Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2745: Ba Pengju's determination

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Hundreds of kilometers away from Yangxu.

The demon cultivators who followed him all the way, watched Yang Xu with amazing power, will destroy the nine sons and the demon tree, all destroyed.

The faces of these monks could not help but show horror.

Especially when they saw again that Yang Xu used only a small piece of chemical substances, and easily eliminated most of the lotus forces.

The fear and horror on their faces could hardly be concealed.

"This human kid must die! At least he can no longer be allowed to use synthetic materials to destroy the power of my devil!"

"Yes! If he is allowed to continue to develop like this, who knows whether it will threaten our ethnic group?"

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Everyone in the Demon Race knows this very well.


This human seems to be too strong, what means can suppress him?

The demon cultivators present are usually best at tracking, etc. They are not good at killing them head-on.

It was at this time.


In front of them, the universe was surging, and a golden portal appeared.


A figure with an unusually tall figure and flying blonde hair walked out of the golden portal. A pair of golden golden eyes flashed with awe-inspiring intent:

"I have a way to deal with this human kid Yang Xu! As long as you obey my command, plus my own combat power, 50% can surely destroy Yang Xu!"

When he saw this figure of flying blonde hair, everyone's glasses suddenly flashed:

"It is the first genius of the ten races, and the absolute strongman of Changsheng Cave is overtaking!"

"Great! I didn't expect him to kill Yang Xu. With his participation, we are more confident in killing Yang Xu!"

Brush brush!

The eyes that everyone looked forward to all gathered on Ba Pengju.

Ba Peng raised tall, like a giant, his blond hair flew behind him, his eyes flashed with a certain light, greeted everyone with the look of expectation: "My Ba tribe has a formation, specifically for the purpose of trapping people, And it will also have a strong repressive force on people's mental state. As long as we can successfully introduce Yang Xu into this array, it will be half successful, and let me do the rest

Just do it. "

Ba Peng held his golden eyes full of calmness and confidence.

He has strong confidence in his fighting power.

And these other Mozu people nodded one after another at this moment:

"Okay, we agreed, what kind of formation, we will learn now."

"While Yangxu hasn't left yet, hurry up!"

For a time.

Everyone was ashamed to kill Yang Xu.

Ten minutes later.


Yang Xu urged the wings of the gods, like a streamer, flew to the demon cultivators.

Seeing them standing in the void one by one, facing themselves in a strange formation.

Yang Xu couldn't help blinking, and his sharp eyes directly locked the one among these people, the one with the most dazzling light:

"Ba Pengju, are you going to kill me? Use the formation to kill me?"

The tall figure, full of blond hair flying around Ba Pengju, has a wild breath, a pair of golden eyes staring at Yang Xu, nodding:

"Yes, if I don't kill you, our demons will be reduced to meat on the cutting board, and you will be slaughtered. I don't want to see this scene."

The successive extinction of the planes of the Lotus and the Nether is an example.

Yang Xu smiled:

"I knew that with these wine bags and rice bags, I didn't dare to have the courage to deal with me. It was you, Ba Pengju, and I didn't seem to have any grudges with your hegemony. Instead, you urged to kill me and put They organized..."

Yang Xu's eyes were faint, staring at Ba Pengju.

However, in the face he looked for, Ba Pengju did not flinch, and his eyes were always sharp: "You and I are not a family, do you need any other reason to kill you? Just this is enough, not to mention according to my Presumably, you seem to have an inseparable relationship with Linglong Hall, it is likely that they sent me to the devil

! "

This remark came out.

The faces of other demons could not be changed, their faces were dignified:

"I can't think of this human Yang Xu, there is such a beginning, if he is a spy, he can't let him go!"

"Ba Pengju, don't hesitate anymore, let's do it directly!"

The demons cried coldly, with murderous eyes flashing in their eyes, and couldn't wait to start working on Yang Xu.

Ba Peng's expression did not change at all, and he stared at Yang Xu, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, arms over his shoulders, and the old **** was standing there:

"Don't worry, wait slowly."

A look of interest appeared on his face, and the cold eyes seemed to see Ba ​​Pengju completely through, making Ba Peng lifting a strange heart.

And Yang Xu's next words made Ba Peng's heart shake and his scalp numb:

"You are waiting for your real helper. You are clever and clever. Naturally, you know that relying on the group of wine bags and rice bags in front of you will not kill me. So you still have a real strongman..."

This remark came out.

The demons' faces were slightly ugly.

But there is a layer of protection, and they are also fortunate in their hearts. For a while, their emotions are complicated, and they don’t know what to do.

Ba Pengju responded quickly:

"Huh, since the decision was made to kill you, it’s natural to be foolproof! Don’t say to invite the second batch of strong men, if there are third or even the fourth batch of strong men, even if I pay a big price Please bring them in!"

"To kill you, you must be 100% successful!"

This remark came out.

The people in the Demon Clan nodded slightly, and the uncomfortable feeling that originally formed in their hearts gradually disappeared:

That's right, since you want to kill Yang Xu, you must never let him run again!

It must be 100% successful, no matter how much it costs!

It was in the eyes of everyone, when such thoughts came into being.


Yang Xu suddenly moved, the wings of the gods behind flashed, and his whole body seemed to turn into a sharp light.

In a flash, he flashed in front of a powerful demon.

Faced with the sudden appearance of Yang Xu, the face of this powerful Demon Race is still in a state of coercion.

"No! Quickly activate the formation!"

Ba Peng gave a blast, hum!

The golden light rose around him, and the dense and weird symbols, centered on him, quickly spread around.

Other demon cultivators also shone a strange symbol.


The guy in front of Yang Xu, before he could react, saw the sneer in the corner of Yang Xu's mouth:


The poor worm's head flew directly into the air.

The headless corpse burned into fly ash directly.

Moan! Yang Xu held the Linhuang God to kill the sword. After slashing an enemy, he pulled the sword towards the other demons.

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