Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2792: It's polite to go down

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This made them sons of riots, and question marks popped up in their hearts:

What is the origin of this child of destiny? Is the background so complicated?

Seeing Yang Xu face the joint blockade of several powerful men, his face was calm, and he easily resolved the crisis. The few crowds of melon-seekers not far away were stunned.

It wasn't until Yang Xu walked out of the palace with his little nun, thousand-faced beast and bald-headed strongman that they all reacted from the shock. Their faces were full of excitement, shock, incredulity and other complex expressions:

"My God, this is the real powerhouse! This trip to the palace is really not in vain!"

"I can't imagine that the young man is the real sword fairy Yang Xu! Fang Cai's sword is simply a flying fairy, a sword from the gods!"

"I can see this person in a battle, and we will come to this trip for good!"

Outside the palace.

Yang Xu smiled and handed that precious and brilliant diamond to the little nun:

"Send it to you, play it."

The little nun was stunned, and Qiao's face was full of surprise:

"You... you want to give it to me? What are you kidding, such a precious treasure, I don't want it!"

She had witnessed the power of Vajrasattva with her own eyes, and deeply understood how huge power such a treasure would exert in Yang Xu's hands:

"You have so many enemies and you are often in danger, or you should keep yourself defensive."

Yang Xu couldn't help smiling, rubbing the little girl's head smoothly:

"Relax, there are more babies in my hand, and they are all stronger than King Kong. It is also a waste to stay in my hand."

He shook the sword of the Linhuang God in his hand, and this sword alone was comparable to King Kong.

Not to mention his other unique Taoist tools, and even fairy tools. Seeing the little nun was still a little hesitant, Yang Xu couldn't help but put King Kong into the little nun's hand, "This is what you paid for taking care of the Void Beast, besides, you only have a body bowl in your hand, no other Magic weapon, in case someone gets caught

, Also troubles me, right? Take it and defend yourself, don't drag me down. "

Yang Xu said somehow, the little nun just accepted it, but her cheeks were flushed, as if on fire—

When Fang Caiyang Xu stuffed King Kong with her, she touched her hand, only to feel that Yang Xu's hand was a bit cool, and the edge of the back of the hand felt slippery, which was better than the skin of a girl.

Putting away these weird thoughts, the little nun dared not go to see Yang Xu again, and turned to look at the strong man in the Xiao Fan Yuan:

"Master, did you come to Yangxu to take him to Brahma World?"

The bald strong nodded and looked at Xiang Yangxu inquiringly:

"I was ordered by the elders of the small Brahma courtyard to come to the Lord Yang to go to the small hall, to discuss a major event. However, if the Lord Yang has other important things, the time to go to the small hall can be slightly delayed. some."

The master of the small hall of fame has no shelf at all, and looks very negotiable.

Yang Xu was originally a person who respected me with a foot, and I respected his personality, not to mention that this master did not hesitate to stand on his side and help fight against the shepherds.

Now Yang Xu has also voted for Tao Li, without saying a word:

"Since the masters of the Little Brahma Temple called the boy, I naturally have no hesitation! Let's go on the road, just I'm going to see the boy in Lingxiu."

Hearing the name "Lingxiu", there was a slight change in the look of the bald strong, but he didn't say much and turned his head forward:

"Then I will lead the way for donor Yang!"

Yang Xu smiled and did not forget to move towards the gate of the palace before leaving.

A battlefield turned into a golden awn and escaped into his hands. It was when he entered the palace before that the military route he laid down killed the battle chessboard.

In order to prevent the guy who pretended to be in the palace to escape.

Who knows, I actually accidentally harvested a cub (thousand-faced beast) of a changing beast.

"Yangxu, am I also going to Brahma with you? Will I be in danger?"

The thousand-faced beast is a little cautious.

Before he became an advanced beast, his strength was really not enough to tell the truth. At least Yang Xu and the shepherd could easily capture him.

However, whether one can recognize the origin of a thousand-faced beast depends on eyesight and knowledge.

Obviously, the shepherd did not recognize the details of the thousand-faced beast, otherwise, the thousand-faced beast would never be left.

"Relax, with me, no one can hurt you. If you're really scared, this thing will protect you."

Yang Xu grabbed the Dao Zulong, which turned into a bracelet, from his wrist and handed it to the thousand-faced beast.

When Thousand-faced Beast took over the bracelet formed by Dazu Zulong and sensed the immense breath contained in it, especially the power of Wuxing Dadao.

His whole beast was stunned:

"This is the real power of the avenue! My God, Yang Xu, where did you get this avenue? I heard that this world has not been cursed by any curse, only the art has no way..."

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the thousand-faced beast with surprise:

"Oh? You heard about this too?" The thousand-faced beast suddenly said, "I also traveled to many places, OK? But as far as I can see, the most powerful existence in this world is nothing more than There is no strong man in the muddle cave realm, but in the realm above, there is no one strong man

! "

"In other words, all the powerful people in this world, no matter what kind of efforts they have made after they have cultivated to the muddle cave, they cannot break the bottleneck, and cultivation has been stagnant for many years!"

Yang Xu nodded and sighed.

If it were not for this reason, his own plan would not be delayed, and even his own memories were forcibly sealed for a long time.

Fortunately, now that the plan has been implemented, and Yang Xu made some changes, it will be impossible to change the **** curse without a taste.

Humph! There are only a few cursed towers in the world, and they still want to suppress this world?

dream! "Yang Shizhu, in fact, the elders of Xiaofanyuan, the reason why they want to see you is precisely related to the Suo Ming Tian Pagoda! The Suo Ming Tian Pagoda is not removed, and the laws of heaven and earth are always imprisoned. , Difficult to extricate, and Brahma will also face

Overturning disaster! "

As soon as the words came out, Yang Xu's expression changed slightly, and Shen Sheng asked:

"The overthrow of the Brahma world? What happened? Is it the Brahma Pilgrimage..."

Yang Xu didn't finish it, but it was just the words "Vatican God Pillar", which made the face of the strong bald head suddenly change. Looking at Xiang Yang Xu's eyes, he was shocked, his mouth wide open, speechless for a moment.

After a long time, the bald strong man gave a salute to Yang Xu’s archer, and Chang Ju bowed: "Yang donor, the little monk has spent a good time! Now the little monk only knows that Yang donor can be the reason for Duer King Kong! There were many offenses before, but also hope Duer King Kong Haihan!"

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