Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2793: Demons and demons!

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The Vatican Pillar mentioned in Yang Xu’s mouth has already been said to be the most fundamental secret of being close to the Small Brahma Temple and even the Brahma world.

The existence of the Brahma Pillar is almost the same as the existence of the Town Demon Tower, which is almost a symbol of the Brahma world.

It's just that one is in the light and one is in the dark.

What's more, the Brahma Pillar is more of an internal belief among the ascetic monks in Brahma world.

However, not long ago.

For some reason, the Brahma Divine Column appeared a crack. The powerful force that originally supported the Brahma world seems to be becoming more and more vulnerable.

So much so.

The devil tower built on the pillar of the Brahma was completely cracked, and all the ancient demon and demon suppressed inside it ran out, causing disaster to the Brahma world and causing a lot of disasters.

not only that.

Due to the collapse of the town devil tower, the cracks of the Brahma Pillar, the city of faith of many ascetics in the Brahma world collapsed, and the firm beliefs did not exist, so that the strength was greatly reduced compared to the past. "You Dao is fierce forging true gold. Although the disaster in the Brahma world is not small, it is still a test for me. , Unbearable, all the sand,

Mixed into ordinary beads, embarrassing task! "

Monk Kudu talked about these things and wrote down lightly, one that no longer remembers, but Yang Xu could imagine, in a few words, what kind of tribulations and blood were contained.

It can be said that the disaster in the Brahma world has caused the strength of these practitioners to drop by more than 50%!

More importantly.

Many of the big demons and demons who escaped from the town demon tower are doing harm to people!

"Don't worry, this time the Brahma world is in trouble. As Duo King Kong, I'm obligated! There is nothing I need to help, absolutely nothing."

Yang Xu said very calmly and firmly.

Monk Kudu looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, and he couldn't help but look more respectful.

Halfway through, a woman shouted out of nowhere, "Help!"


In the distant sky, there is a thick black smoke billowing up like a huge black cloud pillar.

Yang Xu's eyes flashed suddenly, and the little nun beside exclaimed:

"Ah! It's so powerful, it must be a big devil!"

She turned her head to look at Xiang Yangxu, "Let's go to the demon extermination!"

Kung Fu, who hadn't heard the words, saw the Kudu monk beside Yang Xu, Jinmang flashed, and the next moment, he had appeared a few hundred meters away.

The blink of an eye is gone.

Yang Xu brought a little nun and a thousand-faced beast and flew by, and saw a constantly changing dark magic cloud, surrounding a common-looking rural woman, vomiting evil spirits:

"Hey, he hasn't eaten meat for a long time, and it's charming!"

For the appearance of Monk Kudu, the Moyun didn't mind. Even if he saw that the monk Kudu had stood in front of the village woman, Moyun didn't stop at all:

"Small things want heroes to save the beauty? Even you eat together!"

Monk Kudu was silent, facing the magic cloud that swept in, he folded his hands together, and his body suddenly shone brightly:


On his bare head, a **** character suddenly appeared, gleaming with golden light, constantly rotating, and a vast majestic Sanskrit came out of it.

The brilliant golden light, like hundreds of millions of runes, entangled the monk who had to ride bitterly.

I didn't see him doing anything, let the dark magic cloud wrap him up, the next moment, puff puff puff...

Hundreds of thousands of **** characters and scriptures, with divine light and awesomeness, will penetrate the black magic cloud directly into the hole, like a honeycomb.

"Do not……!"

The magic cloud uttered a scream, and dissipated into the void.

"Great! That woman is saved!"

The little nun was surprised with a smile on her pretty face.

Beside Yangxu and the Thousand-faced Beast, and the Void Beast in Yangxu's arms, they are still staring at the monk Kudu.

Yang Xu said lightly in his mouth, "It's not over yet, the fighting has just begun."

Seeing that the ordinary-looking country woman, after being rescued, the panic on her face gradually dissipated, a pitiful look with a lingering fear, and he continued to fight against the monk who was suffering.

"Thank you Master for saving my life! If it weren't for Master's kindness, I'm afraid... I'm afraid..."

The woman in the village cried, and she cried. The pear blossoms were raining, the silver beads in her eyes were weeping, and the gentle voice of crying and crying had a special charm.

So much so that her ordinary rural woman's face seemed a bit charming.


From the beginning to the end, the monk Kudu never looked at her. He folded his hands together and recited the scriptures in his mouth. When he saw the woman in the village crying like a complaint, she quietly wrapped around his body. The monk Kudu could not help but sing:

"Amitabha~ The female donor had already committed sins during her lifetime. Why did she persevere and linger in this world after her death?" The charming look of the rural woman suddenly froze, and the crying as if to cry in her mouth also stopped, ordinary The face suddenly became a little bit stiff and gradually, the skin on the face gradually fell off, and even a piece of white skull bone was exposed


On her hideous face, a pair of faint green eyes sparkled with ghost fire:

"Your group of monks, oil and salt will not enter, which is a bad thing for us! Today I will be pregnant with your way and see how you can cast off demons..."

As she said, the clothes on her body fell off, revealing a white body. However, at this time, the monk Kudu suddenly clamored with Chun Lei and burst into a scream:

"Are you really going to kill yourself?"

"Are you really going to kill yourself?"

"Are you really going to kill yourself?!"

Three consecutive cries, one more violent than the other, like three thunder explosions, exploding in this void.

The terrifying Sanskrit wave burst out of it, and it turned out that the clothes of the rural women were shattered.

And the woman's snow-white smooth skin has all fallen off, revealing a white-sensen's skeleton body-

This turned out to be a bone monster!

"Huh, the monk who pretends to be a ghost, he has seen me long ago, but he is still pretending to be here! Want to let me die? See if you have the ability!"

Without saying a word, the white bone skull flashed two hands, and two white bone swords appeared, and assassinated the monk toward Kudu.

"Ouch! I didn't expect this woman to be a demon too! And it's so powerful!"

The little nun's face changed slightly, and he didn't expect such a change at all.

Next to Yang Xu, the eyes of Yin and Yang flashed slightly, and he had already seen the woman's changes.

I saw the white bone skeleton holding the bone sword, assassinated to the moment before the monk, Kuo! A golden spiral appeared in the void in front of the monk Kudu. The golden spiral spun quickly, containing a force of unmatched suction, and the pair of bone swords would be sucked into it firmly.

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