Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2776: All come

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In all directions, all the light was absorbed and swallowed away by the sword mangoes, an unmatched darkness, like a curtain, covering and spreading in all directions.

Make the universe void within a hundred miles away, there is no more light at all, all the light of stars and stars has dissipated, and it has become completely dark!

"What's the trick?"

In the boundless darkness, the horrified voice of the son of Kendo sounded, and the void above his head, the throne of Kendo trembled madly, and tens of thousands of Kendo laws fell, trying to illuminate the void of the universe around him.


Everything is just in vain.

Regardless of how the Throne of Kendo urges momentum, it can't disperse the endless darkness around it, as if death came to this area, and the Underworld will devour it here.

"This sword is called Shengju cut? Ming bite."

Yang Xu's indifferent voice sounded, because of the endless darkness around him, his voice sounded a little ethereal.

So that when the son of Kendo heard it, he had an unreal feeling. The sheathless sword in his hand was crazy in all directions, beheaded and swung, to attack and defend.

Unfortunately, it is useless:


All the sword moves exploded by the children of Kendo broke into pieces, and if there was substantial darkness and death, accompanied by Yang Xu's indifferent voice, he came to the children of Kendo:


A soft sound.

The endless darkness recedes like the tide, the brilliance of the stars, and the radiance of the stars of the universe reappear in this area.

On the stars in the distance, the tomb-keeper and the flying eagle gang also restored their sight once, and they will see the scenes of the children of Kendo in their eyes:

"This... how is this possible! With only two swords, Yang Xu killed the son of Kendo?"

The tombkeeper exclaimed.

It should be known that even the cultivation practice of the son of Kendo did not reach the level of a mixed cave like him, but the strength of the kendo displayed by him, even if the tomb keeper himself shot, could not fully grasp and kill the son of Kendo.

But the human kid, with only two swords, forced out the cards of the children of Kendo and completely killed him!

What kind of terrifying power is this?

"Flying Eagle Master, now I believe your previous judgment, this human kid can't easily be provoked. We must be careful, we must not reveal a little bit of fluctuations in breath."

Even in the five-domain alliance, the powerful watchtowers, the tombkeepers do not want to provoke Yang Xu anymore.

Especially, when he watched the head of the son of Kendo, accompanied by the soft sound of Yang Xu's sword, she flew in the void of the universe.

The grave keeper felt more pressure:

"Is this the power of the Son of Fate? With the powerful luck bonus, a human youth can explode with such terrifying power. No wonder he is the only one who has the opportunity to fight against the existence of the Locked Sky Tower..."

The Feiying gang nodded and looked at the last figure of Yang Xu in the distance:

"We should leave, don't be noticed by Yang Xu, or I'm afraid it's in trouble."

After this battle, the Five Territories Alliance fell to a few strong cavemen. Their strength was greatly reduced. In a short time, don't think about finding the trouble on the right side again.

Yang Xu has no worries for the time being, this is one of the purposes of the eagle gang master.

In addition, the owner of the Flying Eagle also knows that Yang Xu’s next goal is to go to the Brahma world, and he can no longer be dragged down by the five-domain alliance.

"Son of Kendo? The "Sword of Necromancer" that broke out is not bad. If you have a chance, study it."

Yang Xu killed the son of Kendo, and obtained the powerful "Necromancer" of the son of Kendo.

In addition, the non-sheathed sword was also exploded, and Yang Xu was thrown into the system space—

The quality of this sheathless sword is not very good compared to the Linhuang God Sword.

"Yangxu, have your affairs been resolved? When will we leave?"

Since the young nun knew that Yang Xu was about to go to Brahma World, he looked excited.

Yang Xu asked her to wait for these days and looked forward to Yang Xu's return every day.

Seeing Yang Xu safe and sound now, her small face couldn't help but flushed a little, "I thought you were going to leave me..."

She looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes with some surprises and some complications.

This time it was very simple to get along with Yang Xu, and the two were harmonious, but Yang Xu's continuous strength showed that even the very confident little nun felt sighed.

Sometimes she can't help but think, if she meets Yang Xu earlier, if he helps, will she not need to be separated from her master?

Master once said that the catastrophe of the various tribes of the Vatican world is coming, the demon tower of the Vatican town collapses, and the repressed demon re-enters the world.

In order to protect the little nun from being harmed, Master sent her out of the Brahma world, and gave the little nun a protective magic bowl.

The little nun's character is very stubborn, unwilling to be destroyed by the demon clan and the monsters, he actually sneaked into the devil world whimsically, and wanted to find favorable information.


If she hadn't met a son of madness, she might have been unable to protect herself!

When Yang Xu mentioned these things with Yang Xu afterwards, Yang Xu made a few random analysis, which made the young nun realize his own recklessness and huge risks.

"Now I know that I am wrong, and cultivation is more hard than before, but Brahma Realm can't wait. If you want to help Brahma Realm, please go ahead quickly!"

The little nun looked at Yang Xu expectantly.

Yang Xu agreed without hesitation:

"Then go! Just take a look at Lingxiu monk."


Yang Xu unfolded the wings of the gods, and a beam of light wrapped the little nun, turned into a beam of light, and went in the direction of Brahma.

Shortly after Yang Xu left.


The cosmic void above this planet was suddenly torn apart, and four bright beams of light descended on the planet.

Among the dazzling columns of light, four breathless figures emerged.

One of them, with white hair like snow, holding an ivory fracture fan, and a pair of wise eyes, looked at the surrounding environment.

"Wise! Didn't you say that the child of fate is on this planet? Find him quickly, and we four suppressed him!"

A tall man with red eyebrows as red as fire and blood-red hair said.

"Hey, Tianhuang is right! If I could kill the son of fate, my son of riots would not mind **** his head directly!"

A man with a thin figure and narrow eyes like a sword, his eyes flashed with yin and mans. "Heaven and the riots, don't worry the two of you. Since you have come to this era, there are opportunities for us to kill. After all, the soul here is a big supplement for us. But the top priority is to find the human kid first.

Wise son, what do you say? "Finally, the man of ordinary figure, dressed as a scholar, looked at the wise son and said nonchalantly, his eyes flashing with light.

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