Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2757: Kunpeng sword raged and crushed!

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The powerful human cultivator has ruled that the true monarch once met occasionally, but no matter how powerful the opponent is, he can't escape his sniping.

Even magical skills like "Judgment 9" can't be used.

However, the young man in front of him was more powerful than he expected.

The blood spear was used, and even the first two tricks of "Judgment Nine Styles" were used.


The opposite Yang Xu, as if it were a stone Buddha, remained motionless, and it was always difficult to break its defense no matter how it attacked.

This made the ruling true monarch, and he felt like a dog in his heart.

What makes him more difficult to accept is.

He broke the unexpected defense, but the opponent could easily launch a powerful attack on him.

This is just a short while.

What unbeaten magic boxing, heaven magic boxing, epoch magic boxing, three consecutive powerful and fierce boxing techniques, made the ruling Zhenjun almost overwhelmed.

And it is worth mentioning.

The ruling Zhenjun obviously can sense that the other person's human kid didn't use his full strength!

This is what makes the ruling true king feel incredible:

"This human kid, Mingxiu is several levels lower than himself, how can he have such a powerful resource and confidence?"

"So powerful tricks broke out in a row, he didn't feel tired at all?"

In the blink of an eye, there was a sharp flash in the eyes of the ruling true monarch:

"You can't go on like this anymore, you have to make quick decisions quickly, and you can't let him come up with stronger means!"

I have to use the most explosive tricks!

Seeing the opposite ruling true monarch, he was bombarded with a crushing ability by himself.

The face was cloudy and uncertain, with a look of surprise and doubt flashing over, Yang Xu's brows could not help but slightly pick:

"How about, now I regret to provoke me now? You said you are idle, why do you want to destroy my things? Now you are in a bad mood, you have to kill you to be relieved."

In Yang Xu's eyes, the murderous opportunity made no secret.

It was originally intended to force out detailed information about the kingdom of Moro from the mouth of the **** dog.

Now it seems that there is no hope at all.

In order to get a little information, do you have to use precious systems to archive?

That's a life-saving card!

"Are there any stronger tricks? Use them if you have some, and if not, I'm ready to end."

Yang Xu waved and banged!

The void in front of him burst into a dark mouth, and from this bottomless hole a burst of black sword gas burst out of the thickness of the bucket.

It is "Kunpeng's Sword Spirit".

With Yang Xu's current level of kendo, coupled with a thorough understanding of "Kunpeng's Sword Qi".

A random thought can make the "Kunpeng Sword Sword" burst into amazing power.

More importantly.

He wins the spark of the future, and also makes Deyang Xu's control of various swordsmanship further improve.

It can be said that his swordsmanship has changed dramatically compared to before.

"If you don't want to die, you can kneel and beg for mercy. Of course, I won't let you go, but I can give you a happy heart."

Yang Xu's eyes were faint, staring at the opposite ruling true monarch.

Ruling that the true king is holding a blood spear, and his silver-white hair has no wind, and looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, he can't help but feel a little more persistent and crazy:

"If you want to kill me, the strength you show now is not enough! I am the son of the long-lived ancestor, I have the most noble bloodline! You..."


Before ruling that the true monarch had not finished speaking, the void in front of him suddenly shattered.

A bucket of thick black sword gas, sharp as a sword, straight through the universe, assassinated him.

Yang Xu's cool voice also passed quietly into his ears:

"Too lazy to listen to your nonsense again, die."

"Not good! The blood spear, ruling nine styles, trembling! Invincible!"


Ruling Zhenjun looked at the dark horror sword gas, exuding a strange black smoke, almost immediately rushed to him, could not help but shake the blood spear in his hands frantically.

Suddenly, there was billowing blood in front of him. The red blood spewed out. The void of the universe seemed to turn into a curtain, accompanied by the shock of the blood spear, wow, wow!

This piece of cosmic void actually oscillated at high speed with strange frequencies, as if trembling in fear.

Suddenly, Keng!

The blood-red space oscillating at high speed will block the black and thick sword gas from the assassination, and suddenly block it, and listen to the clang!

The place where the blood-red space touched the big sword gas exploded with hundreds of millions of golden Mars.

The next moment, poof!

The blood-red space curtain was penetrated directly by the black, ink, bucket-thick sword gas.

Such a scene made the ruling of True Jun's face pale and hum!

His silver robe around him, with a rune like a dragon flying and cruising, at this time his fourth move "Invincible" of "Judgment Nine Styles" was finally launched:


The blood is cascading like a waterfall, flushing on the body of the ruling true monarch.

Part of these monster blood turned into crimson monster armor, covering his whole body, and each of the key points was protected.

The other part of the blood penetrated into his body, making the breath of the ruling true monarch explode instantly, and the cultivation of the realm continued to rush. There was a trend of breaking through the 9th heaven of the long-lived secret realm and breaking into the mixed cave realm in one fell swoop!

"Ah, what a powerful force, is this the feeling of invincibility?"

Ruling Zhenjun feels that at this moment, he seems to have turned into an invincible **** of war. In the face of the assassinated dark sword gas, he slaps his hands freely and chucks!

He even smashed the thick sword gas like a water column.

Buzz, buzz!

In the eyes of the ruling true monarch, two blood-red beams erupted, with a line of sight like a laser, penetrating two void channels, and shot toward Yang Xu:

"Human, you are dead!"

"Well, there is such a trick, just like chicken blood, but unfortunately, it is useless!"

Yang Xu raised his hands and pushed forward at will. The nine dark and dark buckets of Kunpeng Sword Qi in front of him were trembling and trembling, and seemed to be shaking with excitement.

With a look in Yang Xu, roar!

The image of a black giant kun was condensed out in the void of the universe, and the huge Kunpeng **** tail shot with a snap, bang bang bang!

Nine horrible Kunpeng's fierce sword qi instantly broke into the void, crushed all obstacles, and burst out.

If it is not within a thousandth of a second, he rushes to the ruling true monarch. Jiu Kun Kunpeng's fierce sword gas, instead of attacking from different directions, was dense and dense, as if the nine-handed swords were side by side, rushing towards the ruling true king.

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