Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2788: Yangxu v.s riots!

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The violent murderous spirit, if substantive, turned into a cold wind Chaoyangxu.

The expression on Yang Xu's face did not change at all. His eyes were always cold and calm, calmly, and he nodded slightly towards the little nun who was worried and looked over:

"Relax, I'm okay. You and the master will step back aside and wait for me to resolve these countless guys before doing anything else."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the bald strong man in Xiao Fan Yuan. The bald strong man nodded seriously:

"Due King Kong is assured that I will protect this little donor."

With the strong man's promise, Yang Xu is no longer worried. Besides, there is a void beast in the nun's arms. Waiting for the idle man to win her, I am afraid it will not be so easy.


Yang Xuru swept through a violent wind, and in an instant,   flashed in front of the son of riot.

But he did not pay attention to the sons of riots, but glanced at the scrutiny behind him, the son of wisdom, the son of heaven, and the child of heaven and earth.

"This group of guys in your past times, always don't know to learn a lesson, come over one by one to die. This time it is a good study, four at once, but the fate is destined not to change much."

In the moment when the words didn't fall, Yang Xu punched and hit directly:


A violent fist, condensed into a golden fist phantom, like a golden meteor, bombarded towards the son of riot.

"What is that undefeated fist! The momentum is really powerful, this Yang Xu really has two shots!"

The son of the sky-red man with red hair looked at Yang Xu's "Undefeated Shen Quan", and his eyes were filled with sighs.

The life-threatening son dressed up next to the scholar also nodded his approval:

"Yang Xu's combat power is very strong, but the more this is, the more we can't give up! This boy's thousands of miles is really too big, and he has been taken care of by heaven and earth, and now he will not solve him. The longer he drags on, he will The harder it will be!"

The wise son has been pondering the color since just now, thinking about the way to deal with Yang Xu, and now reminded by the son of death, he instead wants to start all of a sudden:

"Yes! Now is the best time to deal with Yang Xu. We must never give him a chance to continue to grow himself! We should pass the news to the boss and let him send more people to help us quickly!"

The wise child's cold and serene gaze like a snake, aimed at the little nun and the bald head like a prey, his gaze stopped on the thousand-faced beast:

"Yang Xu is not only powerful in itself, but also has a tangled group of potentials around him, which cannot be underestimated!"

"Well, wise son, you are ready to pass the news, we will protect you."

The life-threatening son grew up in a robe and hunted, and Qingxiu's face was now dignified. Obviously, he was aware of Yang Xu's power and difficulty.

On the side of the son of the riot, Yang Xu saw fiercely, he couldn't help but show a wild smile on his face, he burst into tears in his mouth, like a thunder burst:

"Hahahaha! Fight with me, you are the wrong choice! I will let you know that the power of our past ages!"

"Lava Eight Fists!"

Roaring... The son of the riots set off a red-red scorching breath, as if the magma was rolling, accompanied by his double fists, one after another fist, like a sea of ​​magma waves, toward Yangxu "Undefeated Shen Quan" will hit

Kill it.

Suddenly, the sky and earth changed color, and all directions seemed to be flooded with these violent scorching energies.

At the moment of collision between "Lava Fist of the Famine" and "Undefeated Divine Fist", Yang Xuqingxiu's face showed a playful smile, and with a sharp figure, he turned into a dark light:


He instantly crossed the area where the fist was exploding and appeared ten meters in front of the rioting son.

His sudden appearance made the rioting child's eyes slightly glared, and his face was surprised.

Yang Xu smiled coldly, without saying a word, the letter waved:


A black sword light erupted from his arm. At the same time that "Kunpeng's Sword Qi" triggered, there was a huge phantom of Kunpeng in the void, darkening the sky and condensing out.

A majestic energy breath, from the Kunpeng phantom, pour into the ray of sword light in front of Yang Xu.

Seeing the black sword light, Suddenly turned into a hundred meters long, from the sky, toward the son of riots, violently fell down. This house is built

"Oh my god! This trick used for the counterfeit is somewhat similar, but no matter how powerful or powerful it is, it's too powerful!"

The melon-eaters who watched the battle looked at the "Kunpeng Sword Sword" used by Yang Xu with a shock on his face:

"Which son of riots can stop this trick?"

"It's estimated to be choking! This sword is so scary that even the void is torn apart!"

The violent son's head was empty, and the black Kunpeng's fierce sword gas, while cutting down, would tear the sky above his head.

The fierce and sharp breath of kendo has not landed, but it has made the rioting child's scalp numb for a while: "This guy is actually proficient in kendo! No wonder all the children of kendo are killed by this kid!"

The look in his eyes flashed quickly, and he immediately made a decision, grabbed his big hand on his wrist, and took off a silver bracelet.

This silver bracelet looks glorious and restrained, with a strange rune stamped on the thickness of the thumb.

The moment when it was taken off, the son of the riot suddenly seemed to be holding thousands of stars, exuding a brilliant brilliance of stars:

"Be me!"

The son of Riot dropped the silver bracelet and looked at the sky, then heard a series of bangs.

That fierce and overbearing "Kunpeng Sword Qi" turned out to be blocked by this silver bracelet.

Yang Xu looked at the bracelet, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. "How is this thing a bit like the diamond in TV?"

And the children of the sky and the wise children, they also have a surprised and unexpected look on their faces:

"The riots are so fast, they are forced to take out such a baby? This Yang Xu is really not to be underestimated!"

"We have to be careful, Yang Xu has amazing luck, and so much combat experience, no one knows how many powerful cards he still has. I always feel that this Yang Xu has a purpose..."

With his instinct, the wise son felt something wrong. Not far away, holding a blue lotus in his hand, standing next to a god-shepherd shepherd of a snow-white goat, the face was sinking like water at the moment, without saying a word, the cold and sharp eyes, always locked in Yangxu there.

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