Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2756: Blood Spear, Nine Styles

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The gigantic nine-strength boxing force slammed in front of the ruling Zhenjun.

The tremendous power fluctuations and fierce coercion made the vanity in front of the ruling True King directly distorted.

The star ground at his feet was rumbling and breaking, forming a ditch ravine that was hundreds of meters deep.

"Blood God Spear, ruling the nine styles!" Ruling Zhenjun faced with the undefeated Shenquan from Yang Xu's bombardment, and squeezed the red blood Spear Spear in his hand. , The twisted runes began to hover like dragons and snakes, rotating around the **** spear


Rolling blood, suddenly shot out of the **** spear, forming a mountain of blood, rumbling and flying towards the nine golden **** fists.

at the same time.

Ruling that the true prince shook the **** spear in his hand, the **** spear instantly split into two, two into four, and four into eight... It seemed that the peacock opened the screen, and differentiated dozens of blood spears.

"I am the son of the long-lived ancestor, you dare to kill me, I think you are really tired! Blood spear, ruling the nine types, trial!"


The dozens of blood **** spears, which were densely packed, met the nine golden **** fists blasted by Yang Xu, and rushed up.

Yang Xu smiled contemptuously at this:

"You have to kill me to grab the treasure, I have to wait for you to kill it? Even if you are the long-lived ancestor, I will kill you as well!"

Yang Xu, who is unhappy in his heart, cares about you, three, seventy-one and twenty-one. After the "Undefeated Divine Fist" blasted out, there was no stay, and he furiously punched again:

Epoch Fist!

This punch is vaguely related to the operation of the law of time. With one punch, there is a smell of epochal power. The time around Yang Xu seems to be slowed down in the space around him.

So much so.

In the view of ruling Zhenjun, the speed of Yang Xu's punch is almost as slow as a snail.

But unexpectedly.

The power of "Era of Divine Fist", instead of coming first, didn't wait for his dozens of blood spears to hit the nine golden fist, boom!

Wrapped in the fist of the epoch power, like a tornado storm, crackling!

The dozens of blood spears of the true monarch will be judged, and they will blow up and down.

Ruling that the true monarch's face could not be changed, "Under the world, could it be the king's land, the shore of the earth, the king's minister, any rebellious existence, can not get rid of the king's trial! Explode!"


Dozens of blood spears, blood light flashes suddenly, beep beep...

Dense energy waves are shining and rumbling!

A breath full of judgment, high above, looked down on the violent energy exploded, set off a terrible mushroom cloud, and instantly wrapped a few hundred kilometers around the universe.

Everything in this space is surrounded by the power of judgment, and his eyes are overwhelming, and all are densely phantoms of blood spears.

What suspended meteorites, what silent stars, what cosmic dust, etc., are all locked up by the blood **** spear phantom, bang bang bang!

All of them were bombarded, exploded, and shattered into empty powder.

And Yang Xu is also within the range covered by the power of judgment, and he sees the phantoms of thousands of blood spears in the void of the universe. And here.

It's a pity, clang clang...

The overwhelming blood spear had not been rushed to Yang Xu, but was blocked by the holy phoenix bell.

Regardless of the phantoms of the blood **** spears, how to sprint and bombard, they have never been able to break the defense of the holy phoenix bell jar, only tied on the holy phoenix bell jar, densely packed, like a funny hedgehog.

"Is this your trick, don't let it drop."

Yang Xu smiled contemptuously toward the verdict of the true monarch.

The ruling of the true monarch at this time is a bit of a scorching head. "Era of Divine Fist" has almost destroyed his defensive tricks. The terrible destructive power of "Undefeated Divine Fist" is crazy towards him. Rushed.

Only one face-to-face kung fu, nine huge gold fists punched and killed, and the blood mountain in front of the ruling Zhenjun has been smashed.

"What's going on with this human being, it's so powerful that it's not so ridiculous! He clearly only has the cultivation of the life fountain..."

It was a shock in the ruling of the true monarch.

In front of Yang Xu, he possessed a long-life secret realm, and even a few face-to-face kung fu was overwhelmed.

This made the ruling Zhenjun feel a little regret in his heart. He knew that this errand was so troublesome, and he wouldn't force it out.

How easy it is to give them to the eldest or second brother!

"I have come here, I can't let my father down, I can only hold on! At least I can't be too embarrassed, otherwise my two brothers will laugh at me!"

In an emergency, it was ruled that the true monarch grabbed it, hula!

The body of the blood **** spear condensed again, and the phantom of the dense **** spear in the void suddenly shattered and dissipated.

"Blood God Spear, adjudicate nine types, madness!"

Ruling Zhenjun slammed in his mouth, holding the **** spear, and on the silver robe he wore, a rune of dragon, phoenix, and jiao, and at the same time flashed blood red brilliance.


The blood **** spear suddenly had a lot of light, and billions of blood-red rays exploded from the blood **** spear, turning into a fierce blood.

Ruling the true monarch's eyes, the blood spear:


There are nine gigantic blood **** spear phantoms, condensed in the void, with the action of ruling the true king to assassinate, directly towards the nine golden **** fists, assassination came out.

Suddenly, the void of the universe boiled, as if falling into a frantic state, the shadow of the huge blood spear, penetrating the void, collapsing the space, and slamming on the nine golden **** fists.


A huge blood spear phantom, directly collapsed, turned into a violent and violent atmosphere, as if disaster came.


Another blood **** spear phantom collided with the huge golden fist and collapsed again, turning into a breath of frantic disaster.

A few breathing kung fu.

All the blood **** spear phantoms collapsed, and the nine golden **** fists from Yang Xu's "Undefeated God Fist" had only one left, scarred and full of cracks and madness.

When he rushed to the ruling Zhenjun, it was still about to collapse.


Ruling that the true king clenched the blood spear, secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and a spear stabbed:


The last punch in Undefeated Divine Fist finally burst.

The last crisis against the ruling of the true monarch was temporarily lifted.

Call, call...

Ruling Zhenjun panted continuously, looking at Yang Xu opposite with a lingering fear.

The strength of this young man in front of him is far beyond his expectations. This enemy is too difficult to tangle!

It was not until this moment that the ruling Zhenjun realized why the eldest brother and the second brother heard the father's order to kill Yang Xu, hesitantly did not agree: This Yang Xu is so hard to beat!

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