Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2781: A thousand beasts!

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"He is the head of the Black Armor Demon Clan, nine thousand years old? The man of the Moro Kingdom?"

Yang Xu's eyes flickered suddenly, just when he wanted to know the news of the Kingdom of Moluo, but unexpectedly someone over there sent them to the door.

Seeing the nine thousand years old in a dark official uniform, he started towards the counterfeit goods, boom!

In the hands of Yang Xu, the Thunderless Promise Sword, Thunder Light flashed, and a huge long-sword phantom came out.

There is a huge blade of light that is 100 meters long, tearing the sky and the world, and beating down aggressively. The nine thousand years old is as small as an ant.

However, when he saw this knife light, the expression on his face was a cold smile:

"Do not control yourself!"

Nine thousand years old is the best, ding!

Fingers directly flicked at the light of the beheaded sword, suddenly, bang!

The long blue phantom formed by the azure blue Lei Guang broke into pieces!

The frightening thing is that the nine thousand-year-old ray of fingers, like a flying arrow, shot towards Yangxu's side. The sharp sharp edge penetrated a black space channel in the void.

In the blink of an eye, he shot to Yang Xu's eyebrows.


When the nine-thousand-year-old's eyes were cold, he no longer stared at Yang Xu, but turned his attention to that Yang Xu's counterfeit goods.

The face of the counterfeit goods was already a shudder, and I knew I was facing a hard stubble today.

He glanced at the corner of his eyes, glancing over to Yang Xu, but it happened to see that Yang Xu waved his hand, and the translucent force in his palm actually smashed the sharp and fierce fingers of the nine thousand years old. .


The counterfeit stared sharply and took a deep breath:

"This man is so strong!"

No wonder you dare to do more business and help yourself to deal with this nine thousand years old!

The counterfeit exclaimed in his heart, and nine thousand years old also felt the movement of Yang Xu's side, frowning slightly.

This is the moment of kung fu, Yang Xu's thunderous blade, and once again beheaded:

"Blade tricks, shark bite!"


Furiously, he formed a ferocious shark, soaring in the void, rushing to the nine thousand years old.

However, Yang Xu's figure flashed suddenly, as if to the light, and appeared inadvertently in front of the counterfeit goods.

Qingxiu's face was hung with an inexplicable smile, and his eyes were staring at the counterfeit goods.

The deep and mysterious eyes, seeing the counterfeit goods burst into cold heart, heard Yang Xu's calm and calm voice:

"Today you recognize me as the Lord, and sincerely obey me, I can save your life."

"You...! Do you know my identity and origin?"

The face of the counterfeit goods could not be changed, and there was a little dignity in his eyes:

He has been mixing with Xingyu in many planes for so many years, and has never been seen by anyone. How does this guy in front of him seem to know his identity?

Putting the determined expression in Yang Xu's eyes into his eyes, the counterfeit did not want to believe it, so he asked tentatively:

"What the **** do you know?"

Yang Xu smiled and spoke four words lightly:


The fake pupil suddenly shrunk. He naturally heard that Yang Xu said "a thousand faces", not words like kaleidoscope.

"You actually know my origin!" The counterfeit stared at Yang Xu, and Yang Xu looked at him calmly. "Oh, although you can change a lot, have countless faces, even human capabilities can be imitated, but you After all, it is not the original version, you are not as strong as the original owner

Big. Just like this Yang Xu, I believe that the real him will only be stronger than you! "

Yang Xu made a nonsense, bluffing this counterfeit.

Looking at the astonished eyes of the counterfeit goods, Yang Xu immediately determined:

This guy probably exists as he expected!

Yang Xu's eyes were somewhat hot, and he looked at the Void Beast not far away:

Your luck is really good. Not only have you harvested the mythical beast like the Void Beast with explosive power and strong defense, but you have even encountered a thousand-faced beast.

In front of him, this guy posing as Yang Xu, who is still a touch, is one of the ten strange beasts in the legend, the change beast!

To be precise, it should now be called the "Thousand-faced Beast". It is the juvenile body of the Change Beast. Only when it continues to grow and become stronger and stronger, can it be considered a true Change Beast.

There is a huge difference in the strength of the two. Thousand-faced beasts can only imitate limited faces, and the ability to imitate is not far behind the original owner.

The change beast is a constant existence, not only can change the same existence, even the strength can be changed exactly.

Even, it can change everything in the world, natural forces, laws of the world, and so on, and nothing can be changed!

More importantly, the change beast also has a feature. The existence changed through it, whether it is by any method between the world and the earth, can not distinguish the authenticity, and there are almost no flaws!

Without Yang Xu's rich experience and memory of previous life, it is impossible to know so much news about Change Beast.

And the larvae of the changing beast, who is a bad face, who is not good, but imitated Yang Xu, he was also encountered by him, it can be considered dead!

"Obtained the young beast of the change beast, there is a chance to cultivate the real change beast. By that time, the change beast may be able to help me a lot!"

Yang Xu's eyes flickered, and he had no reason to accept this gift:

"Thousand-faced beast, please make a decision quickly, do you want to recognize me as the Lord? Recognize me as the Lord, I can keep you safe and sound, if you don’t recognize it, you don’t need me to take it, this Devil’s nine thousand years old will not Let go of you!"

A trace of sharpness flashed in Yang Xu's eyes:

In fact, more than nine thousand years old, Yang Xu will not let it go. Once this guy does not admit it, Yang Xu will definitely let it die today!

He will not allow this kind of guy who can impersonate himself at will!

It seems that the killing in Yang Xu's eyes was sensed, and it seems that because of the disaster of extinction, the thousand-faced beast can't stop the nine thousand years old, and his eyes flickered, and he suddenly nodded toward Yang Xu:

"Okay! If you can help me kill the enemy of nine thousand years old, I will follow you!"

"I recognize me as the Lord! I recognize now!"

Yang Xu's eyes looked dignified, and the thousand-faced beast gritted his teeth:

"Okay! I got it!"


A peculiar rune flew out of the face of the thousand-faced beast, Yang Xu waved it with his hand, a drop of fine blood at his fingertips flew out, and turned into a peculiar symbol, which was merged with the rune of the thousand-faced beast together.

The next moment.

The thousand-faced beast suddenly opened his eyes, sensing Yang Xu’s breath, and stared at Yang Xu in horror:

"So you are..."

"Hush..." Yang Xu's index finger placed on his lips and made a mute gesture. At this time, the nine-thousand-year-old finally broke the containment attack of "Shark Bite", Chaoyang Xu and Qianmian Beast. Coming to the side.

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