Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2791: Yang Xu's fearlessness

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The gap in strength and means has already become apparent through the battle between Yang Xu and the sons of riots.

After a few rounds of kung fu, the son of the riot has lost the most powerful magic weapon, King Kong, and for a moment, his eyes were split and his anger was very incomparable.

Almost desperately with Yang Xu.

However, the look of the son of the riot changed, and immediately calmed down, after the opposite Yang Xu got the diamond, he smiled towards the son of the riot with a smile, and a trace of playful expression appeared on Qingxiu's face:

"Riot, are you sure you still want to fight me? You should know the power of the baby best?"

Yang Xu said, deliberately shaking King Kong Zhuo gently, humming!

A majestic force fluctuated, wrapped in hundreds of millions of dense golden runes, and rushed out of the vajra, poof!

The piece of void in front of him would directly smash a large piece.


The pupil of the riot son shrank suddenly, and the horror in his heart could not hide the surface of his face completely:

"How is this possible! You just got Vajrasattva and haven't refined it, how can you exert such powerful power of Vajrasattva?"

To know.

At first, he got this diamond from the ruins, but it took nine cows and two tigers to find out the right way to use it.

It took a few years of hard work and energy to fully urge Vajrasana to explode immortal destructive power.

The other few sons of the past, even if they got Vajrasattva, could not exert their power at least one-tenth.

But for Yangxu, this was just when he got King Kong Zhuo, and he actually exerted more than 80% of his power!

And looking like him, it seemed completely effortless.

This caused a violent storm in the heart of the son of the riot, and a variety of emotions such as grievance, suffocation, and dissatisfaction rushed into my mind.

Seeing that the fighting intentions of the sons of the riots were dispelled by himself, Yang Xu was no longer persecuted, and he turned over with a smile, just planning to put the diamonds away, and suddenly saw the little nun holding the Void Beast not far away.

Yang Xu's heart moved, and he thought there might be a suitable place for this diamond-cutting--

The magic weapon on this little girl has only one bowl that Master gave her. There are few other powerful ones!

"You guys, do you still fight? It seems that everyone is being constrained right now, why not choose another day and fight again?"

Yang Xu smiled at the shepherds and the ten princes.

The ten princes of the Moluo Kingdom, at this moment, could not help but look down, and stared at Yang Xu faintly:

"Offended my kingdom of Moro, do you still want to run? You..."


There is no sign, a dazzling brilliance, like a flash of lightning, tearing the sky, so that the sky and earth are empty, and it seems to be broken.

The terrifying sword light, containing the vigorous and fierce sword intent, vented to the tenth prince with his face covered.


The tenth prince didn't expect it at all. Yang Xu actually said that he would fight. He responded a little slower for a time. Sharp Jianguang clung to his scalp and flashed by.

He will get his hair cut directly, and the horror of the cold and cold sword will penetrate into his body. The breath of death makes the tenth prince unable to fight a cold war all over his body.

"This sword cuts your hair, the next sword, but it won't be so cheap for you."

Yang Xu's eyes were cold, and you stared at the tenth prince, "If you're acquainted, go away immediately. Otherwise, I don't mind cutting off your head!"

He sneered and said a stern sentence, "If you want to please your emperor's father, you have to keep your life. Otherwise, your brothers may be very happy to die under my sword. !"

As soon as this remark came out, the tenth prince's face suddenly changed.

Having been hit by Yang Xu, the reason why he tried his best to capture Yang Xu back to the Kingdom of Moluo is to please his father and fight for the prince of the Kingdom of Moluo for his powerful conditions.

However, Yang Xu was too terrifying, and the tenth prince had underestimated Yang Xu’s strength. In addition, this time he came a little hurriedly and did not have all the preparations. In case he was really slain by Yang Xu, he would still fight for the throne what!

Thinking of this, the tenth prince's original firm will was immediately shaken, and the fighting in his eyes was no longer so strong. Instead, he was strongly guarded.

"Oh, it's your acquaintance."

Yang Xu said indifferently, the Linhuang God killed the sword and received it in the scabbard. If it were not for the plan, it would still be able to use the ten princes. Yang Xu had already cut him off with a sword.

With one hand pressed on the hilt of the sword of Linhuang God's killing sword,  Yangxu looked at several others with a smile:

"You guys, do you still want to compare with me? I happened to have itchy hands, and I haven't had two tricks with people for a long time."

The Excalibur in his hand exuded a brilliant golden light, wrapped in unmatched pressure, and swept to the opposite side.

Like the sons of riots and the sons of death, their hearts suddenly fell:

After seeing Yang Xu's previous strength, they now regret it and feel that they have greatly underestimated Yang Xu. Now how dare they act rashly?

As for the shepherds next to them, it was originally a piece of free-hand chess. It would be better to bring Yang Xu back to Shen prison.

If he is desperate with Yang Xu because of this, the shepherd may not be able to capture Yang Xu because of his own strength. However, he still has no idea how many cards this evil-door kid has.

In case of losing both Yang and Xu's character, even if Yang Xu is captured, will the guys around him who stare at him, let him pass by?

not to mention.

There is also the bald head of the Little Brahma Temple next to it.

This bald strong man was determined to stand with Yang Xu in a camp. It seemed that the two had known each other for a long time. The identity of "Du Er Jingang" also made the shepherds feel a little more worried about Yang Xu.

Think of these.

The lotus in the shepherd's hands shone, and he smiled meaningfully at Yang Xu:

"We will meet again when we have a chance."

Yang Xu also smiled back slightly, his eyes stayed on the shepherd:

"Of course. And this time will not be long."

These words made the shepherd's face stiff and stared at Yang Xu with some surprise.

Yang Xu didn't talk much anymore, only looked at him with a smile, which made the shepherd's heart even more strange, but still flashed aside, giving Yang Xu a way:


Yang Xu nodded and thanked her, and walked past the shepherd calmly.

The sons of the riots next to them and the sons of the wilderness felt depressed and surprised in their hearts. What was depressing was the action of catching Yang Xu. As soon as they came up, they met a roadblocker. The first action failed completely.

Surprisingly, Yang Xu could actually look calm, and walked past the shepherd, not afraid of the other party attacking him.

You know, the shepherd's strength is unfathomable. Even if they joined hands, they didn't get the other's confidence. Yang Xu is not only not afraid of this person, but also seems to know each other.

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