Jiujiu raised his head and happened to see that the five-elements mountain above his head, the five-color light shining, had already fallen to the top of his head.

The huge strength and fierce divinity made Jiujiu even have no chance at all, poof!

The flesh was crushed directly.

A translucent soul flew out of the flesh, just about to fly away, Yin Yin!

The golden wood, water, fire, earth, and five-colored divine dragons winding on the Five Elements God Mountain, the dragon's claws were cut, and the soul of the nine sons was directly torn apart and eaten!

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, beheaded the Nine Sons of the Chongtian 1...]

In my mind, the system sounds.

There is not much change in Yang Xu's look. I really want to kill a nine son, which is a common thing for him.

But as the demon tree was crushed by the Five Elements Mountain, bang!

The magic ancestor holy city burst, and the humanoid creatures summoned came to Yang Xu again.

Sensing that there was no breath of Nine Young Masters around him, a flash of light flashed through his eyes, nodding silently towards Yang Xu and brushing!

Turning into a beam of light, Fei Dun entered Yang Xu's hands, among the golden coins.

"Well, it's a bit useful, but it's not powerful enough, it's trapped in a devil's house, it's tasteless."

Yang Xu sighed.

If you can get a second ancient coin or more, the power of this ancient coin should be able to increase significantly.

"I heard that collecting all thirteen ancient coins can get a vital secret of fairyland. I don't know if I have this opportunity..."

A trace of expectation flashed in Yang Xu's eyes.

"Huh, that thing..."

In the pile of demon trees crushed into powder, a blood-red bead suspended in the void of the universe.

Because of the large amount of residue, it also floats in the universe, so that Yang Xu almost missed it.

Scratched his hand and shouted.

The blood-red beads entered Yang Xu's hands:

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the monster: Mofeng Nirvana Beads x1! Do you use it immediately? 】

The sound of the system sounded in my mind.

Yang Xu glanced at its attribute introduction:

[Monster: Magic Phoenix Nirvana Beads

Grade: Need

Power: No

Description: At the time of the nirvana of the first generation of the devil phoenix, the orb of condensed body essence contains the life-long practice experience of the demon Phoenix!

Description 2: The Phoenix Bloodline wears this bead, the power of the bloodline +100%! Lifespan + 100 years!

Description 3: The state of the seal (only the blood of the Phoenix family can unlock the seal!)]

"Huh, it's another tasteless, and it's useless to me."

Yang Xu threw this magic phoenix disk into the system space, and did not take it seriously.


He flashed over the lotus plane, his fingers lightly touched the ring formed by chemical substances, woo!

A bean-sized chemical substance, after absorbing the power of the Void Beast, continued to descend toward the lotus plane:


The forces of the lotus family have also been directly wiped out most of them!

"In this way, no one dares to play the gluttonous idea in the nearby planes."

The Lotus is a plane away from the gluttons, and the nearest plane is also the most threatening one.

After being tossed about by Yang Xu, he was overwhelmed.

"Well, these guys seem to think of me as a huge threat..."

Yang Xu flashed his eyes, not far behind him. A dozen strong and powerful figures came towards me...

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