Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2782: Nine thousand years old threat

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Seeing a peculiar rune flying from the face of the thousand-faced beast, it seemed to be somewhat similar to the soul contract signed by the spirit beast.

Nine thousand years old did not stun for a moment, looking at counterfeit Yang Xu wondering:

"Don't you say that Yang Xu is human, how can he sign the soul contract of the spirit beast?"

The thought had just popped up in the mind of the nine thousand years old, and the back of the void was suddenly flashing:


There are ten huge blades of light, like ten huge waterfalls, falling down from the sky and strangling towards the nine thousand years old.

"Be careful!"

The black armor demon, flashing in shape, tried to block the ten blades, but the moment he rushed up, poof!

The black long knife in his hand broke into pieces when he touched one of them.

The violent knife-man power directly cut it into two sections.

Blood sprayed, ten blades without any stagnation, and they rushed to the front of nine thousand years old.

The face of nine thousand years old appeared horrified:

"What kind of knife is this? How could it be so scary?"


With a big wave of his hand, a golden scroll appeared, slamming forward:


It turned out to be a golden imperial edict. On the imperial edict paper were written demon words that distorted business. There was a domineering awe-inspiring breath that flew out of those demon words.

"This is the sacred decree of the Moro Kingdom today. Although he did not write it himself, it contains his will! It is enough to block the ten swords."

Nine thousand years old face is full of determined sneer, it seems that Ding Yangxu's move can be blocked.


On Yang Xuqingxiu's face, there was a trace of contempt:

Taking the Imperial Decree of the Demon Emperor, and want to stop my "Ten Blades"?

I'm afraid it's a little bit worse!

Seeing the ten fierce swords, bombarded to the golden decree, the thousand-faced beast beside Yang Xu, his eyes were full of anxiety and curiosity:

"Yang Xu, that guy's decree seems to be very powerful. Can your knife be broken?"

Yang Xu said quietly:

"As a thousand-faced beast, you are best at imitating people. Isn't one of the characteristics that you can perceive the strength of imitating objects? You said I can break the funny paper?"

Not far away, the few people who watched the lively melon-eaters were already completely stunned by Yang Xu's fierce knife technique.

Originally they felt that the counterfeit Yang Xu's swordsmanship was strong enough.

Who knows, the man who challenges Yang Xu in front of him is so horrible!

No wonder he doesn't take Jianxian Yangxu in his eyes!

Several people who ate melons looked at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, full of strong envy and wonder.

And the little nun holding the Void Beast, now a pair of fierce eyes, is staring at the golden decree of the sky.

In that decree, the magnificent magic was released, making the little nun uncomfortable:

At the beginning, she and Master had been chased and killed by some demons, and even encountered a life crisis.

I remember one time, a very powerful demon race was to pursue her and Master with the will of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, the little nun resented the emperor's emperor.

"Yang Xu's knife technique is very powerful, and he must be able to cut through the tatter!"

The little nun's eyes flashed with anticipation and trust, and the Void Beast in her arms, a pair of not-so-good eyes at the moment, were converging on the side of Yang Xu, the thousand-faced beast.

As one of the ten strange beasts, the Void Beast actually sensed the breath of the Thousand Faced Beast early in the morning.

It's just that the Thousand-faced Beast is still only a young beast. The Void Beast thinks that only a mature beast in a mature state is eligible to compare with it, so he hasn't paid attention to it.


Seeing Yang Xu actually take this thousand-faced beast under his command, the Void Beast could not help feeling a sense of urgency:

This thousand-faced beast with a thousand knives, this is to compete with yourself!

No, I have to work harder for Yang Xu, and I must not let the thousand-faced beast take away the limelight!

At this moment, the Void Beast's abacus crackled.

On the side of the thousand-faced beast, watching Yang Xu's ten earth-shattering sword lights, and the side of the Devil Emperor's decree, bombed together.

The domineering unmatched sword, the domineering and awe-inspiring Devil Emperor's will, at the moment of collision, the world and earth seemed to be shaken with ripples.

Wisps of golden divine power, like wind and clouds sweeping through the void, radiant energy, turned into a hurricane, rushed to the sky of nine heavens:


A **** of thunder cuts through the heavens. The magnificent scene made everyone present almost breathe a sigh of relief.

Even, even those nine thousand years old, their faces were distorted because they were too shocked:

"Impossible! What kind of swordsmanship can actually block the will of the Holy Spirit!"

The golden decree, swaying from the sky, fell down, and fell into the hands of nine thousand years old, there were already more than ten broken holes.

The ten shining blades, although they cut the imperial edict, but also disperse their strength, and no longer have the previous power.

"Actually blocked!"

The little nun's eyes were a bit surprised by the results. She originally thought that Yang Xu's knife could easily break the edict.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xu looked at the Thousand-faced Beast calmly, with a smile on his lips:

"You just learned that trick?"

The thousand-faced beast nodded, eyes blinking:

"So you are going to teach me how to use knives? No wonder I always think that the trick you just took seems to be endless, and there is a feeling of hiding power."

"Well, that trick called "Ten Swords and Pole" is just a trick in the Three Swords, Three Swords, and Three Divine Skills. I only used 30% of my strength."

Yang Xu glanced at the Thousand-faced Beast with a smile, "Now you follow me, I will learn all my tricks for the time being, I will teach you in detail. Then I will give you a chance to evolve into a perfect beast, but you may Need to die last time."

"Last time? Can you be resurrected?"

The Thousand Faced Beast asked.

Yang Xu nodded, "Of course."

"Then I did it! I want to evolve into a beast of change, and to practice step by step, at least it will take thousands of years! If you have a way to help me, even if I die once, I will recognize it!"

Thousand-faced beast's eyes flashed the desire for power.

In order to improve himself, he has made countless efforts, but he did not expect to end up relying on a human being. And he can save himself thousands of years of waiting!

"Only 30% of the strength is used? Haha, your cowhide is blown loud enough!"

Nine thousand-year-old's eyes locked Yang Xu, but his eyes fell on the thousand-faced beast:

"Hand him over, I can treat you as if I haven't seen you, and the Mora Kingdom will not treat you as an enemy. Otherwise..."

Nine thousand years old stared at Yang Xu violently, his eyes gleaming coldly: "Otherwise, you are the enemy of the mythical kingdom of Moluo! The demon clan in the world will punish!"

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