Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2789: The shepherd's doubts

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It has to be said that the strength shown by Yang Xu is far beyond the shepherd's expectations.

He originally thought that this Yangxu was just a human with good luck and strength beyond ordinary people. However, until now, he has watched Yang Xu and the son of the riots from the past era, you come and go, fight together, the powerful combat power and endless potential it shows, even if the shepherd is so well-known, Can't even

See through its depth!

This made the shepherds completely dismiss the contempt for Yang Xu and began to look squarely at and understand this opponent:

As the gatekeeper of the God Prison, the shepherd has seen too many strong men, and has also seen too many tragedies of losing his life because of being careless about enemies.

Therefore, he will never make such a mistake. The dignified look in his eyes has replaced the previous calmness and calmness. The shepherd believes that this young man is worthy of his treatment!

With the same idea, it is not only the shepherd, the ten sons of the Moluo Kingdom, and the bald strongman from the Xiao Fanyuan. At this moment, watching Yang Xu and the violent rioting son, you come and go without falling. wind.

They looked at Yang Yangxu's eyes and completely put away all contempt.

Especially the tenth prince, at this moment, his eyes flashed with fine eyes, and from time to time there were horrible colors flooding his pupils:

"This Yang Xu is so powerful. Do humans now have such potential? It seems that this old dog failed to win Yang Xu before.

He glanced at the nine-thousand-year-old with a gray face.

At the moment, the bald strong man of Xiao Fan Yuan, with his hands folded at the moment, more than 90% of his energy, all gathered on the body of the little nun, ready to protect her from the enemy at any time.

And the remaining less than ten percent of the energy was focused on Yang Xu's side, and one after another was horrified thoughts:

"It's worthy of being chosen by the master. Not only did he teach the wizard of Lingxiu monk, but also chose a powerful human such as Yang Xu, as the Duer King Kong of my Brahma world! The master's eye!"

The bald head looks at Xiang Yangxu's eyes as if he were a Buddha King Kong, full of wonder and horror.

As for the son of the riot that bears the brunt, the shock at the moment is even more endless, especially when he uses an extremely powerful and domineering fist, but it is easily relaxed by Yang Xuqing.

The astonishment in the eyes of the son of the riot could not be completely concealed:

"It's too strong! The human body is so strong, doesn't it mean that their human talents have been cursed? Has he already ignited the furnace of life and dug into the secrets of the gods in his body?"

At this moment, the son of the riots has completely put away the contempt and suspicion of Yang Xu before. Unconsciously, he has been forced to take out 10% of the power and confront it:

"Since you are so powerful, just fight with me!"

In the thin body of the son of the riot, there is a stream of air constantly applauding and running away, the breath of the whole body is surging at an alarming speed:

"Take me a trick! All worlds will kill!"


In an instant, accompanied by the violent rage of the son of the riot, his hands waved out again and again, and there was a billowing air, condensing into a phantom of palms, which turned into eagle claws, tearing and strangling Xiang Yangxu.

The void in front of Yang Xu was almost covered with dense claw shadows, and each one was filled with the terror force that tears the void:


These blood-red claw shadows condensed into a huge word of "death" in the void, as if coming from the Nine Nether Hells, killing them all over the town of Yangxu.

"If you want to kill me, you are almost there."

Heaven fist!

Yang Xu threw his fist and rolled the sacred power into an ancient ancient heaven. The golden light and the dignity swept through. He will get this deadly trick and resist it. Ancient paradise, as if coming from an ancient barren age, gives an ancient atmosphere. The moment when the rioting son saw it, he was stunned for a while, because the breath of this "Fist of Heaven" fluctuated, even with their past times. ,different

Qu Tonggong.

So much so that the sons of the riots have some doubts about the true origin of Yang Xu:

Could this kid come from the past?

"Riot! What do you froze, be careful!"

The sound of the life-threatening son, like a thunder, suddenly awakened the son of the riot.

However, it was this moment of distraction that Yang Xu had seized the opportunity, boom, boom, boom!

Three successive frightful punches fell towards him with great force.

Jin Cancan's violent divine power swept from all directions to the place of the rioting child, just like a tornado hurricane, so that the rioting child had nowhere to dodge.

"Block me!"

In desperation, the son of the riot again urged the silver diamond.

The silver diamond is cut, and the ring is covered with dense hundreds of millions of runes. At the moment, they are all lit up like a dragon and a snake, and a breath of rippling breath erupts:


The rune light released by Jin Gangzhuo blocked all of Yangxu's three magical fists.

Yang Xu stared at the diamond's gaze, shining brightly, and felt more and more like this thing like the treasure in the legend of Journey to the West!

At this moment, the wise son and the child of heaven and earth are showing their magical powers, wanting to cross the barriers of the present time and space, and send messages to past times, so as to summon helpers to siege Yangxu.

Where do you know.

They have just gathered strength, broken part of the void of the times, rumbling!

There is an invisible space force in the sky, an unprecedented violent agitation, and they are madly repulsed towards them, poof!

The wise son in charge of this trans-temporal array method bears the brunt of it. He was directly wounded by this force and severely wounded.

"Who is it! Who broke our good thing?"

The sons of heavenly famine and deadly sons who were responsible for the protection of the law were also a bit ugly at this moment, only then they were repulsed, but the injuries they suffered were a little lighter than the wise sons.

The wise son has a pale face, a pair of eyes quickly glanced around, a sharp gaze, and some were locked in the arms of the little nun in disbelief, the little beast:

"The source of space fluctuations comes from that little beast! What is it that can control such a powerful space force?"

The wise son, the child of heaven and earth, and the son of life-threatening all cast their eyes on the side of the Void Beast in surprise and horror.

The shepherd from the God Prison is also staring at the void beast embraced by the little nun at the moment, frowning slightly. He always feels that the breath of the little beast fluctuates and seems to have a familiar feeling.

Seems to have been seen somewhere.

But for a moment, he couldn't think of it, and he looked at Yang Xu over there with some tangle: "Why is this kid around so strange?"

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