Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2775: Devour!

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At the moment when the voice of the son of Kendo hadn't fallen, the sheathless **** sword cast like gold in his hand suddenly crossed the void.

There is no energy fluctuation, no sword chanting.

A sword light flew out silently, rushing towards Yang Xu.

The next moment, that touch of sword light suddenly disappeared.

As if, there has never been a general.


Yang Xu's pupil shrank sharply. Rao was very determined. When he saw the sword of Kendo, he could not help exclaiming:

"A quick sword!"

Yang Xu knew that when the speed of the sword was reaching its limit, even if it exceeded the constraints of the law of time, it would disappear completely.

It is such a sword that the son of Kendo cut out, extremely fast, extremely fast!

This brings about a surge of hundreds and thousands of times this sword!

Not in a thousand.

Yang Xu felt that his breath was slightly tight, and the space in front of him was squeezed to a point where it was almost distorted by a huge amount of energy.

Even, all the heaven and earth aura and dark matter energy are instantly repelled.

So much so that even in this cosmic void, Yang Xu felt an choking illusion without breathing.

This is naturally the horrible sword of the son of Kendo. The power is too powerful, causing huge pressure.


Above the head of Yang Xu, the golden brilliance flashed, and the Great Wall of Great Defensive Weapons appeared. At his feet, a golden golden wall spread to the universe void hundreds of millions of kilometers away, infinitely far away, without end.

In front of him, there was a golden defensive defensive wall, glorious and magnificent, blocking the sword towards the son of Kendo.

In response, the eyebrows of the son of Kendo slightly raised his eyebrows, because with that sword, his face suddenly turned pale, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth:

"If you want to block my sword, I'm afraid you can't do the magic weapon for waiting. As for the unique Taoist weapon..."

With a look of anticipation in his eyes, he looked over to Yang Xu.

"Such a powerful sword, Yang Xu wants to block it, I am afraid it is unlikely." The tomb-guard in bandages, his eyes flashed with anticipation, "Is the strength of the son of the past so powerful? The geniuses of the past era have unified the civil strife and want to merge our era into the past


In the eyes of the grave keeper, a fine mans flashed:

"I don't know what a wonderful world was in the past?"

The flying eagle gangster was wrapped in a black robe, with only a pair of eyes, dark and deep, like two universes, with a slight flash in his voice, saying a bit coolly:

"If the past is so wonderful, will they do everything possible to annex us?"

When the words didn’t fall, the eyes of the eagle gang leader were already on Yang Xu’s side, “Relax, Yang Xu is now deliberately trying the sword with that kid, the moment the kid’s fate met Yang Xu It’s already doomed."

"You mean that Yang Xu can block that sword?"

The tombkeeper's tone was full of surprise.

It seems to confirm the general idea of ​​the Feiying gang master, just at the moment when the Great Wall of Great Taoism appeared above Yang Xu's head, boom!

The defensive deity wall condensed in front of him suddenly shuddered at high speed, and a thick bucket of space channels appeared on the golden defensive deity wall, Carat!

A series of cobweb-like cracks spread across the body of the Golden God Wall, and the next moment, boom!

The defensive deity wall shattered directly, turning into dense golden energy light spots, dissipating in the universe void.

at the same time.

The son of Kendo, the sharp and fierce swordman who surpassed the law of time, also showed the body in front of Yang Xu. The unparalleled horror sword light would get the surrounding universe void, and it would pierce and shatter.

Although the power is still very powerful, for Yang Xu, it can be ignored-

In the hands of the Linhuang God killing the sword, the golden light flashed, Keng!

The fierce sword of the son of Kendo, in front of Yang Xu, shattered and disappeared into nothingness!


The pupils of Kendo's pupil shrank suddenly, and he couldn't believe it. His most powerful move was actually cracked by Yang Xu.

What's more terrible is that in order to urge the sword, the children of Kendo spent a lot of background and strength, so that the throne of Kendo above his head seems to have become somewhat bleak.

Such a scene in front of him made De Yangxu feel a little familiar, shook his head helplessly and sighed:

"Son of Kendo, you, as a sword repairer, should have believed the sword in your hand, but you seem to be too dependent on the bronze throne above your head. Ha ha."

"This... how is this possible? You blocked the sword so easily?"

Around the body of the son of Kendo, 36 million sweat pores poured out of the sword gas, but when he looked closely, he could see that his momentum was rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the son of Kendo is obviously so shocked that his already pale face became much more ugly.

This made the tomb keeper hidden far away in the stars unable to help sighing:

"I can't think of this Yang Xu, there are so many cards, and it actually blocked the sword of the son of the past!"

The Flying Eagle gang leader, as expected, did not feel too surprised:

"The defensive magic weapon used by the kid, but it's a unique weapon. The son of Kendo is so confident that he underestimated the power of the defensive magic weapon."

The sound of the eagle gang leader's voice was faint, listening to the ears of the tomb watcher, but he was astonished by a thunder:

"That magic weapon is actually a unique Taoist weapon? Have you ever contacted Yang Xu before?"

In order to avoid revealing the whereabouts, the tombkeeper did not mobilize the senses to explore the power of Yang Xu's defensive magic weapon.

The head of the flying eagle can know the level of the magic weapon without investigating, which makes the tombkeeper feel a little strange.

"Oh, I lost to Yang Xu once, and I lost... very miserable..."

There was a trace of loneliness in the tone of the leader of the flying eagle. The deep eyes were full of pain.

With such a look, the tomb-keeper of the collar looked in his eyes and thought the Feiying Gang Lord had a deep hatred with Yang Xu, so he didn't think about it any more.

Yang Xu's side.

He blocked the strongest sword of the son of Kendo, and there was a trace of regret on his delicate face, but he did not continue to waste time:

"There is no time to play with you. Let me take a look at the second trick of the Holy Sect. By the way, I will take you on the road."

Yang Xu stared at the son of Kendo, his eyes flickered suddenly, and the flash of fine flash immediately made the son of Kendo opposite, and even felt a glare.

The next moment, moan!

The sword light roared, the golden light was like water, and the universe was filled with voids. However, before he could open his eyes, for a moment, the golden glory of the sword turned into darkness, as if there were hundreds of millions of black holes, converging in this sword light.

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