Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2790: Take you diamonds!

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Out of an intuition, the shepherds increasingly felt that Yang Xu seemed to be planning something. At least, the probability and strength of Yang Xu's performance and being surrounded by these few people were too low.

Even, the shepherd feels that even if it is now surrounded, Yang Xu is very likely to get away smoothly.

However, he did not escape.

Why did he do this?

The shepherd's heart crossed the doubts and thought that Yang Xu must be planning something.

Those who have the same idea have wise children.

After being interrupted by the Void Beast to look forward to the message of the past, he became more and more affirmed that this Yang Xu must have been left intentionally, and it seems that he intends to use them to do certain things!

"Can't be passive anymore, let's put the initiative in our hands! Let's work together to fight against Yang Xu in the shortest time!"

The wise son gave a voice to the two sons of heaven and fate, and the son of the dead, the moment the voice was not falling, whizz!

They turned into three rays of light and rushed towards Yang Xu, trying to win Yang Xu in the shortest possible time.

But what they didn’t think of was, wow...

Three figures flashed in front of me, and the ten princes, the shepherds, and the bald strong men stopped them all.

"If you want to take away the donor Yang like this, I'm afraid it's not that easy."

The bald strong man was stopped in front of the life-threatening son.

When Yang Xu is not threatened by his life, he will protect the little nun, but once Yang Xu is in trouble, the bald man will leave the little nun without hesitation and come to help Yang Xu.

Another thing he didn’t say is that the bald strong man felt that the little beast in the little nun’s arms was not a good match.

I am afraid its strength is not under itself! With it, the little nun will not be in danger!

The shepherd, the guardian of the Divine Prison, holds a blue lotus in his hand. He also wants to see what the details of Yang Xu are. Can he find more information and information about Yang Xu?

If you want to do this, you can't let his battle be affected by these outsiders.

As for the tenth prince, the reason for stopping them is simply not wanting these four guys to suppress and capture Yang Xu.

After all, he intended to take Yang Xu to his father and emperor.

If they were taken away by the four people's repression, would you still tell me a hair?

"Don't you see it, Yang Xu is using us! He must be planning something deeper and deliberately take us to practice it!"

In the eyes of Son of Knowing, anxiety flashes, and I feel so tired. With so many strong people, is it the only one who sees the truth?

Just when they both stalemate.

Yang Xu and the sons of the riots have entered a fierce battle.

The fierce tactics of the sons of the riots blasted out one after another, making the world tremble, the void broken, and the universe chaotic.

The piece of diamond in his hand, the silver awn, the glorious glory, and the radiance of the void, will crack De Yangxu's tricks one after another.

At the beginning, the sons of the riots also felt very proud, thinking that even if Yang Xu's tricks were even stronger, they would eventually be inferior to their own diamonds.

However, he soon discovered that Yang Xu turned out to be the one who gave King Kong Zhuo the initiative! Yes, since the son of the riot took out this diamond cut, Yang Xu’s attention turned to this diamond cut, a pair of cold and sharp eyes, now full of this interesting look, without blinking Gather in Diamond Gang


The scorching and bright eyes made the violent son instantly feel a sense of urgency for the baby to be coveted, and almost couldn't help but collect the diamond.

"Is the baby who covets me? Watch it!"

In the end, the son of the riot still suppressed this strange emotion, and the power was poured into the diamond, and he smashed it towards Yang Xu:


The moment when the diamond cut out and flew out, it turned up against the wind, blinked into a huge silver crater, and fell down toward Yangxu.

To the surprise of the son of the riot, Yang Xu turned out to be unavoidable, and rushed up in front of King Kong:

"The world in the palm! Great technique of plunder! Take me!"

Among the three thousand great techniques, Yang Xu's "Predatory Technique" was the first to be obtained. It contains the law of plunder between heaven and earth and can plunder all tangible and intangible things.

The supernatural power of "The World in the Palm" is able to turn the palm into a universe that is huge, including the terrible tricks of heaven and earth.

Today, Yang Xu uses these two powerful supernatural powers to unite to **** this diamond cut!

The moment he saw his big hand, rumbling! The palm of the hand suddenly turned into a huge sky and earth, covering the sky and the sun, the runes lingered, and the stars flickered, and the ring-shaped mountains turned from the diamonds were directly enveloped.

"not good!"

The son of the riot watched Yang Xu shot, the goal was the silver diamond, he could not help but slammed, urged mana, wanted to take the diamond back.

However, how could he do it?

When Yang Xu urged the magical power of "The World in the Palm", he already had all the world in his palm, and he became the master of this world of heaven and earth, and all the rules were subject to his scheduling.

In a blink of an eye, the mana control of the son of riot was completely isolated. The diamond cut into the circular mountain range shattered with a bang, showing its original shape, and turned into the shiny bracelet again.


Yang Xu's palms, plundering the rune rules, like a dragon, wrapped around that diamond cut, and the blink of an eye, wrapped the diamond cut into a strict and solid.

The Son of Riot felt the danger almost immediately, "Not good!"

His pupils shrank, and he looked to the wise son on their side for help:

"Come and help me, my magic weapon will be taken away by this kid!"

The son of the riot has just said half of it, but I have already seen it, and his companions stopped by the tenth prince, the shepherd, and the bald strong man.

His complexion suddenly became unsightly, and he hadn't had time to say anything, poof! The son of the riot spouted a big mouthful of blood and looked at Yang Xu with a pale face. Sure enough, the bright radiant vajra has been successfully captured by Yang Xu in his hand, and in a flash, he branded himself in vajra. Natal brand

, Completely erased.

The son of the riot sensed that he completely lost control of Vajra!

"Return my baby!"

The son of the riot suddenly split his eyes, his eyes full of anger:

You know, this magic weapon is his most powerful treasure, but it was accidentally obtained in the ruins of an ancient temple. It is powerful, it has both offensive and defensive functions, and it has infinite uses. Other children in the past do not know how much they envy him. Now, not long after meeting Yang Xu, he was taken away by him, and the desperate thoughts of the sons of the riots are all there!

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